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Two cheaters caught
starking018Date: Tuesday, 2022-03-15, 0:00 AM | Message # 1
Group: Friends
Messages: 395
Awards: 22
Reputation: 13
Status: Offline
Unfortunately there have been some degenerates lately playing unfairly using some methods beyond what the game allows. I guess some may be dismissing some of them as having a medical condition or something like that, but regardless, their behavior has unacceptable effects on other players and on normal gameplay.
Evidence (from the server's XML logs which record game events):
On Eagle's Nest 1946 you can't even see a silhouette of the terrain at 450 meters yet KEVIN-LEONARD-UK made 3 kills at a larger distance with a tank, as evidenced by the coordinates:
<bf:event name="destroyVehicle" timestamp="1378.41">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">2</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">773.136/36.0481/480.493</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">Panzerjager_Wanze</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="vehicle_pos">258.532/142.808/652.18</bf:param>

<bf:event name="destroyVehicle" timestamp="1471.12">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">2</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">681.097/40.9997/534.717</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">GermanSoldier</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="vehicle_pos">184.091/144.834/593.606</bf:param>

<bf:event name="destroyVehicle" timestamp="2838.08">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">2</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">683.587/40.8196/534.752</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">GermanSoldier</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="vehicle_pos">198.126/145.653/604.662</bf:param>
All relevant XML log entries
Full XML log file

Bluemax making accurate shots with a battleship beyond the fog distance while normally the game does not provide any cues for the proper gun elevation in this situation. He didn't adjust aim based on where his previous shots fell either - he was somehow accurate enough from the first salvo, and remained so while the range changed. I claim that the only way he was able to be that accurate is through some cheat removing fog or aiming for him, which would also explain many more incidents involving him.
Here are all the relevant XML log entries and explanations for context but the key entries are these:
<bf:event name="destroyVehicle" timestamp="2691.18">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">10</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">2699.37/15.3281/1460.88</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">JapaneseSoldier</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="vehicle_pos">1876.21/29.5682/1117.67</bf:param>

<bf:event name="destroyVehicle" timestamp="2749.58">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">10</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">2580.84/15.3279/2267.36</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">DaihatsuSPT83</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="vehicle_pos">2276.78/28.0944/1226.41</bf:param>
Screenshot from the first salvo, for context
Full XML log file

Both of these players have prior histories of cheating in this game (Kevin: http://www.fhsw-europe.com/forum/22-833-1 and Bluemax: https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-ban-263018.html) therefore we're really better off playing without them. In case someone really wants to hang out with some of them I can only suggest doing it outside the normal gameplay servers (e.g. on a testing server) or on Discord/forums.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
jeanstonezeDate: Thursday, 2022-03-17, 2:29 PM | Message # 2
Group: Recruit
Messages: 47
Awards: 7
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
Repost of Bubu's message from discord, in case of someone (KEVIN) forgot his password:
@Bluemax and @KEVIN-LEONARD-UK have been banned for 3 full weeks on FHSW Europe server for cheating.
Ban is effective as of today 17th March 2022, 14:00 GMT+1

The lifting of the ban can be discussed on 7th April under these circumstances
- You will stop cheating and glitch using as pointed out by logs and screenshots given to my attention
- You will stop trying to evade your current ban. At each evasion your ban will be prolonged by 1 more week.

Jan Paul a.k.a. DALlDA

Message edited by jeanstoneze - Thursday, 2022-03-17, 2:30 PM
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