BF 1918 Server (r)
giuseppepdiaz18 | Date: Wednesday, 2015-01-07, 4:49 PM | Message # 1 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 8
Status: Offline
| Hi all,
I'm new on this forum and you will forgive me in the case the place were this thread is open is wrong. However I want to personally rent a server dedicated to BF 1918; this message is mostly addressed to the Admis.
Are you interested in helping me, since there is no dedicated "live" server for this wonderful mod?
This discussion starts from here:
Let me know.
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Endless_Nameless | Date: Wednesday, 2015-01-07, 7:31 PM | Message # 2 |
Group: Admins
Messages: 1237
Status: Offline
| The problem is no one plays it. When there were servers for it I never saw more than 2 people online.
My Youtube Channel aka eYe.ris
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giuseppepdiaz18 | Date: Wednesday, 2015-01-07, 10:18 PM | Message # 3 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 8
Status: Offline
| Endless, thanks for your reply.
I know this issue; however, I really want anyway rent a dedicated server and it will be entirely at my expenses, even for few players, so it could be a win-win for all.
I'm very determinated to do that and your support, as well as the support of the whole FHSW forum, will be very appriciated.
Let me know.
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Endless_Nameless | Date: Thursday, 2015-01-08, 5:59 PM | Message # 4 |
Group: Admins
Messages: 1237
Status: Offline
| Ok I understand, so how exactly can we help you? Setting it up? With Windows it's extremely simple as I have just experienced last week when I did this for the first time.
My Youtube Channel aka eYe.ris
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giuseppepdiaz18 | Date: Thursday, 2015-01-08, 8:53 PM | Message # 5 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 8
Status: Offline
| Ok, I have no experiece of that, but I saw that the old servers were on "". So what I thought is to rent a server there, but I don't know if I can do it by myself or it needs a group of persons.
I wait for your help, in that sense.
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Korsakov829 | Date: Thursday, 2015-01-08, 10:01 PM | Message # 6 |
Group: Blocked
Messages: 106
Status: Offline
| Your best bet would be to rent a box, could cost as much as 90 euros a month but if it's a good provider and you get a Windows OS then you'll be able to use remote desktop and set up the server like you would on a personal computer and run it from there. FHSW Europe just rented a new server, there are a few suggested links in a forum thread about it that you can look at.
I don't recommend that you rent from someone who provides a server for a single particular game, those tend not to be as powerful and you don't get as much access either.
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(HH)Benjamin | Date: Friday, 2015-01-09, 5:55 AM | Message # 7 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 372
Status: Offline
| I think that FHSW Europe could really help this guy and his BF1918 server out, maybe we could put an advertisement on the home page like we do with the weekly events, I'm guessing Slobo could really help out in that sense.
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Korsakov829 | Date: Friday, 2015-01-09, 6:49 AM | Message # 8 |
Group: Blocked
Messages: 106
Status: Offline
| Every time there has been a BF1918 server online for an event in the past several months very few people showed up. It's a dead end, even though I have wanted to play BF1918 with plenty of people it's never worked so I don't continue trying.
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giuseppepdiaz18 | Date: Friday, 2015-01-09, 7:46 PM | Message # 9 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 8
Status: Offline
| (HH)Benjamin, Korsakov, Endless, thank you all, really. But, as I said before, I have no experience and no idea on how to run and mantain a server. Could you simply indicate me a link on which I can make the payment and then cooperate all togheter to keep this server running?
Let me know.
Thank you.
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Endless_Nameless | Date: Sunday, 2015-01-11, 1:22 PM | Message # 10 |
Group: Admins
Messages: 1237
Status: Offline
| The cheapest server host we have found is zap hosting:
29€/month including Windows
BF1918 is not as CPU intensive as FHSW so 2,3 GHz should be enough.
Quote giuseppepdiaz18 (  ) cooperate all togheter to keep this server running We're only about 20 active players and on the weekends we play FHSW. What kind of cooperation are you looking for?
btw. there's a new BF1918 server, only a couple of days old: Maybe try to contact him.
My Youtube Channel aka eYe.ris
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