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Always the same maps (m)
RYDate: Tuesday, 2012-12-11, 11:48 AM | Message # 21
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Quote (Endless_Nameless)
You also need the permission of the FH devs, but who would be the responsible person to ask?

You realy believe in that anti-natural intellectual property and copyright crap?
If so - just try to remember where did languages, math, and lots of other things come from. And I don't see much difference between some program or content for some game and let's say Newton Laws, except that Newton Laws are a way more valuable for humans...

Quote (marduk)
@RY: we got an extra thread for installer and mod-issues.

Could you point me at it? There are too many subforums around and I'm kinda lost... >_<

[Drink Sq] RadYogh

Message edited by RY - Tuesday, 2012-12-11, 12:15 PM
mardukDate: Tuesday, 2012-12-11, 5:52 PM | Message # 22
Group: Admins
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Try this: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/31-331-4

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2012-12-11, 8:59 PM | Message # 23
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Quote (Endless_Nameless)

An idea from J which I find more and more appealing is to switch the server to no key. Almost all remaining top servers (besides Moongamers) are cracked and they never got in trouble because of it.

Let it to be said aloud at last!!

Quote (Endless_Nameless)
I'm not sure it would lower the loading times that much if you incorporate FH into FHSW because FHSW uses almost everything from FH in some way and it doesn't matter if the files are stored in the FH or FHSW folder.

Tests showed us that there's almost no difference.
Fritz-KempfDate: Tuesday, 2012-12-11, 10:08 PM | Message # 24
FHSW Wikia Admin
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What i ask is to change the rulez. I read:

1. Dont attack or enter uncapturable mainbases!
Only planes are excepted from this rule.
Temporary pushmap-uncaps are NOT considered as uncapturable mainbases.

I should change this to this

1. Dont attack or enter uncapturable bases
Only planes are excepted from this rule.
When you play a Push-map, capture first the first flag and then the followed flags.

Why? Because by this Push Maps systems are destroyed. That is because a group attack flag 1, meanwhile a group attack flag 2. But the enemy defend flag 1. After capture flag 1, flag 2 will been taken by group 2 but before that the enemy recapture teh flag back. Results -> destroyed map.

Also for teamplay. Why attacking a uncapture flag if your team can use all the help? Example. Marduk attcks flag 1 wich can not be recapture. Meanwhile Santa and 6 others attack me together with Slobodan. 02 vs 6 and meanwhile a Duck is running around an uncap flag like a idiot. Understand? People run away because push map is kaputt.

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Tuesday, 2012-12-11, 10:10 PM
LauxDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 2:10 AM | Message # 25
Group: Recruit
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Bin da auf MARDUK seiner Seite.
Es nervt echt wenn immer die selben Leute die gleiche und gleiche Map haben wollen am Tag 3x.

Am besten wäre es, wenn außerhalb der Events der Server über einen Zufallsgenerator eine zu spielende Map auswählt.
Sodass nicht immer dieselbe Map um 20 Uhr kommt und dass man alle Maps spielen kann.


I am on MARDUK his side.
It really sucks if always the same people the same and same map have want to day 3 x.

At best, it would be when outside of the events of the server via a random number generator selects a map to play.
So not always same map at 8 pm and you can play all the maps.
RYDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 6:53 AM | Message # 26
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Best way to choose a next map I saw many years ago, when I was still playing Counter-Strike.

On the end of the each map a voting window was displayed for about 15-20 seconds, contents of that window was like this:
two rows with 3 buttons in each, each button had a small image of the map, a map name and a short description, there also was button like "i don't care"

And map which recieves the most votes was set as next, if two or three maps that recieved the most votes have equal amount of votes the window was displayed again, with only that 2 or 3 maps. If second vote ends with equal votes again, then map was choosen by most/least played or randomly or in alphabetical/mapcycle order.

Also, another nice thing that I saw in some other game: when everyone was leaving the server - server was cycling through the most popular maps, which attract the most people.

And one thing about maplists that worked well on some servers in Tremulous/Urban Terror - setting rarely played map after every 2-3 popular maps, so the mapcycle was looking like this:
popmap1, popmap2, raremap1, popmap3, popmap4, raremap2, ... , popmap11, popmap12, raremap6, popmap1, popmap2, raremap7 ... and few cycles like that until there are no more rare maps...
But map loading time is not so long there, and map timelimit was 20 minutes, so I'm not sure that this could work well here, and also many maps here are just unplayable without lots of players, plus this game is not so dynamic...

