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Bug using
basilonemoh7Date: Friday, 2022-04-22, 9:38 PM | Message # 1
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This happened today a number of times before I stayed back to watch and see how Red team was continuing to gray flag 2.

Red team is moving within walls or whatever to come out at flag 3 here:


I saw Milwaukee's Best come through here and I killed him. Since I got caught bug using and banned for a day, I decided to report it.


John Basilone
Medal of Honor Winner
KIA Iwo Jima

Message edited by basilonemoh7 - Saturday, 2022-04-23, 8:22 AM
basilonemoh7Date: Sunday, 2022-04-24, 12:05 PM | Message # 2
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delete this post please

John Basilone
Medal of Honor Winner
KIA Iwo Jima
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2022-06-08, 4:13 PM | Message # 3
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This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
hauhowDate: Friday, 2022-10-14, 8:54 PM | Message # 4
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Hi together!

New registered players are not allowed to create new threads, so I chose to post here.

It's me Styv.  One of the very first players on this server. Playing here ever since 2008. Presumably the co-founder of the pure FHSW-Server Idea together with Stefan.

You'd chide in with me in the matter, that the whole "hate Styv" thing because he is such an evil player
got boring within the years. 

No seriously. It all started with revenge teamkills, which biased admins decided to take the penalty only on me. How about we finally restart our relations and let me prove myself as a valuable player? As said, my only intention is to enjoy playing on the server. And there sure have been worse players than me. 

Give me at least one last chance or probation and I won't bother you anymore.
twistedkebabfaceDate: Saturday, 2022-10-15, 10:42 AM | Message # 5
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Quote hauhow ()
Hi together!New registered players are not allowed to create new threads, so I chose to post here.

It's me Styv.  One of the very first players on this server. Playing here ever since 2008. Presumably the co-founder of the pure FHSW-Server Idea together with Stefan.

You'd chide in with me in the matter, that the whole "hate Styv" thing because he is such an evil player
got boring within the years. 

No seriously. It all started with revenge teamkills, which biased admins decided to take the penalty only on me. How about we finally restart our relations and let me prove myself as a valuable player? As said, my only intention is to enjoy playing on the server. And there sure have been worse players than me. 

Give me at least one last chance or probation and I won't bother you anymore.

Hello, it's [FHSW] KEBab_RETurns. And i'm making good kebabs from my enemies.
hauhowDate: Saturday, 2022-10-15, 1:42 PM | Message # 6
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Now that's a funny meme, Sir! Thank you for your condolence.
twistedkebabfaceDate: Saturday, 2022-10-15, 4:21 PM | Message # 7
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Quote hauhow ()
Now that's a funny meme, Sir! Thank you for your condolence.
Check the instructions in PM

Hello, it's [FHSW] KEBab_RETurns. And i'm making good kebabs from my enemies.
hauhowDate: Sunday, 2022-10-16, 11:36 AM | Message # 8
Group: Recruit
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Are these the daily insults you have to hear at home? Sounds like a tough childhood! It's best to seek professional help.
ducraven000Date: Sunday, 2022-10-16, 2:06 PM | Message # 9
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Quote hauhow ()
Are these the daily insults you have to hear at home? Sounds like a tough childhood! It's best to seek professional help.

Man I don't think you are in any position to tell people seeking help if we have to talk about what are you doing here and also on FH2 for the last 10 years lol
twistedkebabfaceDate: Sunday, 2022-10-16, 2:06 PM | Message # 10
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Quote hauhow ()
Are these the daily insults you have to hear at home? Sounds like a tough childhood! It's best to seek professional help.
Seek help? You're the one who seeks help here, bitch.
And by help I mean that you should fuck off from FHSW and forums once more. That would be great for everybody. Get the fuck away from here, idiot.

