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FHSW Server on a Windows 2012 Server box (r)
StronkieDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-25, 8:07 PM | Message # 1
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Well as the title says

I have installed all needed files > which result in (using the 2.x servermanager) that runs every MAP there is on 1942 mode , Expansion Pack , FH . But No map of FHSW will start.

I have tried tons and tons of things , comb mode , running as administrator. Nothing Seems to be working..

Added (2014-02-25, 7:07 PM)
Anyone could shed some light on it.

Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-25, 8:30 PM | Message # 2
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Maybe some of the FHSW files are corrupted? Have you tried a re-download? Wouldn't be the first time this happened.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-25, 8:56 PM | Message # 3
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As I said, for me that issue is even more misterious.

Stefan (main server admin, and the game server owner) said he had done nothing special to our server to get it working, so I dunno really. Ours is Win7 though.

Have you tried virtual XP yet?
StronkieDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-25, 9:23 PM | Message # 4
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Well you and I looked at the server. Maybe you could rar your server and I upload it to our box.

Virtual PC is an nogo

Added (2014-02-25, 8:23 PM)
PS I did an clean download of all files on three computers

One , my own machine , windows 7 64 Ultimate
two , one server , Windows 2008 Server 64 bit
three , our new server , Windows 2012 Server 64 bit (which Mr_J helped me with)

And all three.. No go.

Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-25, 10:47 PM | Message # 5
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Quote Stronkie ()
Maybe you could rar your server and I upload it to our box.

Only Stefan has Remote Desktop access. I can't help about it.

One , my own machine , windows 7 64 Ultimate

Ours is Win 7 64 Pro, not Ultimate afaik. Dunno if it does matter

Well you and I looked at the server.

I stopped trying because of the inability of map changing (aberdeen everytime)

And have you tried running it on clean Origin installation?
Maybe is there some kind of ram memory limitation per program in the server system? That's insane idea though...
Or maybe try downloading client game files?

I called Stefan to have his say here...
RADIOSMERSHDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-26, 9:49 AM | Message # 6
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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What do logs say? Maybe you can post them here?
StronkieDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-26, 7:46 PM | Message # 7
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25.02.2014 20:54:31 : Battlefield 1942 Server Manager v2.01
25.02.2014 20:54:31 : Started under Microsoft Windows 98
25.02.2014 20:54:37 : Listening on
25.02.2014 20:55:30 : User operator at console updated the map rotation.
25.02.2014 20:55:42 : Server started
25.02.2014 20:55:48 : Connected
25.02.2014 20:55:51 : WARNING: This version of Server Manager is intended for BF v1.61 and may not work correctly with this v1.61 server.
25.02.2014 20:55:54 : Server has already stopped.
25.02.2014 20:55:54 : Disconnected
25.02.2014 20:55:57 : Server started
25.02.2014 20:56:00 : Connected
25.02.2014 20:56:03 : WARNING: This version of Server Manager is intended for BF v1.61 and may not work correctly with this v1.61 server.
25.02.2014 20:56:07 : Server has crashed
25.02.2014 20:56:09 : Server started
25.02.2014 20:56:11 : Disconnected
25.02.2014 20:56:12 : Server stopped
25.02.2014 20:56:12 : Auto-restart is enabled, restarting the server.
25.02.2014 20:56:12 : Server started
25.02.2014 20:56:15 : Disconnected
25.02.2014 20:56:15 : Couldn't connect to server console! Server Manager could not identify the server's status port.
25.02.2014 20:56:18 : Disconnected
25.02.2014 20:56:18 : Couldn't connect to server console! Server Manager could not identify the server's status port.
25.02.2014 20:56:19 : Server has already stopped.
25.02.2014 20:56:19 : Disconnected
25.02.2014 20:56:33 : User operator at console updated the map rotation.
25.02.2014 20:56:35 : Exited

Basicly what happens.. The server tries to start the 1942 dedicated server file. The Black Dosbox appears.. But stays totally black.
No Idea what it is waiting for , but the normal server screen will not pop op. Then I have to close the server manager and the dosbox dissappears

Added (2014-02-26, 6:46 PM)

Quote Mr_J ()
And have you tried running it on clean Origin installation? Maybe is there some kind of ram memory limitation per program in the server system? That's insane idea though... Or maybe try downloading client game files? I called Stefan to have his say here...
Yes I have tried copy'ing the bf1942 files. It doesnot work. And neh there is no ram restriction. it is only a 32 bit program anyways.
RADIOSMERSHDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-26, 8:00 PM | Message # 8
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
Group: Bronze Donator
Messages: 664
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No, I'm talking about a log in bf1942/mods/fhsw/logs folder - it might be the key.

Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Wednesday, 2014-02-26, 8:01 PM
StronkieDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-26, 8:17 PM | Message # 9
Group: Trusted
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Version v1.612 BF1942 (Ver: Sun, 03 Mar 2013 21:13:44)
Log created 2014/02/21:17.02d
Running on Pentium® III Xeon at 3490 MHz
Supports AMD 3DNow
Supports MMX
Supports SSE
Supports SSE2
No contentCrc32.con file for mod Mods/FHSW/
No contentCrc32.con file for mod Mods/FH/
Korsakov829Date: Thursday, 2014-02-27, 7:53 PM | Message # 10
Group: Blocked
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Make sure content checking is off and regenerate contentCrc32.con.

Edit: Didn't work, cross this off.

Message edited by Korsakov829 - Thursday, 2014-02-27, 8:37 PM
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