And I'm not even sure that any of the mentioned above is possible in BF1942, and even if possilbe - most likely that there are nobody who can or would do that for this server or FHSW...

BF1942 seems to be very much modding-unfriendly. And it's very outdated, and also seems to be badly coded...
Why Quake 3 roxxed so much? Because everything there was optimised almost to the limit - engine, maps, models, textures, etc...

If FHSW devs could switch to some open-source engine and modify it for their needs - that would have been just great, it's the best way to make community grow, but I doubt that anything like this could ever happen. :(

[Drink Sq] RadYogh

Message edited by RY - Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 6:55 AM
akodanaDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 8:09 AM | Message # 27
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I agree with Fritz. I get very annoyed when someone is taken deep into the map, sits on the white flag and waiting for people from his team captured the previous flag. Yes, this tactic eventually leads to the broken flags. But unfortunately, it did not rule because not all people who play on the server, go to the forum and website.


Message edited by akodana - Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 8:15 AM
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 7:45 PM | Message # 28
Group: Admins
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Thank you for your answers already!
Danke für eure Antworten bis jetzt!

I think so far I can sum up your suggestions:
Bis jetzt kann ich folgene Vorschläge zusammenfassen:

1. Some players like to play always the same maps, others do not (50-50)
=>conclusion: we will still play the mentioned maps, but rarer!
Manche Spieler wollen immer die gleichen maps spielen, andere nicht (50-50)
=>Lösung: wir werden die genannten maps immer noch spielen, aber seltener!

2. Nearly all players want to play other maps as well
=>conclusion: admins will set other maps which leads me to point
Nahezu alle Spieler wollen auch andere maps spielen
=>Lösung: die Admins werden andere maps setzen was mich zum nächsten Punkt führt

3. Not only admins, but also some players stated that admins should just enforce to set different maps even if player rant against those maps.
Nicht nur Admins, sondern auch Spieler sind der Meinung, dass Admins andere maps ganz einfach durchsetzen sollen auch wenn Spieler sich darüber beschweren

4. There are some maps that are masochistic and not playable.
Manche maps sind einfach masochistisch und nicht spielbar.

5. If many maps are suggested admins will take account of the first sensible suggestion.
Wenn viele maps vorgschlagen werden, werden Admins den ersten vernünftigen Vorschlag berücksichtigen.

6. Events have to be announced early enough (four days at least) and the flyer has to be on top of the mainpage and not hidden between other news.
Events müssen früh genug angekündigt werden (mindestens vier Tage) und der Flyer soll oben auf der Mainpage stehen und nicht zwischen anderen News versteckt.

7. Admins will disable mapvote if misuse is noticed.
Admins werden die mapvote aussschalten wenn Mißbrauch beobachtet wird.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
RYDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 8:35 PM | Message # 29
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Quote (marduk)
3. Not only admins, but also some players stated that admins should just enforce to set different maps even if player rant against those maps.

Quote (marduk)
5. If many maps are suggested admins will take account of the first sensible suggestion.

To make this things do anything good - you need to know 'tastes' of each player who is currently playing and who may join at that time and day when that map is going to be played.
Some ppl just won't play some maps, no matter what. Like I already said - i'm getting very disappointed with naval maps, I hate freaking slow and stupid ships. starking018 play only maps where he can fly, and many other ppl have their own tastes.

I suggest that every player should post their likes/dislikes and favorite/hated maps, so admins will be able to take that in account, when they set some map. If admins could make a thread for that and post links with description on the main page and in game (maybe also send e-mails), that would work, I guess.

P.S. In other games this problem with different solved with different servers - some servers may have same map running 24/7, some may have only popular maps in the mapcycle, some have many not so popular maps in the cycle... But there are no alternative FHSW servers(fhsw-japan server got too high ping and it is unplayable, so it doesn't counts) and there is not enough players for few different servers. And it could be that trying to do something that is not so bad for everyone may lead to community death...

[Drink Sq] RadYogh
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 8:39 PM | Message # 30
Group: Admins
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Lol Ry, i am not going to learn everybodies likes and dislikes.
It was you who said that it is just a game and people do it in their free time ("FHSW is not a job or something like that"). But for admins it is supposed to be a job? You are not serious mate.


Thank you for your answers already!
Danke für eure Antworten bis jetzt!

