Unable to launch FHSW
lepiolotmathieu | Date: Monday, 2021-05-03, 0:19 AM | Message # 1 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 8
Status: Offline
| When I try to play on an FHSW server (whether Japanese or European), the game crashes once the map is loaded.
I followed the informations offered by starking018 (http://www.fhsw-europe.com/forum/34-889-2) but my problem is still not resolved..
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waldhurzak | Date: Monday, 2021-05-03, 0:57 AM | Message # 2 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 87
Status: Offline
| remove old bf42 with fhsw and install this all in one INstaller and check
Best Bf1942 version for FHSW: http://www.mediafire.com/file/818jqqez94ka80h/BF1942-HD.rar
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lepiolotmathieu | Date: Monday, 2021-05-03, 7:10 PM | Message # 3 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 8
Status: Offline
| It works!
Some details, I didn't uninstall Battlefield 1942 before installing the all in one pack, I just deleted the FH and FHSW folders which was in the Mods folder. I was afraid of losing my savegame and my other mods, so I preferred to give it a shot this way, and I apparently did well.
I was able to play both on the Japanese and European server, empty but I will soon have the opportunity to play with people I hope.
I notice a few changes, one of which could possibly explain the problem I was having, the display screen is now square instead of a rectangle that takes the entire width of the screen. I will have to adapt to it, I prefer the widescreen but if it is necessary to play FHSW then so be it. Also some graphic changes on small details, like some flags, but also the display on the small map at the top right, among other things. I prefer the old graphics but whatever. I will have to get used to all of this, but my problem is finally solved!
Thanks to you waldhurzak, starking018, and also MAJORMASTERBATES who advised me to install the all in one pack, as soon as I stated my problem, and that I should have listened. And also RADIOSMERSH for this pack!
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starking018 | Date: Wednesday, 2021-05-05, 0:12 AM | Message # 4 |
Group: Friends
Messages: 395
Status: Offline
| I just realized that your initial comments were from before a new version of FHSW came out (two actually, v0.62 and then v0.621). So you must have missed the update, and this explains why it was crashing. If you try to join a server with a different mod version your game just crashes to desktop.
You can check the FHSW servers on Gametracker, go to the HISTORICAL DATA charts and see the hours of the day and the days of the week when there are players on each server: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Basically mostly the evenings in Europe and in East Asia.
Quote lepiolotmathieu (  ) the display screen is now square instead of a rectangle that takes the entire width of the screen. I will have to adapt to it, I prefer the widescreen but if it is necessary to play FHSW then so be it. No, this is definitely not the way to play FHSW! You better make use of the whole area of the screen, and of its full native resolution, by going to Options -> Video and setting that resolution (typically the game runs well with everything set to the highest values, unless the GPU is slow). Installing the all-in-one on top of the old Battlefield 1942 must have overwritten your settings (which are kept in the folder Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Settings\).
Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
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