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Aviation (r)
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2012-02-25, 2:03 AM | Message # 21
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Hahahaha biggrin
Quote (Mr_J)
"From Hauptmann R. von Eberhahn's diary entry"
great written !

Well that was for sure not the only time u shoot me down. A few weeks ago u bring me down on El Alamein when I was flying for Great Britain the Spitfire und u was in Stuka ! Good job, I was completly surprised because I didn´t see u and engine stops and that was the end ... happy
Or a few days ago on Bombing the reich u shoot me down with P51 when I was in ME262 . So don´t be shy, you are a good pilot!

Quote (Mr_J)
I remember that everytime after short session with IL2, my skill in FH was magically boosted up and it was not only a delusion.

OK which time we start a session cool ?! wink I fear I will suck really bad in IL2 because I only fly in FHSW uuuuuh wacko

That movie, hmmmm ... worsed cache it will be a ridiculous propaganda film from US which show the great abillitys of the allied pilots, like that looping and wing cuting of MG burst on that ME 262 uuuaaaahhh or the big explosion after strafing with cal 50 on that naval vessel facepalm
Such movies makes me really wrathful because it´s displaying perverted history. Just like U571 baaaaaahh what a fucking BAD movie.
My latest research shows completly different things about the beginning of WW2 and the 3. Reich that is known universaly . But never the less, I think I will watch it because I´m hungry for that epic pictures of german planes in action.
Hehe, german Jets are like Spartans: 300 against 5000 and they will stand, yeah! btw Panther and Tiger even the same wink

Regards, der Eberhahn

This one is funny klick

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Saturday, 2012-02-25, 2:40 AM
VanoDate: Saturday, 2012-02-25, 4:44 AM | Message # 22
Group: Bronze Donator
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Robert do not be so strict, it's just a movie, created for entertainment. Bravado in today's films expected for young people. If a person is interested and wants to know the truth, he will begin studies through time to see the truth, even if some movies around and distorted facts.
Only in this trailer shows that these battles we see in the film is not. What I noticed after the first viewing:
- Strange dense formations of fighters, which probably will think so as not to offend his neighbor, and not fight. And in general represent a tasty target group. How do they shoot in this system?
- Tumbling through itself Mustangs, flying though the laws of physics have never been.
- Unreal coloring of the German aircraft expert who conducts the link in the fight.
- P-51 that accompany them on the same height bombers. How are they going to catch speeding to attack German interceptors? They were not gonna ever, even if it Bf-109G-6/R6, which are shown in the video.

Robert, I think that a close volley of six Brownings can shoot light wing Me 262 flying at high speed. 50' is very effective at close range.

sry for my English
Mr_JDate: Friday, 2012-03-09, 0:23 AM | Message # 23
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@Anna, @Vano, you have produced a lot of smoke today. smile Nice duels by the way.
Stefan1990Date: Friday, 2012-03-09, 11:21 AM | Message # 24
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looks nice biggrin
VanoDate: Wednesday, 2012-06-27, 6:41 PM | Message # 25
Group: Bronze Donator
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Sorry for flooding, especially for Mr J, Pum, and Robert smile
Man at War
Mr_JDate: Wednesday, 2012-06-27, 7:21 PM | Message # 26
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Yeah I have watched this documentary not so far ago, I am not one of them however :P I don't even play IL2
But you may see Robert in 21. minute of movie :P
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2012-06-30, 11:53 PM | Message # 27
Lieutenant General
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Hahaha that guy is really funny wacko but fortunatly that is not me biggrin .
There are some strange guys in that video. That one who is born in Cuba and would die for his flagg and country, he really believe that a terrorist pilot operated plane hit the towers and they collapsed because of that ... facepalm or that one who had the iron cross in his hand and hit it with his other fist facepalm and the german guy who cry crocodile tears because of what his grandfather did ... they all did great blahblah and don´t realize that it is allways the government of the countrys who pushed them into war and just now after 70 years are some there whow saw in the other an enemy cranky
They would never get the idea that the official history is a great fake (just winners history) and they play in that campaign, the bombardment of cities, one of the greatest war crime ever... I only say Dresden.

I´m a bit sad about that, but mostly that makes me angry like hell, to see that brainwashed mindcontrolled people ... Society is lost because the human race is a potencial thump race of unreflecting simulaters, that are running sightless, deave, headless and heartless around.

Well that are strict words again Vano. But that are my views of life, I don´t see any hope for humankind (especially not for germans), well perhaps someone find the ring and drops it into the fire of destiny mountain cool . Nevertheless thank u for posting, there has been a few funny moments in that clip smile

Regards, der Eberhahn

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
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