I think so far I can sum up your suggestions:
Bis jetzt kann ich folgene Vorschläge zusammenfassen:

1. Some players like to play always the same maps, others do not (50-50)
=>conclusion: we will still play the mentioned maps, but rarer!
Manche Spieler wollen immer die gleichen maps spielen, andere nicht (50-50)
=>Lösung: wir werden die genannten maps immer noch spielen, aber seltener!

2. Nearly all players want to play other maps as well
=>conclusion: admins will set other maps which leads me to point
Nahezu alle Spieler wollen auch andere maps spielen
=>Lösung: die Admins werden andere maps setzen was mich zum nächsten Punkt führt

3. Not only admins, but also some players stated that admins should just enforce to set different maps even if player rant against those maps.
Nicht nur Admins, sondern auch Spieler sind der Meinung, dass Admins andere maps ganz einfach durchsetzen sollen auch wenn Spieler sich darüber beschweren

4. There are some maps that are masochistic and not playable.
Manche maps sind einfach masochistisch und nicht spielbar.

5. If many maps are suggested admins will take account of the first sensible suggestion.
Wenn viele maps vorgschlagen werden, werden Admins den ersten vernünftigen Vorschlag berücksichtigen.

6. Events have to be announced early enough (four days at least) and the flyer has to be on top of the mainpage and not hidden between other news.
Events müssen früh genug angekündigt werden (mindestens vier Tage) und der Flyer soll oben auf der Mainpage stehen und nicht zwischen anderen News versteckt.

7. Admins will disable mapvote if misuse is noticed.
Admins werden die mapvote aussschalten wenn Mißbrauch beobachtet wird.

8. There is and there never will be a solution everybody will be completely satisfied with. That's just in the nature of things.
Es gibt und es wird niemals eine Lösung geben die alle komplett zufriedenstellt. Das liegt einfach in der Natur der Sache.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
[LSD]SeppDietrich[OGF]Date: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 8:47 PM | Message # 31
Lieutenant Colonel
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voll gut!!!
@ry: fool fool fool wacko wacko wacko wacko

Mut bedeutet zu kämpfen auch wenn der Feind übermächtig ist!
Courage meant to fight even if the enemy is over powerful!
RYDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 9:07 PM | Message # 32
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Quote (marduk)
Wasn't it you who said that it is just a game and people do it in their free time. But for admins it is supposed to be a job? You are not serious mate.

It is a little different for admins. :) At least if they want to be good admins. :)

Quote (marduk)
Lol Ry, i am not going to learn everybodies likes and dislikes. What's next? You want me to bring pizza to your place, or burgers?!

I'm not asking you to know what exactly each person like and doesn't like, but you need to know tastes of ppl in general. Because if you set naval map, when there are only ppl who doesn't like naval maps - they will hate you. :)

P.S. I don't mind if you bring some food to my place... ...actualy, that would be just awesome! ;]

[Drink Sq] RadYogh

Message edited by RY - Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 9:07 PM
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 9:26 PM | Message # 33
Group: Admins
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I cant consider all other players feelings. Nobody can do that. There is a word called "compromise". And you have to make compromises, too.


Thank you for your answers already!
Danke für eure Antworten bis jetzt!

I think so far I can sum up your suggestions:
Bis jetzt kann ich folgene Vorschläge zusammenfassen:

1. Some players like to play always the same maps, others do not (50-50)
=>conclusion: we will still play the mentioned maps, but rarer!
Manche Spieler wollen immer die gleichen maps spielen, andere nicht (50-50)
=>Lösung: wir werden die genannten maps immer noch spielen, aber seltener!

2. Nearly all players want to play other maps as well
=>conclusion: admins will set other maps which leads me to point
Nahezu alle Spieler wollen auch andere maps spielen
=>Lösung: die Admins werden andere maps setzen was mich zum nächsten Punkt führt

3. Not only admins, but also some players stated that admins should just enforce to set different maps even if player rant against those maps.
Nicht nur Admins, sondern auch Spieler sind der Meinung, dass Admins andere maps ganz einfach durchsetzen sollen auch wenn Spieler sich darüber beschweren

4. There are some maps that are masochistic and not playable.
Manche maps sind einfach masochistisch und nicht spielbar.

5. If many maps are suggested admins will take account of the first sensible suggestion.
Wenn viele maps vorgschlagen werden, werden Admins den ersten vernünftigen Vorschlag berücksichtigen.

6. Events have to be announced early enough (four days at least) and the flyer has to be on top of the mainpage and not hidden between other news.
Events müssen früh genug angekündigt werden (mindestens vier Tage) und der Flyer soll oben auf der Mainpage stehen und nicht zwischen anderen News versteckt.

