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player complaint (r)
SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-30, 10:41 PM | Message # 1
Group: Gold Donator
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There was a player on the server called ul , he was shooting tanks in own base, going to enemy main base, and not listening to anyones warnings for himto stop, personally i think he should be banned from the server because he shows no intention of playing properly..

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Fritz-KempfDate: Tuesday, 2013-11-05, 6:23 PM | Message # 2
FHSW Wikia Admin
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I will be alert. When he is at the server, i will join. Because i want to be a good admin, like all others, i will not ban him without warnings.
Stefan1990Date: Tuesday, 2013-11-05, 6:36 PM | Message # 3
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Quote Fritz-Kempf ()
I will be alert. When he is at the server, i will join. Because i want to be a good admin, like all others, i will not ban him without warnings.

SimoHayhaDate: Tuesday, 2013-11-05, 11:39 PM | Message # 4
Group: Gold Donator
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thanks guys

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SparrowDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-04, 8:14 PM | Message # 5
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There was a player called Filippos Colonel he stole the enemy plane kamikazed i told him do not do that but he kept entering in enemy's main then someone almost killed my plane it was burning and heading to allied run way on el alamein and i accidentaly crashed in his wellington but he thinks i did that on purpose and im trolling him...
Fritz-KempfDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-04, 8:16 PM | Message # 6
FHSW Wikia Admin
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I will check this undercover wink
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-04, 8:55 PM | Message # 7
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Filippos Colonel is a really weird guy! Not only that because he mean from himself that he is the Ubergeneral and chatspaming the screen with absolut waste orders and things no one want to know.

A few days ago, it was on the map "the graet pursuit", I was in Kingtiger and in a fight with a captured Jagdtas, he drove with a tank (we both were axis) in front of me and start firing with MG at me. I ask him what he is doing and if he is mad. Then he was absolutly freaking out, typing exactly that in chat and began to teamkill several team members. That endures over a few minutes and at the end of the map he had a score of -6. I made a screenschoot but unfortunatly I´m unable to open it correctly but the date was 02.02. 5.38pm if anyone wants to check the server chatlog.

I think that guy needs a clear warning.

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Tuesday, 2014-02-04, 8:57 PM
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-04, 9:45 PM | Message # 8
Accessory Admin
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@SimoHayha: I guess that player named Filippos Colonel is a friend of yours but this doesn't mean that you are allowed to tolerate rules breaking, even if it is performed by people whom you know.
SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 0:07 AM | Message # 9
Group: Gold Donator
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hes not a friend of mine, I only saw him on server and tried to introduce him to the game, if he misbehaves its not because i let him, ive warned him several times, I have especially warned him in how he chats, but i will make a point to keep an eye on him, and punish him if he steps out of line.. I think he has a very big ego, and thinks he can do anything on server and act like the boss... we will show him that isnt true!

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DeathDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 5:29 AM | Message # 10
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I agree with robert, part of the problem is that...well excuse me for saying this, fillippos is rather "slow" he doesn't think at all, I don't think he means to do the things he does SOMETIMES and yet sometimes he does it in purpose I think. he's rather oblivious, on Caen i was in a tiger, firing at a jumbo and a sherman, fillippos drives right infront of me as im firing and I tk him...like some of the things he does are really stupid.

I do think we should do something about his excessive talking, its to the point where its almost spamming. its really annoying  dry

For teams if the teams are balanced and he wants to go on a team, he does it anyway despite me warning not to.

Agreed then, all admins shall keep an eye on filippos, give him a warning, if he doesn't listen kick him.

DeathDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 5:38 AM | Message # 11
Group: Admins
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Also I think we should keep an eye on [DPB]Panther, before I got admin rights, he had an incident where he made several racist remarks, plus he tends to get "fresh" with admins and players, when he camps an enemy main, and he goes "buhuhuhu" he usually backs off, but keep an eye on him as well, Simo that goes for you, when eye, J, or duky are on panther behaves, however, if no admin is on keep an eye on him.

SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 6:10 AM | Message # 12
Group: Gold Donator
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I will do that!

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mardukDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 4:52 PM | Message # 13
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Filippos Colonel also stole my vehicle once. He sucks!

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Fritz-KempfDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 8:17 PM | Message # 14
FHSW Wikia Admin
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Don't worry, like i said im working now undercover. Im sometimes on the server with another playername and if necessary, i will kick/ban people who ignore the rulez. I have already check him 3 times while nobody knows im there. So im sometimes there!
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2014-02-06, 0:20 AM | Message # 15
Group: Silver Donator
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Maybe you shouldn't announce to get undercover here ...

Message edited by Xenanab - Thursday, 2014-02-06, 0:21 AM
Fritz-KempfDate: Thursday, 2014-02-06, 7:45 PM | Message # 16
FHSW Wikia Admin
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Quote Xenanab ()
Maybe you shouldn't announce to get undercover here ...

Why not? Maybe he will now get scared and follow the rulez. I hate to kick/ban people. wink
SimoHayhaDate: Thursday, 2014-02-06, 10:22 PM | Message # 17
Group: Gold Donator
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Quote Fritz-Kempf ()
I hate to kick/ban people.

I dont share your aversion!  smok

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DeathDate: Friday, 2014-02-07, 1:19 AM | Message # 18
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Neither do I  batman

AdmNateEllisDate: Sunday, 2014-02-16, 6:03 AM | Message # 19
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I agree with what Robert and Death had said. That guy is so annoying I almost wanted to throw my mouse at my monitor. Not to be rude or anything, but I have told Fillipos many times to "take a break from typing". He seems very childish.
CanukAttakDate: Tuesday, 2014-03-04, 4:19 AM | Message # 20
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I have to agree, The past week philippos has been more annoying then usual, lol, as well as tank bailing and team killing. I warned him quite a few times he stops for 5 10 minutes then hes back to chat spamming.  Maybe a 24 hour ban might knock some sense into him. Whats the point of warning someone if he isnt going to listen.
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