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Here we go again? (r)
Korsakov829Date: Thursday, 2016-11-10, 8:03 PM | Message # 1
Group: Blocked
Messages: 106
Awards: 1
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Status: Offline
I'm expected to know where the enemy is every step of the way. That's what I do after all, isn't it?

Three years ago I could take the occastional accuasation, you might hear it once out of every 3 months but since then it's grown exponentially. But now a minimum of 4 people per day will call me out on it. That people leave the server just because I join is the most insulting shit ever.

This preconception that I automagically know where everyone is at is wrong. In fact it's caused me to be held to such a high standard where I'm not allowed to be lucky, to premptively throw a frag grenade to where an enemy may or may not be, or to at any time fire off into the fog, not without someone freaking out. I absolutely have to know where someone is before dropping a bomb from a plane? Some people even have the gall to suggest that I should play as reckless as they do.

I come to relieve some stress or because I've nothing better to do. But then I see someone on my team who hasn't spawned in half an hour? What am I supposed to feel about that? Pressure, because I have to restrain myself even more else there be some new video going around. But if I'm innocent I shouldn't have anything to worry about, right? Well you don't what it's like to live with his hounding you.

And you know what a new video would mean? Everybody and their fucking mother wanting to be judge and jury, me having to explain shit in an entire essay or hell even take the minutes frame by frame. And let's not forget almost every encounter on TeamSpeak from then on, an interrogation awaits at every turn.

This was hillarious, but I was accused of cheating at FH2 as well when I had told someone how I did equally as well as I do here. What? How does that even work because to my knowledge, FH2 uses binary files seperate from standard BF2 and I would hope I don't have to explain this but getting anything made for the latter is not easily going to work with the former without knowing how to make it yourself. Sure you can modify map files to adjust the fog or so I've heard, but I only know that because there was someone over at Forgotten Honor who was caught some time ago.

What's more is that apparently because I allegedly hack in BF1942 the reasoning is that I must be able to bring down websites as well. Can't say how people imagine that being linked, the two are technologically distant. I'm not even a programmer, never was, sure I've tinkered with Linux, PHP, and even a few mods for a game that I had made over a decade ago, but my fluency is next to none on that front.

To attest to people's stupidity it has also been suggested that it was I myself who filmed those infamous videos. That they don't know how to recognize spectator mode explains why my explanations ocassionaly confuse some if they're listened to them at all.

Logic and reason seem to have no place in the minds of some people. Why would I press an attack on a flag from the direction the majority of it's spawn points are? Why would I advance in a fashion that I have to look both ways to cross a street or corridor when I can instead turn a corner to where I only have to check forward? Why would I not throw a grenade first at the shortest potential route an enemy can travel and then the remaining route hence making the detonation equitemporal to his estimated arrival? And I've every right to play as focused and serious as I do, everyone is free to disagree with that but if that's not what I'm doing then it's just not fun for me. Following a trail of bodies to their killer is no magic trick and were people to ask nicely like a few have I'd be able to school them for hours if I had the time but that's not the world we live in.

But Marduk as an example, for whatever reason he doesn't seem to understand that for a tank to move onto a flag and willfully be surrounded by enemy spawn points, that support from friendly infantry is a prerequisite before even taking such a risk. And for such support to get there in one piece all the way from wherever, the tank needs to hold and cover and wait for the infantry to move up whilst controling the enemy's access to make a counter. Sure you could play differently, recklessly, but you won't have that piece of mind that your enemy is contained and exactly where you have forced them to reside, and then you'll die, and your whole team will have no tanks to lock down the points you are attacking from and before you know it you're back to square one.

Time tested procedures. Be it from cycling camera views at precise and regular intervals, or firing some random tank shells behind the treeline to highlight an outline of enemy vehicles way at the edge of the fog, or making certain that all guns of your one manned battleship are premptively turned to face the expected direction of the enemy.

This recent ban? It's absolutely incredible as it's clear it had to have been strictly for personal reasons. There I am on Chartres, barely on for more than a few minutes, and I was going south from the North side of town, lo and behold was Marduk sticking a rifle out of the window of the second floor of the building between the two flags. Around I go, I throw a grenade in but apparently it was just smoke, up the stairs, and there he is right next to a bed, face to face with me, unobstructed, nothing to it. It was as honest as a 1v1 close quarters encounter gets, and he lost. I doubt he had even spawned back in before banning me from the server, all in all it was really surprising.

But what am I to do about this? I don't fucking know because there isn't much that I haven't tried. Shit was not nearly as bad as it was a year ago, far as I can tell these feelings against me have been growing exponentially and there's no going back. It's not going to get any better. So maybe I'll leave, I'm tempted to, maybe I'll decide Sunday. This inhuman treatment is pissing me off espescially since I've already tried to do so much to change it.


I know some have genuinely understood my position and have tried to help and for that I'm grateful, but it's an incredible minority. And time and time again, it has been admitted that there is nothing that proves me guilty of anything so what am I do to do but churn out explanations, videos, screenshots, like what the fuck do you people expect from all of that? It's more invasive than a cavity search. What happened to innocent until proven guilty and to relying on far more than feelings?