7. Admins will disable mapvote if misuse is noticed.
Admins werden die mapvote aussschalten wenn Mißbrauch beobachtet wird.

8. There is and there never will be a solution everybody will be completely satisfied with. That's just in the nature of things.
Es gibt und es wird niemals eine Lösung geben die alle komplett zufriedenstellt. Das liegt einfach in der Natur der Sache.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
RYDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 10:05 PM | Message # 34
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Quote (marduk)
I cant consider all other players feelings. Nobody can do that. There is a word called "compromise". And you have to make compromises, too.

I guess that we have some misunderstanding here...
1) I am not trying to say that you are completely wrong.
2) I am not trying to say that you should do like I say.
3) What I mostly said here was one of the following: suggestion, my personal opinion, 'reflection' of my 'experience' (examples from other games), some offtopic 'flood'...
4) I said all things that I said because I'm worried about the server future. This is one of the very few games I still can play, and it is still interesting, even with all the problems with it.
5) You(and other admins) could at least try to know the general tastes of other players, that isn't that hard realy. This doesn't mean everyone should like you choice of the next map, but if most will at least accept it (remember: more ppl -> more fun ; less ppl -> less fun) it is ok. It's just few things to know about every player, you already must know the tastes of some of them.

P.S. Nothing is impossible. :)

[Drink Sq] RadYogh
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 10:15 PM | Message # 35
Group: Admins
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You want too much and you are just bold. I'm not your personal entertainer, I am a free-time-admin. And see point 8. Even if I would try -what I'm not gonna do- there are still other players I wouldnt satisfy. And I'm not gonna discuss that anymore. Accept that.


Thank you for your answers already!
Danke für eure Antworten bis jetzt!

I think so far I can sum up your suggestions:
Bis jetzt kann ich folgene Vorschläge zusammenfassen:

1. Some players like to play always the same maps, others do not (50-50)
=>conclusion: we will still play the mentioned maps, but rarer!
Manche Spieler wollen immer die gleichen maps spielen, andere nicht (50-50)
=>Lösung: wir werden die genannten maps immer noch spielen, aber seltener!

2. Nearly all players want to play other maps as well
=>conclusion: admins will set other maps which leads me to point
Nahezu alle Spieler wollen auch andere maps spielen
=>Lösung: die Admins werden andere maps setzen was mich zum nächsten Punkt führt

3. Not only admins, but also some players stated that admins should just enforce to set different maps even if player rant against those maps.
Nicht nur Admins, sondern auch Spieler sind der Meinung, dass Admins andere maps ganz einfach durchsetzen sollen auch wenn Spieler sich darüber beschweren

4. There are some maps that are masochistic and not playable.
Manche maps sind einfach masochistisch und nicht spielbar.

5. If many maps are suggested admins will take account of the first sensible suggestion.
Wenn viele maps vorgschlagen werden, werden Admins den ersten vernünftigen Vorschlag berücksichtigen.

6. Events have to be announced early enough (four days at least) and the flyer has to be on top of the mainpage and not hidden between other news.
Events müssen früh genug angekündigt werden (mindestens vier Tage) und der Flyer soll oben auf der Mainpage stehen und nicht zwischen anderen News versteckt.

7. Admins will disable mapvote if misuse is noticed.
Admins werden die mapvote aussschalten wenn Mißbrauch beobachtet wird.

8. There is and there never will be a solution everybody will be completely satisfied with. That's just in the nature of things.
Es gibt und es wird niemals eine Lösung geben die alle komplett zufriedenstellt. Das liegt einfach in der Natur der Sache.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Born-1942Date: Monday, 2017-05-22, 1:06 PM | Message # 36
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I really think we should play all the maps, no matter the number of players. We should all value all maps that are legal to the least, at least and let some very popular side maps, we will not stop playing them just give opportunity to different maps that are a lot of fun if you play without complaining, were made with much Effort and I think we should expand our horizons with several maps. When I'm working as an administrator, I like asking for map suggestions and the map that I'm asked most to define, and I'm happy with that. But we should play a bit of all popular maps and not popular maps.

The problem of the server in relation to the amount of players is not the maps, it could be at that time, at the moment is the relationship of the admins with the players we must define at all times the maps that were voted the most and pay attention in who votes and Who does not vote on that map and make an evaluation to define the next map. And when there are a lot of players 20/30 on the server ask for the suggestions, and the most voted map wins, do not rely on map list many do not like, and after it is defined at least a 5 taste maps of the players, admins must choose A different map that is not popular and more played there could be based on the map list.

