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some YouTube videos (m)
skelepietDate: Monday, 2016-02-29, 10:37 PM | Message # 1
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Hello al,Torquemada here .
Some Links f WW2 Movies

skelepietDate: Saturday, 2017-02-18, 7:50 PM | Message # 2
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and Series

Greetings !

Born-1942Date: Saturday, 2017-02-18, 10:37 PM | Message # 3
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Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
Born-1942Date: Monday, 2017-02-20, 11:04 PM | Message # 4
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Have watched Hacksaw Ridge?
I watched that incredible movie I recommend.  up

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
rbsekacDate: Wednesday, 2017-02-22, 7:33 PM | Message # 5
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I bought the series "The Pacific" which I highly recommend. It is based on several books (Helmet for My Pillow, With the Old Breed - Peleliu and Okinawa) and is excellent.


DCX Apache
Born-1942Date: Sunday, 2017-03-19, 11:38 AM | Message # 6
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lol lol lol very funny

Added (2017-03-19, 10:38 AM)

Quote rbsekac ()
I bought the series "The Pacific" which I highly recommend. It is based on several books (Helmet for My Pillow, With the Old Breed - Peleliu and Okinawa) and is excellent.
yep, I already watched the complete series is very good.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
Santa-AnnaDate: Sunday, 2017-03-19, 1:08 PM | Message # 7
Lieutenant Colonel
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Damn, I want to see Pe-2 in FHSW.
Born-1942Date: Tuesday, 2017-03-21, 1:43 PM | Message # 8
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beautiful game love

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht

Message edited by luiscarlosred - Tuesday, 2017-03-21, 1:44 PM
sonikglightDate: Tuesday, 2017-03-21, 2:30 PM | Message # 9
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Quote luiscarlosred ()
beautiful game
To bad has no mod support and is a pay to win type game. sad

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite

Message edited by sonikglight - Tuesday, 2017-03-21, 2:30 PM
skelepietDate: Thursday, 2017-06-29, 7:09 PM | Message # 10
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I wanted to create a tread,but because new forum Member, wasn't allowed,that's why here.

Hello All,I heard from my old Mate Winbean that Apache got a Perm Ban.

I am kinda new here,so I apologize for making this tread and interfering with Admins.

I just want to make some things clear...I came on this Server because
PFC  so often got Hacked,it was out for 3 days,back in the Days I Had a
lot of Mods Installed ,also FHSW,so I think I reinstall it again,I Play
on Your Server,and suddenly all my PFC admin Rights are taken away,same
happen to Winbean,Meltdown,Apache,very sad.

I U check the FH Server now in week time it s almost dead,weekends is different,same with SW.

When Apache was Admin on PFC,he was like the Life Blood of that
server,always manned the server from 5 till 9 pm,a very good player,but
not a rape artist,always gives new players a chance to also kill him,so
with a small crowd kept the server alive ,and make it gain more players.

We come from PFC with very strict Rules according to the Map,like Push
Maps,on FHSW these Rules are handled different,me and Apache got big
problems with that,and we need to keep or mouths shut,that's what I
I respect that,this Mod is kinda more bout fun that Rules,but I still sometimes have problems with that,U can ask Air Troll.

If U are an Admin,U are like an Ambassador of the Server,and U should
always keep Your Personal feelings aside,because this won't benefit the

I have very Much respect for al Admins on this Server, always enjoy playing on this Server,also with the SW Community,and very
soon found a Hearth here with loadsa players.
I have also big respect for making this Mod better every year,big respect for the Devs!

I make this Post for Apache,and Hope U will see the Light,and Unban him.

Especially Us Veteran players should Focus on getting more players,we should not let our differences in the way,most brilliant Maps need more than 20 Players,in SW this amount is even bigger,because of the Overkill some weapons posses is really big.

There is too much hate n Ego in these Communities,with a game that is so much  Fun & Challenging.

With all Respect , Torquemada

For Slobodan

LampoDate: Thursday, 2017-06-29, 10:25 PM | Message # 11
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Quote skelepiet ()
Hope U will see the Light,and Unban him.

Yeah, i'm pretty sure he will be unbanned... because here we are good ppl  yes 
maybe in some time... but it's not my power so 
i can only quote your request and wait for some news.

i go to drink some beer, i'm on holiday for 1 week so i have a lot of work to replace empty bottles.

bubuDate: Friday, 2017-06-30, 9:08 AM | Message # 12
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Hi Torquemada,

I will try to put this very shortly: PFC continued with their strict policies and rules and they got where they are now. Apache wanted these rules ENFORCED here as well.

Longer explanation follows:
After the following things happened
- 30 people whining on each other and shouting which rule was broken by who
- Slobodan banned for 3 or 5 days for entering area next to a mainbase on Tobruk
- Multiple insults towards admin staff, me personally, other players while we still tried to be nice towards Apache
- Last but not least - Constant problem reporting with everything which is not along PFC rules and demanding the problem to be resolved by new rule and ENFORCED

I have disgust at how much of people are trying to bring the Apache back. Please, give it time - at the moment it seems as really no one of you were there to see all this happen, but I believe you were there and you said nothing back then. It was always up to Xena to write "STFU all of you" to Apache, whoever his accusation was meant for and me.

