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Mainbase Raping
pfcbluemaxDate: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 6:15 PM | Message # 21
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E-3Date: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 7:32 PM | Message # 22
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hopefully I can bring this to a stop so Come on guys stop fighting each other fhsw is just a game.
In a multiplayer game, lots of random stuff happens, from players who only care for the best score, too players who want to be funny and of course trolls or even players doing trash talking.
That is the nature of online gaming, it's hectic wild and by Nature uncontrollable.
What do I think about shooting infantry with a piat, or panzerfaust, or any anti tank weapon for that matter ?
To be honest it's not really that big of a problem.
Because Infantry anti-tank weapons only work in close quarters against fast moving infantry, and if somebody is making that shot from a distance that is quite impressive to be honest.
Using a anti-tank weapon vs infantry weapons,  already put you at a disadvantage vs a machine gun or sub-machine gun and sometimes even a rifle because if you miss your dead.
Plus there is no actual rule that explicitly says you can't shoot infantry with an handheld anti tank weapon. don't believe me see for yourself.


Now team killing that totally different story if it's done purposely for whatever reason it is never acceptable and should always be treated with a kick.

Mainbase attacking is also not acceptable but this is sometimes hard to prevent on some badly designed maps.
It's also sometimes a necessity in certain situations especially when you're dealing with a lot of heavy equipment.
With a very close outpost flag next to the main base so this is  basically a judgement call of the admins playing at the moment.
However the hard rule will still remain if main base is quite far away then you should never be there in the first place.
( however I do admit I actually let this rule slip multiple times because of a low population late at night knowing that if I kicked the player he would possibly not join up again because of bf1942 network limitations)

Attacking a uncap flag ?

To be honest this really is a tough rule to maintain.
Because in the chaos of a multiplayer game lots of stuff goes on very quickly so things quickly change, one moment you are at a flag that is perfectly fine the next moment its no longer yours and you don't realise that because you don't look at the map I had this happen to me so many times, it's only natural that it will happen to other people especially when  they are new.
When its a new player it also means they  really don't know the rule so they might actually go back to that flag without realising they were breaking rules,  on a lot of  maps it's pretty easy to explain since it has it in the map description which flags are uncap, but on some maps there is actually no description so how will you know ?
This is why I find it a tough rule to maintain and you don't always want to kick people for it especially because it might mean that the player cannot join up again the entire round and actually might think the mod is broken, then leave forever.

To be honest I really would like to see the suicides kill switch work again if we can somehow make it work again.
So I can just kill a player instead of kicking him because that would solve a lot of my issues and I won't feel so bad about it.
Plus it gives me the time to properly explain things.

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Sunday, 2021-06-27, 7:42 PM
E-3Date: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 7:40 PM | Message # 23
Lieutenant Colonel
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Quote Death ()
I will be switching teams periodically to check on things if an issue comes up.Listen I don't play FHSW as seriously as I used to , going for the kills and score, I just want to have fun and everyone have fun.
So if any issue comes up, message in all chat and if im not on your team i will switch over and take a look for myself.

Easy way to monitor things

actually with team lock this is sometimes the tough thing to do but yeah why not do it,  
I just hope it doesn't lock me out which actually happens a lot to me  sad

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
bubuDate: Monday, 2021-06-28, 5:06 PM | Message # 24
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Hmm, is there a spectator functionality in the BFSM? So that you can join the server just as spectator?
pfcbluemaxDate: Monday, 2021-06-28, 5:12 PM | Message # 25
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Sry I can't remember I do know you can reserve a spot for admin.
bubuDate: Monday, 2021-06-28, 5:13 PM | Message # 26
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Quote marduk ()
I ask you again/or more precise: Do you think it is okay or even a good idea to kick an admin colleague?! What do you show to the community with that? That we fight each other in public - Wtf is wrong with you? It is not me that has to calm dowm, you have to overthink how you approached me lately. Also, because you kicked me on El Ala (I actutally can not remember that you kicked me there, but if you say so) because of false accusations of a player that you believed more than an admin colleague.

Sorry, I am not up for hushing in the corner. I prefer transparency in the matters. I do not need to show anything to community and I do not need to overthink anything as I am not making up rules on spot and kicking Brettanomyces and Kebab in the single day by deeming that using AT rocket in inf-inf combat is disruptive gameplay.