20/30 players is not little over the weekend, could be better but I think it's fine as it is, the problem too much leave the fhsw is concerns or not interest to play.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
CanukAttakDate: Tuesday, 2017-05-23, 10:15 AM | Message # 37
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Well I see there's a huge discussion here lol. Now I don't get to play as often as I like, that being said I do pay attention to who is on server and what maps players stick around for. My main goal is to increase player numbers. Hate to say it but I try and be respectful to people's options, and ask the players what maps they would like and they are throwing out maps that are wayyyyyy to fuckin big for the player numbers or dont think about increasing server size. It gets very fuckin annoying admins do not get paid to babysit or make everyone happy we do the best we can because we like the game no matter the map. Yes maps get over played but then we try and change it up you leave. Stop being so picky Jesus everyday it's bitch bitch bitch about this or that it's a game not life. Maybe instead of trying to get the most kills or use noob weapons try different tactics Marduk and I are always up for team play instead of one man soldiers you would be amazed at how much more fun it is. Certain maps can't be played due to player numbers at certain times. But when we ask for suggestions maybe some more fucking thought should be put into your suggestions instead of throwing out random maps. This is what we focus on we know the time to set certain maps to bring people in to keep people to increase and after peak hours not just kill the server. Now I'm typing this on my phone so who knows if this makes sense cause can barely see the screen lol. I may Be an asshole and swear my ass off but I'm just here to have fun. Sometimes I don't have good games oh well. I enjoy playing the game and I play it at 180 ping so I have lag I die lots but do you see me bitching and complaining constantly no because I still have fun I don't need to be number 1. Like the big dik himself Marduk ahahahaha. He's the only one I bitch at or about cause I can. The server numbers aren't bad shit we have lives. Everyone keeps talking about the server dying or that could it's coming to an end I think we have done pretty fucking good coming from a year ago when the weekends at one time had 20 or less. Now it's 2 in the morning and I'm a little drunk so who knows if this makes sense but fuck it felt good to rant. Love you all hope to god people will start to compromise a bit because maybe you are regulars and so you see the same maps, while others only play on weekends so ya you tend to see the same maps played. Let us mix it up play rare maps and don't get pissy and leave.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2017-05-23, 11:24 AM | Message # 38
Lieutenant General
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N1 hooray booze thumbup alcohol can´t be sooo bad at last, the longest speech I ever heared from u canuk biggrin

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Tuesday, 2017-05-23, 11:25 AM
CanukAttakDate: Tuesday, 2017-05-23, 11:54 AM | Message # 39
Group: Friends
Messages: 97
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It needed to be said lol, and I think I've had some long speeches before but that was years ago ahaha. I try to stay out of the politics of it cause it just seems to go around and around. And I hate seeing complaints on the forum and on main page chat box. Makes the community look bad. I find it funny that people think there will be a swarm of people who will make these crazy numbers on our server it's a 15 year old game you should be happy that there's even 10 people still playing it lol. But people need to realize that we are a small community and the majority play on the weekends. We might have a lot of maps but the devs that make them are used to 60 plus players hence bigger maps. Now when we start off fight nights we are trying to hold onto and increase numbers meaning smaller overplayed maps oh well life's a bitch. So people start to complain so we change it to a bigger map that might not be played often. Then what happens people bitch. The majority of people are happy on how us admins chose maps. If I'm wrong should we all step down? Are we not keeping your bear interests at heart? I don't want to seem like an asshole but it's frustrating, we are here to have fun, plain and fucken simple. So if you wonder why we get short with some people cause they can't understand what we are trying to accomplish or don't want to. All we are asking is a little compromise In playing other maps not everyone will be happy but it's for the greater good not individual. Now the way I see it is when we offer suggests something and we can decide. Not when I ask for suggestions and give three maps and only 3 people respond when there's 30 people on what the fuck!!! We are trying to get away from overplayed maps but yet some people still bitch. We are adults start acting like it. FYI it's 4 am now and I am sober I look forward to your responses! The server and community is not dying in anyway it's. Been good for many years now let's keep it that way.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2017-05-23, 2:26 PM | Message # 40
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Never mind Canuk, it´s impossible to get all people under one hat. Anyone is most time pissed off at last ... and to be honest sometimes I´m one of them. But thats life, or game in this case cool

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server