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Intentional TK
djmeltdown653029Date: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 10:18 PM | Message # 1
Group: Recruit
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Killed chad negro with nebel with less than 1 minute to go. Chad switched teams and tk me with satchel on merville battery.
starking018Date: Monday, 2021-06-28, 10:52 AM | Message # 2
Group: Friends
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Taken from the conversation on Discord just now:

Chad Negromancer — Today at 11:54 AM
[11:55 AM]
Funniest shit is that I placed the 5s satchel 4s before the map ended
[11:55 AM]
Also the server crashed while changing map

Air Troll — Today at 12:27 PM
This is not cool. You are potentially affecting the victim and others in the game from the moment the satchel was thrown out. On top of that, an admin could have added time, so you never really know what is going to happen next.
You better stop doing this and apologize, or else the least you can expect is that others may treat you similarly whenever they like.

Chad Negromancer — Today at 12:33 PM
It was just a one time lulz on ts, but sure he will be killed in more legal ways and still complain

Air Troll — Today at 12:38 PM
hmm, I think I remember you doing it on other occasions
[12:39 PM]
anyway, all your excuses are bullshit
[12:39 PM]
so just promise you will stop threatening and interrupting players like that and apologize
[12:40 PM]
or will Chad come up with another excuse now?

KEBab_RETurns — Today at 12:40 PM @Air Troll
Ok, will tk him with satchel next time :smirk:

Air Troll — Today at 12:40 PM
then you may be treated in similar ways too. And who's to say what is a proportional response?
[12:41 PM]
basically you could be teamkilled at any time

Chad Negromancer — Today at 12:41 PM
its not like i would do it again
[12:41 PM]
and kebabs already has done worse to some of us 7w7

Air Troll — Today at 12:42 PM
I've seen people do things like that, so apologies are due

KEBab_RETurns — Today at 12:42 PM @Chad Negromancer
I did things in Rwanda 90's

Air Troll — Today at 12:50 PM @Chad Negromancer
@KEBab_RETurns remember that you are hurting a whole team and the whole round may be affected. Also you don't really know how your actions may be interpreted. Grow up and own up to the consequences of your actions.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
bubuDate: Monday, 2021-06-28, 1:35 PM | Message # 3
Group: Admins
Messages: 428
Awards: 31
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More of context wink
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