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R2R and SWOFWW2 maps in FHSW
MAJORMASTERBATESDate: Saturday, 2020-08-29, 4:01 PM | Message # 1
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People were chatting on the server yesterday about this, maps like peenemunde and essen would be perfect late night/low player maps.  
So how difficult would it be to port them over obviously replace vehicles and make a mappack out of them, anyone tried it?.
starking018Date: Tuesday, 2020-09-01, 2:35 PM | Message # 2
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Actually around April - June this year the Japanese community was discussing and revived a collection of maps, among which I found Essen and Telemark (which I saw people chatting about too). As far as I understand the maps were converted/created for an early versions of FHSW, as a result of some agreement. I think that only one of the maps in the collection needed to be modified to be compatible with FHSW 0.61. The others appear to be unmodified since 2008. Here's the list:

All of these were tested with FHSW 0.61 and worked (as far as I remember). So I think that all that is needed is to add newer FHSW content (vehicles, kits, etc. which can also be done via SSM) and balance the maps accordingly.

There were a few more old FHSW maps revived at the time, like Operation_Cobra-1944, Rheinmetall_PanzerFHSW and Battle_of_Corsica, but there was no Peenemunde.

I hope someone does it. I think most of the maps would be cool and attractive.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
bubuDate: Wednesday, 2020-09-02, 8:42 AM | Message # 3
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I like this idea too. Let's test them biggrin

The only problem right now, is that they all have PFC Mapping team brand on them, so I am definitely NOT sure if we can use them. Ideally we would need permission from PFC mapping team because they are still around/active AND I believe this is their property/viable for legal action against improper/unauthorized use. Correct me if I am wrong please, but I prefer the correct, safe, way here.
starking018Date: Thursday, 2020-09-03, 4:39 PM | Message # 4
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Quote bubu ()
The only problem right now, is that they all have PFC Mapping team brand on them, so I am definitely NOT sure if we can use them.

Yeah, I didn't think of that. I see it as a problem in a different way: it's like an advertisement for an organization of people with a reputation for dishonest, fraudulent and cultish behavior, which can harm people who have no clue about this. So I'm definitely against accepting any such brands displayed anywhere on maps, unless it's a completely historical brand and in historical context wink

Anyway, those maps are not needed. The original maps they are based on can be used to create new FHSW versions of them (with new names, not that they'd conflict with obsolete maps which no one plays). I think Peenemunde would be cool (hopefully with the Wasserfall guided missile)!

There have already been many FHSW maps based on SWWWII, RTR, BFVietnam and other games' maps.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
bubuDate: Saturday, 2020-09-05, 12:50 PM | Message # 5
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Yep that is true Trolli, I fully agree.

Also, besides all that, I'd prefer to get old maps fixed sad
MAJORMASTERBATESDate: Tuesday, 2020-11-10, 2:12 PM | Message # 6
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Is there any update with these maps people keep moaning about FISTING but FISTING is a perfect low playercount combined arms map.
starking018Date: Thursday, 2020-11-12, 2:57 PM | Message # 7
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The Telal wants to work on Telemark to change and add vehicles and weapons. He could use some help getting started with mapping.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
MAJORMASTERBATESDate: Monday, 2020-11-16, 7:03 PM | Message # 8
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Good luck to him i've never made a 1942 map.

Can't be that difficult surely to take these maps and swap for FHSW elements? going to have a stab at it at some point.
MAJORMASTERBATESDate: Monday, 2020-11-30, 2:43 PM | Message # 9
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I have no idea what i'm doing with this WE NEED THESE MAPS especially Telemark as objective map!.
hakansprayDate: Friday, 2021-01-08, 9:52 PM | Message # 10
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I can atleast edit maps now but I have no idea how to make an objective map (Telemark for example) in ed42. Conquest seems to be the standard.

But if these maps should be converted should it be as close to the original as possible or more realistic or just more "FHSW"?

I have some ideas and tried a little already.

Peenemunde: Change it into a combined arms naval map in 1945, removed the secret weapons from the map. Soviets basically start at sea with Gnevny destroyer and a small island with amphibious vehicles (LVT4, Ford GPA, T40 etc). German naval infantry/volksturm defend with S-boots, schwimmwagen etc. I've also moved the german main further inland in the northwest. I think this could be really unique since there are no naval & ground maps in europe. I don't really know how historically accurate my idea is but I guess it could be fun nevertheless.

