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Sick & Tired of Rule Breaking Players & No Rule Enforcement
djmeltdown653029Date: Sunday, 2020-11-29, 11:14 PM | Message # 1
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We really have a special server and I have played here for many, many years. Until recently, Admins used to enforce the rules with a kick or temporary ban. Then for some reason, they stopped enforcing the rules. I don't know if it's because they have become too concerned with their personal gameplay, score, or what... 

It really takes away from gameplay and enjoyment when players blatantly violate the server rules and there is no enforcement or consequences for their behavior (i.e. attack non-caps, go into mains and steal vehicles, kamakazi as wrong team or year, bail on purpose, etc.) . There are a few that do this all the time, and we all know who they are. 

Specifically, today we were playing Gold Beach. On two separate occasions, Chad Negro bypassed 2 Axis flags, went into the Axis rear non-capable flag, and tried to kill me when I was on the Axis Totgun. I told him not to do that after his first attempt failed. He already knows not to do this but chose to ignore the rules. I notified the admins after his second attempt was successful. The Admins did nothing, so I quit playing to post this.

I am asking the Admins to please listen to players and take action when players are bringing these issues to their attention. I find myself less and less excited to come and spend my Sunday playing with you all, and this issue is the reason. We all want fair play and that comes down to us all following and respecting the server rules. However, when a player fails to do so, the Admins need to act and that player must face consequences if we are to maintain the integrity of this server and the game we love to play.
MAJORMASTERBATESDate: Monday, 2020-11-30, 1:56 AM | Message # 2
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mardukDate: Monday, 2020-11-30, 9:13 AM | Message # 3
Group: Admins
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Hi Meltdown,
thanks for your post and complaint. We need input of players to improve gameplay and make it a better server.
I partly agree with your complaint. For example, on Gold Beach I witnessed a thing I haven't seen in my entire ten years as an admin:
I got shot with PIAT in my face from pointblank two times by different players within a few minutes (one of them was Chad - what a surprise after I have read your post). Lame gameplay/kills like this are -in my opinion- part of the problem because they are the first step into breaking the server rules. I have tried to point that out a few times. For example some players (even other admins...) jump on a tank with Panzerfaust, Bazooka or AT-rifle and shot at the roof until the tank explodes and kills both the attacker and the tanker (I see this as a form of Kamikaze). Guess what happened! Other admins said that they don't see it as worth to forbid.
So we have a problem here with different points of views regarding things. But to be honest, I am sick of arguing all the time (I took two months break in autumn cause of that) - players complain about every shit (you as well!): About maps, about rules enforcement, about no rules enforcement, anything. Don't get me wrong, some things are definitely worth to complain about. But on the other hand for some it is like a sport to piss off everybody on the internet. Yesterday Raven posted that he has a better life since he is no admin anymore. I definitely know what he means.
We can only handle this, when ALL people on the server start behaving like sane people (another bad example that comes to my mind here is Demo, who does chatspam with random shit all the motherfucking time). I see your post as a request for more kicks (also for minor misconducts) and I think you are right. But YOU have to stop bitching in ingame chat about most of the maps and other stuff as well ^^

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Monday, 2020-11-30, 9:53 AM | Message # 4
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*Bringing popcorn*...
I dunno, Chad did it again after you disconnected Melt. I was infantryman with panzerfaust. He didn't survive for long. Point of this message? Map has panzerfausts, guns, tanks, we can deal with such penetrative pincer attacks!
jeanstonezeDate: Monday, 2020-11-30, 2:02 PM | Message # 5
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Quote djmeltdown653029 ()
Specifically, today we were playing Gold Beach. On two separate occasions, Chad Negro bypassed 2 Axis flags, went into the Axis rear non-capable flag, and tried to kill me when I was on the Axis Totgun.
On any classic BF1942 servers, and in bf-league competition, you can attack active artillery and flak guns if they are active even in main bases. This is not the rule in fhsw-europe, but a) for some players that could be a habit from vanilla 1942 and b) it looks quite logical that you can attack someone who shoot you, especially if the shooting thing makes huge impacton battlefield like Todt gun does.
Quote marduk ()
For example some players (even other admins...) jump on a tank with Panzerfaust, Bazooka or AT-rifle and shot at the roof until the tank explodes and kills both the attacker and the tanker (I see this as a form of Kamikaze).
On some maps (namely Trois Ponts, Nordwind, Seelow) this is the only chance to kill enemy tanks. If you shoot zookas to front/side/back, it doesnt cause any damage, but if you shoot top it makes one-shot (not sure if you know, you can bazooka one-shot even Maus if it turns tower by 90 degrees and you fire to the bottom of its tower)
Take it easy always. If someone kamikazes me, I dont give a fuck about it. If someone kills me in uncap, I just spawn other flag or try to find and eliminate the sneaker, and dont complain about rule breaking. You know, this is not Criminal Code that we have here and we dont put people in prison for breaking rules.

