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I take no joy in this (r)
CanukAttakDate: Wednesday, 2018-08-01, 10:28 AM | Message # 21
Group: Friends
Messages: 97
Awards: 9
Reputation: 5
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Well let's keep on topic here, if you have a complaint about team jumping we can have a discussion on another thread.

That being sad I apologize I haven't been on much lately fuckin life lol. But from all the times I've played with him I have not thought he was cheating sometimes we have good games and bad games. I've had a round where is was like 4 kills 25 deaths next round I have 30 kills and only 9 deaths. Now sometimes I amaze myself with how the fuck did I make that kill.

Anyhoo maybe he is maybe he isn't I personally have not seen enough evidence to accuse him of cheating
mattroy1024Date: Saturday, 2018-08-18, 1:03 AM | Message # 22
Group: Trusted
Messages: 6
Awards: 2
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Meltdown and I always playing the same team is an old habit. When we used to play in Wolf servers the admins made us always play on the same team. They knew that we were on teamspeak and playing on the same team avoided any suspicion that we were giving each other position reports. 


The Cleaner
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