Gothic Line: Moved the Allies base to the hill behind the defgun and added two flags in the valley where the allied base was so that both teams have protected spawn locations on opposite sides of the map and made the map into a conquest map. I think it could be a tank map if anyone is interested.

aka Hawken (Ingame)
aka Rikskorp (Wiki)
bubuDate: Saturday, 2021-01-09, 12:17 PM | Message # 11
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I'd say definitely more FHSW, but we have one major issues with these maps and that is this:
Quote starking018 ()
Yeah, I didn't think of that. I see it as a problem in a different way: it's like an advertisement for an organization of people with a reputation for dishonest, fraudulent and cultish behavior, which can harm people who have no clue about this. So I'm definitely against accepting any such brands displayed anywhere on maps, unless it's a completely historical brand and in historical context wink

So we have 2 options: I am not sure about how legal is changing the PFC loading screens on those maps if it is their intellectual property and I am not willing to find over court in case anyone from PFC still cares. But I guess if we remake the maps heavily, noone would get angry? smile
starking018Date: Thursday, 2021-01-14, 7:12 PM | Message # 12
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No, Telemark, Peenemunde and Gothic Line are SWoWWII maps.

Of course it makes sense to take advantage of FHSW features and improvements. Following the original maps or being historically accurate is optional - up to you.

I like your Peenemunde idea and I too was thinking about the potential for more naval & ground maps, like maybe a port assault map for the mod (there's The Merville Battery, but there's not much of that aspect there). Maybe you could cooperate with FraNKVD and have a V2 or a V1, in case both of you are interested in that.

Gothic Line too can be nice. It would be cool to have the T95, Caliope and Sturmtiger, like in the original, but in their much improved FHSW versions.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
FranktheEraserDate: Thursday, 2021-01-14, 8:29 PM | Message # 13
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Happy New Year, haha

I am sorry, but I have been having two very busy years and modding crap is very hard being a noob like me.
Some years ago, I converted Hellendoorn -which needs to be corrected bc of the collisions of the new objects I included in-. Mimoyecques and Telemark. The latter two ones I can send them to anyone who wants them, and they work with version 0.61 -I haven't tried them with 0.611. Just you need to put the vehicles in the vehicle list and create the damn lightshadows that I have no idea of how to create them.
Just send me a message, and I will send them within two days after reading the message.

In Soviet Russia, FHSW chooses you. Tkers must be purged. -FraNKVD-
hakansprayDate: Thursday, 2021-01-14, 8:43 PM | Message # 14
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starking018, thanks for the input! I've done some work on Peenemunde but I wonder if I should scrap the current lightmapping and redesign the map with new objects. Though I do not know either how to texture or make new lightmaps. I've removed the natter and wasserfall, I think the map feels even smaller with fhsw gameplay and german/soviet airwar is skewed as is.

I saw the BG42 version of this map called Moonsund which was close to how I originally thought. Though the coastal forts and the ships on that map have no equivalent in FHSW. I've added T-40, LVT4 and Ford GPA as amphibous vehicles. I am a bit wary which vehicles I should put in to make small vehicles like the T-40 count. So that it doesn't become overflooded with heavies like Alaska.

aka Hawken (Ingame)
aka Rikskorp (Wiki)

Message edited by hakanspray - Thursday, 2021-01-14, 8:49 PM
starking018Date: Saturday, 2021-01-16, 3:05 PM | Message # 15
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Quote hakanspray ()
I've done some work on Peenemunde but I wonder if I should scrap the current lightmapping and redesign the map with new objects.
I only know that old maps were limited in the number of objects they could have by GPU performance at the time, and by a hardcoded limit in the original Battlecraft 1942, but these limitations are now almost resolved in practice. Maps can have huge numbers of objects, if desired.
Quote hakanspray ()
I am a bit wary which vehicles I should put in to make small vehicles like the T-40 count. So that it doesn't become overflooded with heavies like Alaska.
Assuming you put the T-40 armed with 23mm I suggest avoiding any German tanks more heavily armored than Pz4. With that limit the Axis could still have plenty of firepower, but it can be countered, so I think it would make the map more fun and simpler to balance.

I remembered about this bug, which would need to be fixed if Schnellboots are to be included:

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
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