Personally, I always have put every insult from him towards me to past and I go on, am friendly, and I don't really mind. I tolerate a lot and I am patient. We all are! So please, don't think the ban is because of personal preference. The wish of rules being enforced seems always tempting, fair, and honestly I liked it at first! But after banning Slobodan for 3 days, I realised what the hell is going on. I've seen this enforcement once and do you know where? Yes, in the PFC.

A relevant side note: Apache wanted the rule enforcement absolutely everywhere, for every stupid thing, so there it is. The rule of thumb was to not insult ANYONE on the server, whether it is a newbie, total noob, old player, Trump's granny or Putin's grandpa. Usually, we know we joke around when write stuff like "f**k you", or "you deserve to be ran over by my tank and blown away with my 75mm gun"... But calling someone "motherf**ker" and telling me "Bubu be a good dog, sit down, tap tap" is obviously NOT meant as a joke, it is rather an insult. And why? Because we opposed his eternal wish for certain rule to be enforced. So veteran players like Apache should not do this in the first place.

And here it is not about keeping your mouth shut. You can say whatever you want but when someone gives you a reason why your opinion would not work, don't go to insult mode and don't try to push your way through every little single irrelevant way.

As I said, the ban is not because of particular personal insult - I don't give a single dime! It is for accumulation of things.

But in the end, the light shines, so please give it time.

Regarding Winbean:
Obviously Winbean forgot to mention one important thing, which is that he resigned. He was in total control of server but it still was Eye who had to to more technical stuff. Winbean would still be able to change maps, warn players, do basic admin stuff if he did not resign.

Your PFC admin rights:
There is a LARGE, let's name it, 'file' about this in my head and I will not spend writing 1 hour about it.

Message edited by bubu - Friday, 2017-06-30, 9:36 AM
XenanabDate: Friday, 2017-06-30, 3:38 PM | Message # 13
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Since I actually am part of the admin team I thank you for some kind words Torquemada.

I don't want to comment so much on the thing with Apache except the fact that he really was annoying the landscape of our playerbase with harsh accusations every single time and even spreading a totally wrong ruleset as actual fact.

Quote bubu ()
I have disgust at how much of people are trying to bring the Apache back. Please, give it time - at the moment it seems as really no one of you were there to see all this happen, but I believe you were there and you said nothing back then. It was always up to Xena to write "STFU all of you" to Apache, whoever his accusation was meant for and me.

After the things that happened just a few weeks ago I also wouldn't say that he should come back any time soon but a permanent ban is really unfair imho. Everybody deserves a 2nd chance.

The reason I often write "Knock it off! ALL of you" is because I just want to liberate the freaking ingamechat from discussions that only belong on the forum. Based on some discussions in ingamechat I don't ban people because I feel they must be banned in order to bring the server back to the game. At least if clearly none of the server rules were broken.

Also Bubu if you are referring to the Raseiniai incident I wanted to remind that not only Apache was complaining that a certain player precapped 3 push flags in the row and ruined the map for allies ;-)
I even asked if a restart was suitable so feedback was welcome.
Still the ban of this certain player lasted only 24 hours and wasn't a huge deal. No player comment influenced my decision back then.

( I assume you thought that Apache did so on me. If no sorry for bringing this topic back up smile )
skelepietDate: Friday, 2017-06-30, 6:48 PM | Message # 14
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I want to thank U all,for Your Honest and Quick reply.
I have good Faith in this Community.
Greetings !

xxpollenzxxDate: Friday, 2017-06-30, 8:52 PM | Message # 15
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Damn you all. Now I want to know what happened lol
mardukDate: Saturday, 2017-07-01, 7:49 AM | Message # 16
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This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Saturday, 2017-07-01, 10:40 AM | Message # 17
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Almost 2 hours of 4 Slobodans in one video!!!!!   dying laughing
starking018Date: Saturday, 2017-07-01, 3:30 PM | Message # 18
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I suggest we move the conversation about Apache to this thread I created: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/22-869-1

Nice video of literally watching grass grow smile

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
skelepietDate: Tuesday, 2017-07-04, 4:14 AM | Message # 19
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Alpen & Fall of Berlin last Sunday
Epic Tank kill on Alpen ......
Passing a Borgward after the Bridge at 9:10 ,he kills the Tank after me..

Message edited by skelepiet - Tuesday, 2017-07-04, 4:27 AM
skelepietDate: Wednesday, 2017-07-05, 6:16 PM | Message # 20
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Last week during Rheinubung we disscussed some Movies.

It was about Kriegsmarine U-boat captain Günther Prien,

U 47 – Kapitänleutnant Prien


Other Movie I mentioned was "Under Ten Flags"

Under Ten Flags

Panfilov's 28 Men  a 2016 Russian Movie WW2 Trailer

Greetings !

Message edited by skelepiet - Wednesday, 2017-07-05, 6:55 PM