Quote marduk ()
Which it partly already became when ppl started using kamikaze-zooking/fausting against all sorta tanks

This is what I agree with and yes, I absolutely agree we have to remove Solothurn from Redsquare completely because it is logical thing to do as there are no tanks on that map.

Quote marduk ()
I admit the line is not too clear, but I have decided to kick for Panzerfaust or PIAT against inf in close combat to make sure, that we want "normal" fighting.

I highlight the words "I decided" here wink
mardukDate: Monday, 2021-06-28, 7:52 PM | Message # 27
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@Bubu: You evaded the answer to my question if you think it is ok to kick an admin colleague. And also, I didnt make up a rule "on the spot" since I have talked about it on forum and ingame before and it was not the first time I kicked somebody for that. But I do not want to be smart-ass. I trust that you know that it is a no-go to kick an admin colleague because if we start that, we will soon have complete mayhem here as Bluemax pointed out.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
E-3Date: Monday, 2021-06-28, 11:55 PM | Message # 28
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Quote bubu ()
This is what I agree with and yes, I absolutely agree we have to remove Solothurn from Redsquare completely because it is logical thing to do as there are no tanks on that map.

Oh hell no the solothurn s18-1000 is already nearly useless vs tanks at least on red square it's a perfect sniper rifle and yes it was never used like that in real life.
But  I don't care   fhsw is a free game so just have fun and don't make it about being historically super accurate.

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
pfcbluemaxDate: Tuesday, 2021-06-29, 2:40 AM | Message # 29
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bubuDate: Tuesday, 2021-06-29, 6:45 AM | Message # 30
Group: Admins
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Quote marduk ()
And also, I didnt make up a rule "on the spot" since I have talked about it on forum and ingame before and it was not the first time I kicked somebody for that.

Please show me how discussed it was? Original thread got infested by Styv and did not end up with a conclusion. Please differentiate between "AT weapons being used in antitank kamikaze" and "AT weapons being used in inf-inf combat". You did kick only Brettanomyces the very same day before kicking Kebab for using the AT in inf-inf combat. I just still consider the latter to be rule made up on spot cos you had a bad day or whatnot and not a disruptive gameplay. Let's constitute rules in visible place before punishing for them pls wink

Quote marduk ()
@Bubu: You evaded the answer to my question if you think it is ok to kick an admin colleague.

Quote marduk ()
I trust that you know that it is a no-go to kick an admin colleague because if we start that, we will soon have complete mayhem here as Bluemax pointed out

If an admin breaks a rule, then he should be treated as regular player. E.g. last time I jumped on Basilone's tank in Orel at north flag as I wanted to run behind it but I instinctively fired Pnzfaust on top and killed him as well as me, which I am sorry for and I kicked myself.
mardukDate: Tuesday, 2021-06-29, 4:40 PM | Message # 31
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@Bubu: You keep twisting my words. I did not say "discussed", I said I have "talked" about it. Before you said I had named players/admins what I also didn' do. And so on... And yes I kicked somebody before for shoting with PIAT into my face point-blank (on Gold beach as well) and I know you think the whole time that I kicked Bretta or whoever just because I had a bad day but this is not true.

"If an admin breaks a rule, then he should be treated as regular player."
This is a very easy thing to say if you are the one who has control over the remote manager and can remove admin rights from others. What would you do if I would kick you and you would feel treated not correctly? And lets say, you would assume I did it because I was just having a bad day. Wouldnt you remove my rights in return, no?! (since you have also first started kicking me...^^). Let's just NOT cross this line for all matters of reason. This is complete dangerous bullshit, can't you see that?!

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
pfcbluemaxDate: Tuesday, 2021-06-29, 4:45 PM | Message # 32
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Could we have an admin meeting and could I join the meeting
bubuDate: Tuesday, 2021-06-29, 5:03 PM | Message # 33
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Quote marduk ()
@Bubu: You keep twisting my words. I did not say "discussed", I said I have "talked" about it. Before you said I had named players/admins what I also didn' do. And so on... And yes I kicked somebody before for shoting with PIAT into my face point-blank (on Gold beach as well) and I know you think the whole time that I kicked Bretta or whoever just because I had a bad day but this is not true.

Whether you "talked" or "discussed", the rule was not explicitly written out in list of rules and therefore it wasn't constituted and shouldn't have been kicked for. Btw., I asked you to explicitly name the players because otherwise it is too many assumptions.