Jan Paul a.k.a. DALlDA

Message edited by jeanstoneze - Monday, 2020-11-30, 2:03 PM
MAJORMASTERBATESDate: Monday, 2020-11-30, 2:31 PM | Message # 6
Group: Bronze Donator
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jeanstoneze I was just about to say more or less what you said but you said it better lol

Some heavy tanks the ONLY way of killing them is to fist the top (reminds me of ODDBALLS speech in KELLY'S HEROES about TIGER) and well if someone has managed to get on there and do that fair play to
them I say, on kabu people do it all the time not our fault it makes you go flying.

About CHAD NEGRO THE BENEFACTOR, way I see it he/she/it conducted a top secret operation to prevent Cleaner-Lite from obtaining his perfect 80-0 score by firing a big gun at us the whole game at OUR SPAWN. Anyway like the fisting a tank top if he managed to evade everyone and do that WHAT A FEAT AT LEAST HE DID SOME FOOT SLOGGING AND NOT SPAWN RAPING.

I forgot to say BAM BAM kept attacking uncaps on FISTING the other night but i don't think he understood the "pushmap" concept and was trying to recap, I think going behind enemy lines to blow up a big gun is fair game IMO.

Message edited by MAJORMASTERBATES - Monday, 2020-11-30, 2:50 PM
mardukDate: Monday, 2020-11-30, 2:46 PM | Message # 7
Group: Admins
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Quote Jeanstoneze: "On some maps (namely Trois Ponts, Nordwind, Seelow) this is the only chance to kill enemy tanks."

Just not true. The other team also has heavy tanks, AT-mines and -guns and 50 lbs charges. Killing a tank like this is just lame and lazy and shows that players do not want to make a proper effort with other weapons. I never do it and I am very successful with all kinda AT-weapons. So please don't tell me this bullshit.
On the other hand you are kinda right when there are TOO many heavy tanks for one team. Because of that I wanted to remove a few from Battle of the Bulge via SSM, but then somebody showed up and said "Noo, leave them"... As you can see, sometimes it is impossible to find solutions in this community. Also a part of the reason why I am less and less willing to make an effort.

Quote: "Take it easy always."

Well, this is exactly what leads to more and more exploiting and rule breaking like kamikaze on non-pacific maps etc. And we are at a point where we have to talk about that.

Quote: "If someone kills me in uncap, I just spawn other flag or try to find and eliminate the sneaker, and dont complain about rule breaking."

Agreed, I do the same.

Quote: " You know, this is not Criminal Code"

It's not?! Some people open a new thread and start arguing like a lawyer when they get kicked or demand "proof" when a well-known cheater gets banned. I think this is another problem: Most people here know what is right and what is wrong, but they pretend they don't and keep looking for loopholes to fucking exploit them. You can witness this hyprocritical behaviour in all parts of society nowadays and the question is, if we let people get away with it or start acting like men. And this means, if you do something wrong, you do a step back and say "Sorry".


This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
MAJORMASTERBATESDate: Monday, 2020-11-30, 4:01 PM | Message # 8
Group: Bronze Donator
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If it achieves the result of the tank being disabled or destroyed then wouldn't that be a "proper effort" rules permitting? German tanks even have that grenade thing on top so that makes mounting it to FIST it even harder.

If i'm driving round the corner in a jeep or whatever and collide with something and we explode will i get into trouble despite it being force majeure? or a flag gets capped on pushmap and i'm still there what do you want me to do... suicide? also sometimes i like to flank to get a flag and some people construe this as precapping like on FISTING?.

pfcbluemaxDate: Tuesday, 2020-12-22, 8:57 PM | Message # 9
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being just player like raven said instead of admin is nice.... I know.
Admins take a lot of abuse and they don't get paid.
Suggestion if admins can't do the job before own gameplay they should give it up.
But then again they should not be abused by server owners for doing the admin job.
And you have plenty of players/admins that have left fh/pfc because of this.
In my opinion this server is doing a great job.
mardukDate: Sunday, 2020-12-27, 8:46 AM | Message # 10
Group: Admins
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Thank you Bluemax!