Hello, it's [FHSW] KEBab_RETurns. And i'm making good kebabs from my enemies.
hauhowDate: Sunday, 2022-10-16, 8:05 PM | Message # 11
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Quote ducraven000 ()
Man I don't think you are in any position to tell people seeking help if we have to talk about what are you doing here and also on FH2 for the last 10 years lol

Baby, I do think I am. So please, explain to me: "What have I done to FH2 for the last 10 years"?
Quote twistedkebabface ()
Seek help? You're the one who seeks help here, bitch.And by help I mean that you should fuck off from FHSW and forums once more. That would be great for everybody. Get the fuck away from here, idiot.
Please listen to me! I only want to help you because I love you! It's never too late to seek help and you're always welcome to PM me.


Now seriously. Nobody knows why I am banned or was banned at all. We'll probably be able to look past that after two years. Maybe we'll even become friends biggrin
twistedkebabfaceDate: Sunday, 2022-10-16, 8:32 PM | Message # 12
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Quote hauhow ()
Now seriously. Nobody knows why I am banned or was banned at all. We'll probably be able to look past that after two years. Maybe we'll even become friends
In the next two years you will be found in the forest as decomposed "John Doe" unidentified courpse rotting in the suitcase

Hello, it's [FHSW] KEBab_RETurns. And i'm making good kebabs from my enemies.
ducraven000Date: Sunday, 2022-10-16, 8:33 PM | Message # 13
Group: Recruit
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Quote hauhow ()
Baby, I do think I am. So please, explain to me: "What have I done to FH2 for the last 10 years"?

Reading the posts also from the old 762, seemd like you loved to teamkill here too and seems like you are still banned from any FH2 servers as far as i know. The last days you joined as Ghurdi and still you kept to teamkill random people; most thing that concern me is your constance to rejoin those servers despite we are clearly rejecting you and nobody wants you because your being totally hopeless. I think you are the true meaning of being a fucking psycopathic
hauhowDate: Sunday, 2022-10-16, 10:01 PM | Message # 14
Group: Recruit
Messages: 5
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Quote twistedkebabface ()
In the next two years you will be found in the forest as decomposed "John Doe" unidentified courpse rotting in the suitcase
Ah, there we have the resolution!
You work as a garbage man. No wonder you're so frustrated. But if you look like garbage and only talk garbage, that's actually your dream job.

Quote ducraven000 ()
Reading the posts also from the old 762, seemd like you loved to teamkill here too and seems like you are still banned from any FH2 servers as far as i know. The last days you joined as Ghurdi and still you kept to teamkill random people; most thing that concern me is your constance to rejoin those servers despite we are clearly rejecting you and nobody wants you because your being totally hopeless. I think you are the true meaning of being a fucking psycopathic
Well my beloved mate, that is not what's the matter. You are twisting the facts. But in my belief of justice and defending, I'd love to explain myself:

762: This can't be true in any aspect. Yes, I did teamkill people. But never in first hand, only to revenge being teamkilled. Mostly it was that Petr or Petar player. Of course, I could have solved it differently. But if someone teamkills me purely on purpose and doesn't even apologize for it, then they have to reckon with a revenge teamkill. The fact that it all turned out that way is purely due to an intrigue on the part of those affected. But it's egregious to say that I only did team kills.

FHSW/Ghurdi: I hardly did any teamkills. The only one was Marduk, who teamkilled me on Foy, standing on the very first flag all by myself and he knew I stood there. What couldn't prevent him from teambombing me with three mortar-shells (you actually get an shock damage by hitting a teammate). Well he just kept on firing and teamkilled me completely deliberately. Wouldn't even find the time to write any sign of an excuse. And that made me rightous to teamkill him.

So don't you please accuse me of purposal teamkills, when you don't know the whole story.
twistedkebabfaceDate: Sunday, 2022-10-16, 10:20 PM | Message # 15
Group: Trusted
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Quote hauhow ()
So don't you please accuse me of purposal teamkills, when you don't know the whole story.
Pure bullshit

Hello, it's [FHSW] KEBab_RETurns. And i'm making good kebabs from my enemies.
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