Quote marduk ()
This is a very easy thing to say if you are the one who has control over the remote manager and can remove admin rights from others. What would you do if I would kick you and you would feel treated not correctly? And lets say, you would assume I did it because I was just having a bad day. Wouldnt you remove my rights in return, no?!

If you'd kicked me, I'd join back and talk with you just like I did here. I can pass them onto you and be done with this shit wink
But I wouldn't remove your rights. Period. I don't need to justify why I wouldn't. I simply wouldn't. It is dangerous shit but I am not an idiot (yet). I never asked to be admin in the first place - it was your responsibility that slowly moved onto me cos I was willing to help.

If we throw everything written and said here into the past, then the bottom line what I am saying is that we shouldn't have a rule against "AT weapons being used in inf-inf combat".
DeathDate: Wednesday, 2021-06-30, 2:57 AM | Message # 34
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Bubu, Duky please check the admin section on the forums  wink

bubuDate: Wednesday, 2021-06-30, 3:37 PM | Message # 35
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Nah, let's keep it public and transparent please. We will reach consensus here any time soon without hushing in the corner. The discussion is public and anyone can voice their opinion either for or against that rule.
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2021-06-30, 6:26 PM | Message # 36
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Hey Death, everything is ok here!
I think Bubu and me have sorted out things now.
Btw, what admin section do you mean?!

Quote Bubu: "If we throw everything written and said here into the past, then the bottom line what I am saying is that we shouldn't have a rule against "AT weapons being used in inf-inf combat"."

Apparently. On the other hand you like to remove Solothurn from Redsquare so it kinda pisses you off in some cases too. The question for me never was to punish it in single cases. The problem I saw arising was that more and more players would do it after time when they see other people doing it, just like the kamikaze-zooking/fausting a while ago that had become a pain in the ass. And it already was increasing too so I took action against it. Obviously I have disturbed some people with it which actually is good. Like "Kids, we have to talk about something..."

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
pfcbluemaxDate: Wednesday, 2021-06-30, 8:18 PM | Message # 37
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If we are talking about a bug like the bazooka bug then instead of removing it kick first offense then a day ban after first violation
Born-1942Date: Thursday, 2021-07-01, 11:56 AM | Message # 38
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Quote Death ()
As for the attacking in main we will be using a FAIR SHOT POLICY.
If you decide to sit in your main base and fire a machine gun, rifle, Tank, Mobile Arty and you purposely sit there in your main base firing out of it. you give up your not attacking main privledges meaning if you sit in main firing out of it in a Tank, an enemy tank is allowed to fire back at you even if you are in your main. Its the fair policy you give up your main base protection rule to fire your gun out of main, then the enemy has the right to shoot back.

MAIN BASE RAPING WILL NOT BE ALLOWED OR TOLERATED. You cannot fire into enemy main for no reason or blow up tanks at all. if nobody is firing out of their main, you do not shoot there period. However, if you see them camping in their main, getting kills you are allowed to shoot and kill them. its only fair.
Attacking Main by Plane is still 100 allowed.

Now some of you might not be happy about this but its only fair, or we can ban half the server for breaking the rules. you want to attack someone while sitting in your main base? go for it but know that we will not ban or kick the person if they decide to shoot into main to kill you. you abused the rule first its only fair they get to shoot you.
I will be watching all of you that fire out of main or attack it. if I feel you are camping in main trying to get protection by saying others are attacking main you will not be supported. if you attack main without anyone firing, you will be warned and kicked for base raping. if you attack someone in main who has been firing out of main and killing people that's fine.
I am only going to say this ONCE. To those that switch teams to teamkill someone attacking main or an uncap, you will be kicked after 1 warning and you know who you are.

If I have to sit in main base every game to watch you guys I will. but i've had enough of this main base crap. people abuse it by firing out of it and then complain that they got shot in their main base. well that won't happen if you don't sit in main firing out of it. You're allowed to return fire if someone fires out of their main base first. otherwise it will be considered base raping and it will be enforced. So that's your choice guys you can sit in main but you give up your rule protection.

Its a Game guys, we've been a community playing weekends together for how many years now? don't be an asshole and ruin it for others? people won't always be happy but we can't be too strict and become PFC. we need to have balance.
But if you have an issue PM me or Bubu. and I will be keeping an eye on you all have fun. just don't break the rules or go to far.

