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bubuDate: Wednesday, 2022-01-05, 6:20 PM | Message # 1
Group: Admins
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Voice your opinions on this please.

Serious only, jokes will be deleted.

- Fights with other players constantly (involves insulting and swearing at them, warning to TK them, accuses of cheating, requests their kick and ban)
- Has constant negative attitude towards admins
- Speaks of PFC 24/7 as well as his admin time acting as the most experienced

Will you stop with these actions or do you plan to continue this behaviour?
pfcbluemaxDate: Wednesday, 2022-01-05, 8:35 PM | Message # 2
Group: Recruit
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Others bring up pfc I didn't read all the spoilers but I will be cool and no I didn't say ban certain ones.i will be cool as long as others are cool with me. I said I would team kill if regulars are going to teams witch to tk me.
DeathDate: Wednesday, 2022-01-05, 9:24 PM | Message # 3
Group: Admins
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Listen Blue as of lately your attitude and behavior has been extremely toxic and uncalled for. Its not just against people that are "not cool" with you like you stated. You've been antagonistic towards players that generally mind their own business and never get into arguments. Air Troll, Cleaner, Torq are all players that generally mind their own business and barely even talk ingame. especially cleaner and Air Troll. while they might not be the friendliest people on the server they are well behaved and never trash talk or provoke people like you claim. So don't BS me and saying they started it. I have never seen cleaner or troll go out of their way to insult someone or insult their nationality at all period.

As for the admin complaining stuff enough is enough. Everyone and their mother knows you were an admin once, well you're not an admin on FHSW. so enough is enough with the if I was an admin i'd do this if I was an admin i'd do that. just shut it already and play the damn game.

I definitely don't want to hear anymore of how long you've been playing this game and that you know better and insulting others because they are newer at the game. trash talking and insulting players that are new at the game is a way to lose players from the server and kill the game. Plus there are players such as myself on this server who have been playing just as long as you if not longer and we don't go around insulting the new players as much as you do.
So that bullshit needs to stop period.

You were an admin so you should know better than to act like this. and I don't want to hear anymore grabbi/pfc bullshit. that drama is in the past and its over. leave it be. I don't care if someone else mentioned it, I'm going to make a general announcement about that as well.

Overall, dude its a game we play every weekend with teh same community every weekend. we like to promote the friendly atmosphere with some trash talking but you need to chill the fuck out and tone it down.
If you want to be as toxic as you have been lately take it somewhere else. most people want to have fun on the weekends and play fhsw and enjoy themselves. so you need to chill.

pfcbluemaxDate: Wednesday, 2022-01-05, 9:37 PM | Message # 4
Group: Recruit
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Yea I want to play and have fun too but cheap shots are not cool. Fair game would be cool too but often precapping, spawn camping goes on and nothing is done. Yes I'm not admin and have no disire for it. This doesn't mean I forgot what an admin should be.and like I said sometimes I'm provoked by guts like torqumada he runs his mouth calling me this and that mostly everytime he joins and no one confronts him about his behavior. Like I said I will be cool if others be cool.
DeathDate: Wednesday, 2022-01-05, 10:00 PM | Message # 5
Group: Admins
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If I see torq i'll talk to him about it but generally I haven't seen torq trash talk that much. he hardly says anything half the time.
But just try to tone it down, we all like trash talking but keep it reasonable.

pfcbluemaxDate: Wednesday, 2022-01-05, 10:52 PM | Message # 6
Group: Recruit
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That's good your the first to do anything. I don't remember having a problem with any admins except for 1 that talks shit up on my country.
Born-1942Date: Friday, 2022-01-07, 12:57 PM | Message # 7
Group: Friends
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I think this guy needs to relax.

Even if you get teased what's the fun in "kicking back"? that sounds very childish and not at all mature. And also promoting yourself by saying you were an was administrator and thus wanting to insult people is not fair, and very unsympathetic.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
pfcbluemaxDate: Saturday, 2022-01-08, 3:39 PM | Message # 8
Group: Recruit
Messages: 19
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No it's about good for some not for others in certain ways.
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