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
mardukDate: Sunday, 2020-12-27, 8:56 AM | Message # 11
Group: Admins
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I have started kicking players for Kamikaze-zooking/fausting the last days. So far I kicked HOG, Majormasterbates and Gameplayer.
I am sick and tired of this bullshit and I treat it as ordinary and forbidden Kamikaze from now on. If I get killed like that or I witness it with others, I kick without any further question.
Why now? Kamikaze-zooking/fausting has increased dramatically in the last days and weeks and players now regard it as a legitimate way to kill a tank, even if it is not necessary. E-3 has pointed out that in cases of some super-heavy tanks there might be no other way of killing them, but I have seen players killing a Jagdpanzer IV, a Cromwell and a Panther like that as well. This wasn't about having no other chance, it was about players giving a fuck. Because I do not want the gameplay on our server to become totally retarded and idiotic, with players running around with all kinda AT weapons even shoting infantry from point-blank (like seen before as well), I punish this behaviour from now on. Thanks for understanding!

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
GameplayerDate: Sunday, 2020-12-27, 10:43 AM | Message # 12
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In many cases If i have done kamikaze-zooking it's always been accident on both pilots. Not only me. In the sky I always try to scare my enemies by shooting them even from the front side, but in many case I end up crashing the plane in the enemy because they wont get scared and pull down the plane. So it's always an accident. I know you might say that I should pull down or up when flying the plane, but then I don't get chance it kill the enemy.

from now on I try not to do that, but remember I don't do that on purpose if you think that I would.

Hates too quick judgement.

aka Gameplayer or Gameplayer500

Message edited by Gameplayer - Sunday, 2020-12-27, 12:32 PM
MAJORMASTERBATESDate: Sunday, 2020-12-27, 1:53 PM | Message # 13
Group: Bronze Donator
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Well whatever but yesterday i saw i think 5 people miss or get dud hits with a FISTER (crappy 30m ones I HATE THEM) on a churchill that then went to the flag cap and i was right near it, so i went behind it and FISTED it in its arse just to be sure and then i flew 10 metres into the air and died. Would i do that everytime? no i'd rather not and i won't but i didn't have time for social distancing fisting and just wanted to get rid of it and that worked.

I foresee things like the cleaner-rape-mobile getting 90-0 in future....
mardukDate: Sunday, 2020-12-27, 3:25 PM | Message # 14
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Just learn how to do it properly. I am pretty successful with AT and I actually do most of my kills with K98k, another basic weapon.
I know it is possible. But I also see a lot of players who do not want to make an effort, just lame kills. This rule is not against people who accidentally get killed when shoting a tank. It happened to me before, for example when the tank is going backwards and suddenly is too close. I am not talking about this. I am talking about people who do it on purpose. And in some cases I might kick somebody who accidentally killed himself too. Well, sorry for that, but nothing is perfect.

I am sure you find other ways to kill Cleaner lol We all know that you have a problem with him, but just leave out those bullshit "arguments" please.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
MAJORMASTERBATESDate: Monday, 2020-12-28, 0:11 AM | Message # 15
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Righto but if it happens again (by accident of course) with me or anyone just be like this:

As for Cleaner....his aversion to receiving a fisting is what irks me so with him..
martinfettbergerDate: Monday, 2021-01-25, 3:17 PM | Message # 16
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Hello friends !

Is there a chance to get unbanned after more than a year ? 
The reason was revenge teamkilling. I exaggerated it to the max. 
You banned me from TS3 and Discord too.

I'd love to persuade you from normal behaviour, but you need to admit, that you have been really harsh to me, keeping me banned over one years just for teamkilling.

Can't open new topic, so I posted here at the latest one

Greetings Styv
mardukDate: Monday, 2021-01-25, 5:30 PM | Message # 17
Group: Admins
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Quote Martinfettberger: "I'd love to persuade you from normal behaviour, but you need to admit, that you have been really harsh to me, keeping me banned over one years just for teamkilling."

Yes, because it always started like this and you said you were sorry and then you teamkilled on purpose again. Four, five, six times...
I don't even know because I stopped counting it. So we will not unban you because based on our experiences there is a 95 % chance that you start your teamkilling bullshit again. It is your own fault.
And for all those who do not know Styv: Please do not start arguing in favour him because you did not witness how often he teamkilled players and admins on purpose over and over again. This has been a clear case all the years.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Monday, 2021-01-25, 8:14 PM | Message # 18
Group: Admins
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We've heard this. We've seen how much you appreciate this community.

I saw how much you appreciate my presence in FH2 after I had to create formal complaint to admins to ban you and you trolled entire FH2 server as well.

No, no, no, no, and again no.
LampoDate: Monday, 2021-01-25, 8:34 PM | Message # 19
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gimme the powa....

waldhurzakDate: Monday, 2021-01-25, 10:51 PM | Message # 20
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it look like some, Styv want to redeem himself

I think he can try play on server, with great admins observation if he make 1 incident = instant ban

but I dont decide..

just want to pull out from each player some good heh

Best Bf1942 version for FHSW:


Message edited by waldhurzak - Monday, 2021-01-25, 11:08 PM
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