Seems to be fair, good comment.

Quote bubu ()
You teamswitched on Pavlov and started to teamkill people. On Pavlov. With 30+ people. You have no right to do that - why? YOU DID NOT EVEN REPORT THINGS NORMALLY. You start saying admins do nothing yet when I ask "Who", you don't reply anymore. Again: As Death said, if you fire from main, be ready to be fired upon.
Quote bubu ()
So who broke the rules and how? When I was online, noone attacked main bases, flags were attacked in orded, noone did kamikaze, noone was teamkilling, noone broke any rules. The fact that you too complain literally about everything (which made Kebab invent "Meltdown complains" saying) does not mean people are breaking rules. Correct me if I am wrong.
Quote bubu ()
1. I did not threaten you, I did kick you!2. Read this thread again and tell me how did I agreed to "using PIAT in infantry combat will be forbidden". I did not agree to it in this forums, nor in our telegram communication, just as I told you before. I agree kicking people for using AT weapons while jumping on tanks and dying in process. So you made this rule up because you were pissed that Kebab killed you with a PIAT in a building.
Quote bubu ()
I still do, we all do. DuckDuck does, Death does. But I can't punish players for every little nuance they make to satisfy complaints from you Basilone and Meltdown.If there was 40 people on the server, and a single person had entered enemy main or uncap flag and kills you, you will start screaming to kick that player (if not ban), overgeneralise that admins do not do anything, that every rule is being broken, and worst of all, you Basilone will join players' team and teamkill him! All instead of spawning and killing this player yourself.

Wow So many complaints, BUBU you need to work a lot harder to stop this. jokingly, I feel and see that you care about the community and really are a great admin. I think we have a lot of unnecessary complaints that consume our time to play and have fun on the server. I believe we have to let go of our "pride" and worry about more serious problems. As players who really hurt our community with cheating, bug abuse and constantly breaking the rules.

I think we're on the right path, BUBU, Marduk, E-3 and others, lately we've taken some action against bad players, we have to keep this up and keep common sense on the server. By doing this we will have a great community.

And we must keep trust in the staff, let's try not to fight each other, for some rule or way of playing, so that people don't sound like disagreements on the team, it shows that something is wrong internally, bad players can take advantage of it. We can resolve these issues internally and argue about it.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht

Message edited by Born-1942 - Thursday, 2021-07-01, 12:13 PM
bubuDate: Thursday, 2021-07-01, 3:39 PM | Message # 39
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Quote marduk ()
everything is ok here!
I think Bubu and me have sorted out things now.

Yep happy

Quote marduk ()
On the other hand you like to remove Solothurn from Redsquare so it kinda pisses you off in some cases too

Yes, I'd remove it or at least make it a pickup kit. When everyone spawns with it on map with no tanks, it goes retarded way too quickly.

Quote marduk ()
Obviously I have disturbed some people with it which actually is good. Like "Kids, we have to talk about something..."

Yes, lol.

Quote Born-1942 ()
I think we're on the right path, BUBU, Marduk, E-3 and others, lately we've taken some action against bad players, we have to keep this up and keep common sense on the server. By doing this we will have a great community.


I guess let's make a poll on this on this forum and I will ask everyone in the discord to vote here, even though not many people who are on discord are on forums. Alternatively, we can make a poll in discord and in the forums. No idea how to deal with duplicates though.
mardukDate: Thursday, 2021-07-01, 8:24 PM | Message # 40
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Quote Born: "I think we're on the right path, BUBU, Marduk, E-3 and others, lately we've taken some action against bad players, we have to keep this up and keep common sense on the server. By doing this we will have a great community."

Thanks for you nice words! This is what I always liked about this community: Even if we disagree, at the end we find a solution, also because we have the spirit of players like you who want us to stick together. This is the most important thing. But to make this work, we have to talk about problems sometimes, even if it sucks.

@Bubu: I do not think that we need a poll atm. Let us first look how things develope before we take further action. I am still very busy atm and won't play much. Since I work as a postman (roughly 45-50 hours of physical work a week/getting up at 5 am...) and looking for a flat and everything, I think that does not make sense because I cannot care too much about the things going on here. Okay? As soon as I have sorted out my shit I willl be more active again and will take part in everything...

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk