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Witch lost map you want in FHSW 5.X/6.0? (r)
Stefan1990Date: Monday, 2013-11-04, 7:09 PM | Message # 1
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Since the first version of FHSW we lost a lot of maps during the version changes.

Witch map YOU want back?

We make a list of all the suggestions and will let the devs get!

Feel free to post your suggestions!
DeathDate: Friday, 2013-11-15, 3:35 AM | Message # 21
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OH ok deathy gets it   tongue

Fritz-KempfDate: Thursday, 2013-11-28, 9:46 PM | Message # 22
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I want back:

- Fall Gelb
- Zielona Gora
- Berlin Outskirts
- Spurning Fate Day
- Carentan
- Market Garden
- Coral Sea (the version from fhsw)

What i want to add from Battlefield 1942

- Eagles Nest
- Telemark (as objective map)
- Essen
- Peenemünde

What i want to see more

-> Polish Maps
-> Finnish maps
-> Hungarian Maps
-> French Maps
-> Canadian Maps
-> Australian Maps
-> Resistance Group Maps (Prior!)

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Thursday, 2013-11-28, 9:48 PM
DeathDate: Friday, 2013-11-29, 5:57 AM | Message # 23
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*cough* LATE BRITISH WAR MAPS *cough cough*

Fritz-KempfDate: Friday, 2013-11-29, 11:09 AM | Message # 24
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And you all talking about Berlin. Berlin Streets look nice, very nice. But there are stuff still missing like Underground spawn points like those on Warshaw, tunnels and underground bunkers. Maybe another map nearly the same, but in daylight and with the flakbunker present. Flag on the flakbunker and used as a flag.
SeemanDate: Wednesday, 2014-08-06, 0:30 AM | Message # 25
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FH Test Field, FH Tank Test Field. ( All test maps. )
SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2014-08-06, 12:33 PM | Message # 26
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Quote Seeman ()
FH Test Field, FH Tank Test Field. ( All test maps. )
thats a dumb idea

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RADIOSMERSHDate: Wednesday, 2014-08-06, 5:17 PM | Message # 27
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thats a dumb idea

Why? I used them many times while doing research for wiki, as they contain all vehicles alphabetically sorted, so it's easier to use of them instead of lurking in tons of maps.
Btw, I have a copy of these maps on my PC, but I will get access to it only at the end of the week and I'll try to upload'em.

Added (2014-08-06, 4:17 PM)

thats a dumb idea

Why? I used them many times whike doing researh for wiki, as they contain all vehicles alphabetically sorted, so it's easier to use of them instead of lurking in tons of maps.
Btw, I have a copy of these maps on my PC, but I will get access to it only at the end of the week and I'll try to upload'em.
E-3Date: Saturday, 2014-08-09, 9:25 PM | Message # 28
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testfield maps 1 for tanks 1 for planes and 1 for ships  so you can test armor and see who beat who  i use to love that on old test maps

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Saturday, 2014-08-09, 9:26 PM
slobodanDate: Saturday, 2014-08-09, 10:46 PM | Message # 29
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in 0.55(1) we have lost Stashuv Area  dry
... that was one of the best tank map.

Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2014-08-10, 7:09 AM | Message # 30
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very sad sad

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2014-08-10, 12:44 PM | Message # 31
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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Quote Seeman ()
FH Test Field, FH Tank Test Field. ( All test maps. )
 Here you go. I took it from 0.51

Added (2014-08-10, 11:44 AM)

Quote slobodan ()
in 0.55(1) we have lost Stashuv Area dry... that was one of the best tank map.
Maybe we could do an event some day with some other forgotten maps too...
SeemanDate: Sunday, 2014-08-10, 6:28 PM | Message # 32
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crazygameloverDate: Thursday, 2014-11-06, 3:01 AM | Message # 33
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I also miss Stashuv Area, although not for the same reason. After Zielona Gora was removed (which I'm not too fond of), Stashuv was the only map to represent Russia's retaking of Poland in 1944.
MannsDate: Thursday, 2014-11-06, 1:22 PM | Message # 34
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Bocage always had been such a good server starter, what a shame it is gone, like Fall Gelb and this one very strange very dark 1945 Japanese map

honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
LampoDate: Thursday, 2014-11-06, 5:20 PM | Message # 35
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Monte Cassino
Husky op.
Santa croce


Message edited by Lampo - Thursday, 2014-11-06, 6:03 PM
buddydogDate: Thursday, 2014-11-06, 6:03 PM | Message # 36
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Why do the devs have to remove these maps?
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2014-11-06, 6:35 PM | Message # 37
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Since Crete and the night maps Spurning Fate and Blackknight have been removed I believe they could not come up with a solution for possible problems on the special objects there. Maybe some issues have been appeared with the night vision and the big ME Gigant plane...
The removal of Stashuv is still strange though..
crazygameloverDate: Friday, 2014-11-07, 1:34 AM | Message # 38
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I wouldn't mind if the devs removed Alaska and re-added Stashuv Area. Alaska isn't really my favourite  dry
mardukDate: Friday, 2014-11-07, 10:01 AM | Message # 39
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@crazy: I dont care about Alaska either. But Stashuv is a very good map.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
egor982011Date: Friday, 2015-11-06, 8:13 PM | Message # 40
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Here you go. I took it from 0.51
It can work with 0.552?