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FHSW 0.5 - Bug Reports (r)
Mr_JDate: Sunday, 2012-07-29, 3:37 PM | Message # 1
Accessory Admin
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Please report any bugs you have found while playing the newest FHSW update. I hope the FHSW dev team will look into this thread from time to time.


Confirmed bugs:

- Font distortions that occurs to latin letters. Temporary solution: Remove the EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\Mods\FHSW\Archives\Font.rfa file
- The game sometimes crashes when Alt-Tabbed
- Saw the following on Monster des Stahles: Knife on the back of the US seaman is not skinned: http://i.imgur.com/iDrMW.jpg

Hand weapons:
- Expack - an icon of fuse primer is missed (pos. 7)
- Some german mgs have only 50 rounds when they are deployed in stand (AA) but when they are placed to knees to lie, the have 250
- Springfield Sniper has Animation/Sound delay
- Springfield with Panzerfaust pickable kit causes game crash
- DeLisle Sniper SAS Jeeps Dropkit has animation bug when lying
- The Japanese officer kit on the spawn menu says "Namb" instead of Nambu
- All MG and mortar kits - sometimes if you try to put MG/Mortar on the ground or in buildings, it disappears.
- Vickers machine gun kit - wrong icon. http://u.to/f-I3Ag
- All scoped Kar 98k variants have a bugged animation when reloading
- M35 name in spawn menu should be renamed to AntiTank Rifle Wz.35 (or Karabin Przeciwpancerny Wz.35) / Panzerbusche 35 (p): http://imgur.com/8QygY.jpg

Vehicles / Stationary:
- Stationary Chi-Ha (or Chi-He) is being hit with its own rounds while shooting
- Panther: Positions are switched, Passengers are on 3+4, and AA MG + Nahverteidigungswaffe on 5+6
- Sturmpanther: wrong icon on position 3
- guns towed from vehicles are still visible for all players on the map
- Ferdinand missing <-A D-> Help pos 3
- Alpenfestung B25 Gunship is named "B25 Mitchell"
- B40 Pos 6 sight bugged, comes 1 step to early instead IN
- Panther Ausf. D: This one I don't know, the hull MG is replaced with a MP40. I looked through some forums and couldn't find a source for that variant, Bug or not?
- Sherman M4A1 Sandbag (seen on Alpenfestung) The ring around the mg gunner is not on the correct position: http://www7.pic-upload.de/01.08.12/1qukggglfpk.png
- Panzer III Ausf. J - new smoke effect visible after shooting is missing
- ZSU-M17 - In the number 5 position, the player doesn't appear in the seat in the back and his feet appear below the vehicle. If you exit the vehicle, you get put back inside the vehicle (not in a seat position), but you can get out: http://i.imgur.com/hm09C.jpg
- The CL-51 Atlanta's 28mm Mark I guns seems like the overheat icon doesn't work.
- When firing with ZSU-37 there's no "gunshake camera"
- Douglas A-26B Invader - Old crosshair is still visible: http://i.imgur.com/LQyc0.jpg
- Type 4 (imported Tiger): wrong icon(s)
- Tiger texture: That's an old "bug" but I'll post it anyway, the number on one side of the turret is flipped (seen on Stashuv Area): http://i.imgur.com/eFPNh.jpg
- Seen on SU-152 and ISU-152BM but I think there are more: On some Russian assault guns you don't see the correct number of shells, it's always 1: http://i.imgur.com/fiwee.jpg
- Hull and turret MG34s in German tanks have a sound/reload delay. Examples include the Panzer II Ausf. G and Panzer IV F2.
- When using any seat position in the Sherman 76mm variant, it shows the regular Sherman vehicle icon. When you get into the commander position of the vehicle, the icon switches to what the vehicle icon should be. http://i.imgur.com/kvDbn.jpg
- Haunebu has no sounds since 0.5
- Me163 Komet model dissapears at larger distances. That's very OLD bug, not fixed as yet. The LOD setting have to be adjusted
- T54 AA GMC (Bofors on M3 half-track): like the ZSU-37 it's missing the gunshake when firing
- Type 1 Chi-He: missing MG model, you can use it though: http://i.imgur.com/E77FI.jpg
- S-51: Collision mesh bug: http://i50.tinypic.com/2rw2mbr.jpg
- B-26 Marauder - airscrew bug. http://i.imgur.com/U82MW.png
- PZL 37 ŁOŚ - Old crosshair is visible, in position 3 and 4 the same problem like in halftrucks with windshield.
- TBF Avenger: The icon on seat 3 shows the wrong weapon, it's a Browning M1919, not a M2 http://i.imgur.com/0766N.jpg
- Suzutsuki: Contradictory AA/HE ammo icons http://i.imgur.com/anJcR.jpg
- StuG III B: wrong wreck model (it's the StuG III G wreck)
- Panzer II, 38M TOLDI I - gun is visible in viewfinder. http://i.imgur.com/dRjFF.jpg
- StuG III G "Late" & StuH 42 "Late": ammo and reload icons don't work on the Nahverteidigungswaffe
- Curtiss P36 Hawk - is named "P-38 Lightning".
- USS South Dakota is invisble from distance.
- Heinkel He 111 - new crosshair on gunner position is unnecessary. http://i.imgur.com/r4AoQ.png
- Matilda I wreck has missing texture: http://imgur.com/rVuUH.jpg
- Tankette TKS MG has no gunsight: http://imgur.com/pb7Av.jpg
- Sd.Kfz. 251/1-II "Stuka zu Fuss" appears as pure Sd.Kfz. 251 inside the kill message's brackets.
- The PIAT sound doesn't work on the Universal Carrier with Piat.
- M7 Priest: Spotter camera only points to the target and doesn't follow the projectile
- Cromwell's wheels rotate too fast.
- Static Stug III have a fire bug (explode on front of tank)
- Missing icon 20.3 cm SK C/34 Turret (see sand storm)

Map related:
- Random map crashes
- Iwo Jima Day 1 E5 japanese Mountain Gun sunk in the floor
- FHAir doesn't load, crashes FHLandA-M N-Z are under water
- Eastern Blitz - Polish Artillery Towing Tractor spawns onto camo net: http://i.imgur.com/yYeG6.jpg
- Tobruk - One of the Crusader tanks doesn't spawn correctly. It gets on fire after spawning
- Fall of Singapore - Flag score bug
- Ilomantsi - Flag score bug
- Berlin Outskirts - map works fine whit 1 player but gets crashed when more players join in
- Spurning Fate - Marder II is being hit with its own rounds while shooting
- Alaska 1948 - Crashes while loading
- Alaska 1948 - The flag at C4 is called "null"
- Raiseniai - KV2 main cannon shooting bug
- Fall of Singapore - typo in the loading screen, it says Singapole instead of Singapore
- Monster des Stahles - low frames per second
- El Alamein lags. It's probably caused by weird Grant spawn in G8
- Flying kit on Trois Ponts at flag 2: http://i.imgur.com/UWG6R.jpg
- Operation Coronet 1946: When you exit the Ohka at the aabattery flag, you get transported to A2 http://i.imgur.com/JuLOB.jpg
- Operation Coronet 1946: Ohka is named "Beaufort"
- Warsaw Uprising: Random disconnections
- Earned in Blood: ZiS-3 in air. http://u.to/g-I3Ag
- Kothabaru: map crashes the server; it's probably spawn related bug
slobodanDate: Friday, 2012-10-26, 6:06 PM | Message # 81
Group: Friends
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Yeah, I too have problem with map. It doesn't work

Mr_JDate: Friday, 2012-10-26, 8:18 PM | Message # 82
Accessory Admin
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Quote (slobodan)
Yeah, I too have problem with map. It doesn't work

Does it crash since the Kv2 fix was applied? Or it always crashed?
mardukDate: Saturday, 2012-10-27, 7:38 AM | Message # 83
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No, it did not always chrash. It used to run pretty well.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Mr_JDate: Saturday, 2012-10-27, 11:58 AM | Message # 84
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Marduk, so now it crashes for you too?
mardukDate: Saturday, 2012-10-27, 3:17 PM | Message # 85
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I have just tried the map alone and it worked well (captured the first three flags). Dunno if it works with more players though.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2013-03-11, 11:14 PM | Message # 86
FHSW Wikia Admin
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- Me-323 static Wreck have a collision Mesh bug (see Sand Storm)
- Static Stug III have a fire bug (explode on front of tank)
- Missing icon 20.3 cm SK C/34 Turret (see sand storm)
- Camouflage cover from the Radio Controlled Matilda Black Prince have a collision Mesh bug when not be used (see sand storm)

Added (2013-03-11, 11:14 PM)
M3 Halftracks and the Russian ZSU Halftrack have some window problems. You don't see trees etc....

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Monday, 2012-10-29, 6:14 PM
crazygameloverDate: Monday, 2013-03-11, 11:39 PM | Message # 87
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Avenger on left carrier on Operation Hailstone is bugged. It bounces up and down violently, and if you get to close you get squished. You can still fly it though, you just have to be careful. :P
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2013-05-23, 4:14 PM | Message # 88
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The IS-2 tank on eastern main base, which is spawned at the wooden bridge has a slow spin backwards to the right... some moving enities bug here. The spin is also active without any player inside.
The other IS-2 is fine though.
SimoHayhaDate: Friday, 2013-06-14, 10:58 AM | Message # 89
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i was having trouble on gaudalcanal recently, i kept dying when trying to enter a deployed(from kit) MG that a team mate had died on...

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HypilotDate: Friday, 2013-06-14, 12:43 PM | Message # 90
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In desert rose one of the British aircraft carriers when it kills something it has Bismark for the kill message.

or I think it's just the 105mm gun on it.