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AFK (n)
LampoDate: Monday, 2018-03-19, 9:19 PM | Message # 41
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Quote CanukAttak ()
busy with my woman

pics or didn't happen  yes

LampoDate: Monday, 2018-03-19, 9:21 PM | Message # 42
Donator of 40€
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Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
Gone from 2. March to 10. March on a trip to Las Vegas
lucky guy... I can't expatriate out of Europe for the next 3 years  whistling

Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2018-03-19, 11:04 PM | Message # 43
Lieutenant General
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Ah ... terrible city  wacko ... so much decadence and swank. A day before leaving my shoes that I usually wear break down and I had not enough time to visit a shoemaker  sad  and during 3 days I had big bulbs under my right foot and terrible muscle ache in my lower legs ... My coworker had a stomach flue and was hugging the porcelain god most time  ... so much bad luck in these 7 days  

Normaly we wanted to rent a car and drive a bit around to the hoover dam and red rocks and experience the nigt in the desert ... but we couldn´t. I asked for renting a bike ... but 60 dollars per day, and overnight 70 dollars   so most time I did sit in the hotel and read some ebooks and drinking wine 

But I really want to make another visit and explore something. Maybe in fall Phoenix Arizona and New York and a big maybe San Franzisko in Summer happy

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Monday, 2018-03-19, 11:07 PM
LampoDate: Tuesday, 2018-03-20, 5:47 PM | Message # 44
Donator of 40€
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unlucky  sad  prices are really too hight. I think it's better every else place but not Las Vegas.
But yeah, maybe you will have more funny next time...
When I will have my passport back, I go to Canada, but French Canada rolleyes , the other is dangerous and food is horrible.

Message edited by Lampo - Tuesday, 2018-03-20, 5:47 PM
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2018-03-20, 6:48 PM | Message # 45
Lieutenant General
Group: Silver Donator
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Ah Canada I find interesting too, but not in busyness circle. Well next time it will be better for sure! Maybe Italy will anytime be on the exhibition list  biggrin

Added (2018-10-18, 11:32 AM)
I take a break for some time.
Have fun and cu!

Added (2018-10-25, 0:12 AM)
Best regards from Phoenix Arizona

Added (2018-10-25, 0:14 AM)

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Born-1942Date: Saturday, 2018-10-27, 4:29 PM | Message # 46
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Robert traveler,  victory  good luck on your trip  clap

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2018-10-27, 8:06 PM | Message # 47
Lieutenant General
Group: Silver Donator
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Thx! So hot here. Will be home at Monday evening.

Added (2018-11-05, 1:48 AM)
get a call from my boss @ midnight that I must go to New York this morning  wacko ... he can´t find his traveller passport  fool 
Anyone who playes frequently on the server and I know, is close to New York and up for a meeting ?! 
Meltdown, Cleaner ?! You are from eastcoast if I remember right? Can´t find the introduce thread actually ...
If so, answer here please or pm. 
Regards Robert

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
LampoDate: Monday, 2018-11-05, 4:54 PM | Message # 48
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yep, if all is ok I will have my passport back... so, if my health is ok too, next springtime I will go to Canada, I wanna say "vaffanculo" to Canik "Garret" ( face to face )  yahoo

mardukDate: Monday, 2019-01-07, 11:42 AM | Message # 49
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I will be off some time. Dunno how long...days, weeks... have to make extra effort for Uni and work...

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2019-01-07, 4:46 PM | Message # 50
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ok see u next weekend  happy

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
mardukDate: Friday, 2019-01-11, 5:53 PM | Message # 51
Group: Admins
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Yea, maybe u were right Robert biggrin

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
E-3Date: Thursday, 2019-05-30, 10:18 PM | Message # 52
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i  be away from 10 june to 19 of june

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
mardukDate: Sunday, 2019-10-20, 2:25 PM | Message # 53
Group: Admins
Messages: 1681
Awards: 45
Reputation: 13
Status: Offline
Hello community,
I will go to Asia for three months and hence not be around from the 4th of November till the beginning of February 2020.
Please make sure you keep the server alive so I can play FHSW when I come back biggrin

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
twistedkebabfaceDate: Monday, 2019-10-21, 8:54 AM | Message # 54
Group: Trusted
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Quote marduk ()
Hello community,I will go to Asia for three months and hence not be around from the 4th of November till the beginning of March 2020.
Please make sure you keep the server alive so I can play FHSW when I come back

Oh hey look! Marduk is going to Vietnam! What a cowboy! Kick those vietcongs. biggrin

Hello, it's [FHSW] KEBab_RETurns. And i'm making good kebabs from my enemies.
starking018Date: Monday, 2019-10-21, 6:40 PM | Message # 55
Group: Friends
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Quote marduk ()
Hello community,I will go to Asia for three months and hence not be around from the 4th of November till the beginning of March 2020.
Please make sure you keep the server alive so I can play FHSW when I come back biggrin

This is understandable, although perhaps while in Asia you'd be able to play in the East Asian servers (Kabu.server and sometimes test servers) or even here (although infantry combat doesn't work well at high ping). These are 4 months in that period. But anyway, I intend to play, as usual, and I think we will keep it alive and well - I don't see why we wouldn't. I hope your time there is spent well and I will be eagerly awaiting your return... in a cunning ambush in some unusual location in a FHSW map wink

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

Message edited by starking018 - Monday, 2019-10-21, 6:41 PM
mardukDate: Monday, 2020-02-10, 4:37 PM | Message # 56
Group: Admins
Messages: 1681
Awards: 45
Reputation: 13
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Hi friends!

Most of you have already noticed that I am back from my tour in Asia and Oceania.

Yesterdays event was a good job of all of you - 52 players! I am very happy to see that the community is doing so well.

Big thanks to Bubu, E-3 and the other admins, as well as to all modders, mappers and players!

See you on the battlefield smile

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Tuesday, 2020-02-11, 8:51 PM | Message # 57
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Wb Duck! biggrin It wasn't easy but we did it happy
Born-1942Date: Sunday, 2020-02-16, 2:59 PM | Message # 58
Group: Friends
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Good back mardick! was we are missing you! I'm glad you're back! I promoted the 11 year old event in some communities, and I did the same thing now with the second part of the 11 year event. Maybe we can have a few more players again!

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
mardukDate: Sunday, 2020-07-26, 9:50 PM | Message # 59
Group: Admins
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Willl be afk the next two weeks.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
E-3Date: Monday, 2020-07-27, 10:51 PM | Message # 60
Lieutenant Colonel
Group: Bronze Donator
Messages: 195
Awards: 9
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
ok I'll be taking over then with bubu.

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Monday, 2020-07-27, 10:54 PM
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