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UFO and Alpenfestung. Good idea? (r)
What is the best sollution you think?
1. Remove the UFO [ 2 ] [12.50%]
2. Make rulez about it [ 3 ] [18.75%]
3. Ask the FHSW Dev team to edit the UFO [ 7 ] [43.75%]
4. Nothing, is fine. [ 4 ] [25.00%]
Answers total: 16
Fritz-KempfDate: Wednesday, 2012-08-15, 4:19 PM | Message # 1
FHSW Wikia Admin
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Ok, i had now play the Alpenfestung map with the Ufo as enemy. What i think about it. Its a special weapon and i like it. However, the gameplay with this is far then happy. I have even shoot it out the air as friend! I don't care its against the rulez. I have say it, it is now unbalanced and i will tell now why!

TANK shoots the USA HQ. He destroy the complete mainbase and disappeared high in the air. The USA lost by this a complete base. They can not support the troops. He even do it again and again and again..... Its alowed that aircraft shoots HQ's like the rulez say. I have read the rulez. i have even elarn as Japanese pilot you can do anytime an Kamikaze. Ok nice.... good to know. lol But is this an aircraft? So yes, please make a rulez about it.

Second. Even the fighter have no change against it. I have fly on altitude 9 and he was higher then this. Also it is overpowered! So what i also suggest is to ask to the FHSW Dev team to edit this Ufo. Make sure he can't fly higher then altitude 8 or 9 and the gun needs a long reload or fix the gun so it not overpowered. I should be happy with an 128mm gun.

This is what i think about it, but i will absolutely not be alone!

MannsDate: Friday, 2012-08-17, 3:03 PM | Message # 2
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Dear Fritz, could you please stop howling for balance at nearly every map ? It destroys the mood of the game and makes it so stressfull.
We know that the Haunebu is a unusual weapon, but if you would have taken time to study it inspite of rioting, you would know that the Haunebu needs just be hit from 3!!!!!! 20mm shells and its down for all the game !

I give you my highest respect for creating FHSW Europe Wikipedia, but agree that was is always a little bit unfair ! Germans had jets, allies not ! Russians had over 1 million guys to attack berlin, german not even a tenth !
Live with it and play the game as all other players do, enjoy FHSW, don't critism it.

@Mr_J: If you give up now and remove the Haunebu, he will make a new thread tomorrow for replacing Maus because its too powerfull, and the day after tomorrow he wants you to replace all me 262 at bombing the reich with bf109s, because its unbalanced.....

I am actually very satisfied with the Haunebu, its a nicely change which gives a new kind of playing.
I have been shot down from allied anti air many times, polsten hits you 3 times and you are down, 3inch AA one shot, its so quickly done.

So my answer is: Live with it Fritz !

honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
Fritz-KempfDate: Friday, 2012-08-17, 3:32 PM | Message # 3
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I never talk about unbalanc in the maps? I can't say one map that is unbalanced. What i always say is that people sometimes make it unbalanced by attacking the mainbase like on the map Battle over Hokaido. But never i say the map is now unbalanced. I love Alpenfestung how it is today, even with the Haunebu, but i think the Haunebu is to much powerfull to make this balanced. The next time i take that UFO, i will make sure each american will be derstroyed and i will reach the first place in the scorelist. Because you can easy win the battle with that thing; its strange that - without my vote because i don't vote on my own polls - 3 peoples are agree with me to edit the UFO. And i don't know who they are. Big machines will not say they will win, like Operation Rat Trap. I shoot that gun down with coast gun before it reach the factory! And i prove it enough! But the UFo is another story. its heavy, big, fast and powerfull weapon. And that is not good! With the results. People leave the battle.... people switch from team and that last one, i hate because i don't like to be place over to another team. because i win or i lose, i start with a team and i ends with that same team.

Btw: how can i say each round the map is unbalanced if i play a few hours each week? And each time its the same maps. Bombing the Reich, Alpenfestung, Stashuv Area and Chartress. About that i blame.....playing to much the same maps.

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Friday, 2012-08-17, 3:34 PM
mardukDate: Monday, 2012-08-20, 1:43 PM | Message # 4
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The Ufo is completely overpowered. Once I shot at it with 20 mm double flak and hit it probably more than 50-70 times. Nothing happened...

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2012-08-27, 0:14 AM | Message # 5
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Yes, i have play Alpenfestung again. The Ufo stay's high in the air and he can't just destroy all vehicles on ground and the enemy can't reach his altitude.
KhaineDate: Monday, 2012-08-27, 0:22 AM | Message # 6
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I think it should be edited so that it can play the x-files music, just like the barbie KT playing pink panther theme must return.
MannsDate: Monday, 2012-08-27, 3:10 AM | Message # 7
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Are you kidding me ?

You need just TWO BLOODY SHOTS with the 20mm and its down FOREVER
please don't ly

honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
Fritz-KempfDate: Thursday, 2012-08-30, 3:28 PM | Message # 8
FHSW Wikia Admin
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Quote (Manns)
You need just TWO BLOODY SHOTS with the 20mm and its down FOREVER

Indeed, thats true! But..... you need the change to destroy it! Again, its to fast and fly to high to destroy it!
executionerDate: Thursday, 2012-08-30, 10:10 PM | Message # 9
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the Haunebu flying disk is the most incredible wunder waffen! happy happy

Trolls (rare species from Trollhattan that are protected by UNESCO)
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SimoHayhaDate: Saturday, 2013-05-11, 1:03 AM | Message # 10
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is it still in the game?

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XenanabDate: Saturday, 2013-05-11, 4:59 PM | Message # 11
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Quote (SimoHayha)
is it still in the game?

No in the wiki it says, that it was removed, but reasons are not given. Maybe it was too overpowered? Or just too strange?
Mr_JDate: Sunday, 2013-05-12, 5:17 PM | Message # 12
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Quote (Xenanab)
Quote (SimoHayha)is it still in the game?

No in the wiki it says, that it was removed, but reasons are not given. Maybe it was too overpowered? Or just too strange?

The wiki is wrong, FHSW Team has never officially put the flying saucer to use on any map, it was not removed as it still resides in mod files though. We made it (as well as X-4 Ruhrstahl missile) available once on Alpenfestung map just before the FHSW 0.5 was published, using the Server Side modding. Currently Alpenfestung is out of ufo.
SimoHayhaDate: Monday, 2013-05-13, 2:13 AM | Message # 13
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can you let it out of its box so i can play with it? maybe on a map they wont expect it as well? something quaint like pegasus? :P

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Mr_JDate: Monday, 2013-05-13, 8:22 PM | Message # 14
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Quote (SimoHayha)
can you let it out of its box so i can play with it? maybe on a map they wont expect it as well? something quaint like pegasus? :P
Don't know, it's not so easy to edit the ufo to make it playable (i mean destroyable). I will think about this
Firstly I have to know if other players want the ufo back.
WRüttgerDate: Monday, 2013-05-13, 9:25 PM | Message # 15
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UFO War!!
SimoHayhaDate: Tuesday, 2013-05-14, 0:16 AM | Message # 16
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I'd love to see it!

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XenanabDate: Tuesday, 2013-05-14, 11:57 AM | Message # 17
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I would rather say no :P
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