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Report - Baseraping Player
rickardsvDate: Sunday, 2021-12-12, 2:54 AM | Message # 1
Group: Trusted
Messages: 18
Awards: 2
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Today Saturday 11 december 2021 player kast7n was in mainbase spawnkilling on purpose in a stolen tank because he didn't like the map we were playing - Savoy 1940, and there were no admins on. Someone had been constantly spamming mapvotes and the atmosphere on the server got pretty bad. Told him to stop but "I won't get banned :D" was the reply I got. Idk if he was also the one spamming mapvotes, I blamed Chad Negro but got a "Fuck you Tropical, I was mapvoting" from kast7n.
There were no admins the entire evening except Raven who joined late.

Proof 1 minute into the video



Message edited by rickardsv - Sunday, 2021-12-12, 3:00 AM
DeathDate: Friday, 2021-12-17, 4:19 PM | Message # 2
Group: Admins
Messages: 453
Awards: 13
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Kast earned a 2 day ban for this.
Taken care of.

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