If you really know the kind of person I am then you'll know I don't hold a grudge and forgive and forget quickly. Maybe I should be as nasty as everyone else? I don't care if this gets held against me but some of guys? Fuck you.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2016-11-10, 9:15 PM | Message # 2
Lieutenant General
Group: Silver Donator
Messages: 969
Awards: 19
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The hard core playerbase of FHSW mod players @ europ community, play this game for 7 or 8 years now and we know it VERY well, all about angles of view, using F keys, tactical movement not to mention at last and so on ...
And many of us sense that u are cheating somehow, u are not the only one of course. But actually u are the "best" cheating player who devastate the fun of playing on our server.
What is wrong with u Korsakov? U are an outstanding player, why do mean u must cheat ? U are not to proud to ride a horse all over the map and provide ur team with locations of enemys don´t care for ur score but to lead ur team to victory.
But the essential question is: WHY do u do this? U will not get an applouse if doing the right things because of wrong motive.

We live in a head dominated society and everybody of that kind of people want to have a prove they can touch and look at. You know that and u know too that we can´t summon such a "prove" because we don´t have a cam behind ur shoulder looking at ur screen. I for myself have had a couple of circumstances in real life, sometimes with a few people in which case we couldn´t do anything because we had no "proves" but everybody know because of "feeling it" with the result as prove and so acting with ignoring that guy for the future.
I have a problem for my own with believing that anybody cheat because I never would, even offline games where no one cares ... but me. Where is the fun if I refuse the challenge to master that task of a dungeon or to pick out a smart enemy on screen ?! For example: I will never be so virtousic in the air like airtroll, he will allways be a step better than me, but thats a feature for I admire him.
There was a few things to be unpleasant before like ur magic sense at last battlefield 18 campaign where u tactical whipped out the enemy from the map even with low player base on our side. I was very impressed at that time, but now with some time to reflect a picture pops up and I understand on different way. Yes as u said , me to noticed that u allways know where the enemy is and even if I spawn at a flag where u killed me a second ago u INSTANTLY start spamming me with shells and I was in a house with no posibility for u to see me.
For myself thats prove enough and thats only ONE story.

It´s really a pity that u mean u have to cheat, but ur desicion at last.

But there are everytime two sides: If u don´t cheat and are just an outstanding marvelous player and we are all wrong, it´s time for u to call us all assholes and move on to a society that are on ur level. Anyhow u decide, u can only win wink ... unless u betray urself cool

In addition That is no "prove" wink everybody should jugde for himself

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Thursday, 2016-11-10, 9:34 PM
mardukDate: Thursday, 2016-11-10, 10:42 PM | Message # 3
Group: Admins
Messages: 1681
Awards: 45
Reputation: 13
Status: Offline
@Robert. You spared me of writing all that, I support nearly anything you said, especially:

"Yes as u said , me to noticed that u allways know where the enemy is and even if I spawn at a flag where u killed me a second ago u INSTANTLY start spamming me with shells and I was in a house with no posibility for u to see me. For myself thats prove enough and thats only ONE story."

This is what you mean by feeling, but you can not prove it. And I am talking about the same, those situations. And the other players also experienced those kind of situations and had the same feeling.
And the addition of all our experiences with those kind of situations for me is PROVE enough. Those are too many coincidences.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
sonikglightDate: Thursday, 2016-11-10, 10:45 PM | Message # 4
Group: Recruit
Messages: 155
Awards: 6
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Quote Korsakov829I'm expected to know where the enemy is every step of the way. That's what I do after all, isn't it? Three years ago I could take the occastional accuasation, you might hear it once out of every 3 months but since then it's grown exponentially. But now a minimum of 4 people per day will call me out on it. That people leave the server just because I join is the most insulting shit ever. This preconception that I automagically know where everyone is at is wrong. In fact it's caused me to be held to such a high standard where I'm not allowed to be lucky, to premptively throw a frag grenade to where an enemy may or may not be, or to at any time fire off into the fog, not without someone freaking out. I absolutely have to know where someone is before dropping a bomb from a plane? Some people even have the gall to suggest that I should play as reckless as they do. I come to relieve some stress or because I've nothing better to do. But then I see someone on my team who hasn't spawned in half an hour? What am I supposed to feel about that? Pressure, because I have to restrain myself even more else there be some new video going around. But if I'm innocent I shouldn't have anything to worry about, right? Well you don't what it's like to live with his hounding you. And you know what a new video would mean? Everybody and their fucking mother wanting to be judge and jury, me having to explain shit in an entire essay or hell even take the minutes frame by frame. And let's not forget almost every encounter on TeamSpeak from then on, an interrogation awaits at every turn. This was hillarious, but I was accused of cheating at FH2 as well when I had told someone how I did equally as well as I do here. What? How does that even work because to my knowledge, FH2 uses binary files seperate from standard BF2 and I would hope I don't have to explain this but getting anything made for the latter is not easily going to work with the former without knowing how to make it yourself. Sure you can modify map files to adjust the fog or so I've heard, but I only know that because there was someone over at Forgotten Honor who was caught some time ago. What's more is that apparently because I allegedly hack in BF1942 the reasoning is that I must be able to bring down websites as well. Can't say how people imagine that being linked, the two are technologically distant. I'm not even a programmer, never was, sure I've tinkered with Linux, PHP, and even a few mods for a game that I had made over a decade ago, but my fluency is next to none on that front. To attest to people's stupidity it has also been suggested that it was I myself who filmed those infamous videos. That they don't know how to recognize spectator mode explains why my explanations ocassionaly confuse some if they're listened to them at all. Logic and reason seem to have no place in the minds of some people. Why would I press an attack on a flag from the direction the majority of it's spawn points are? Why would I advance in a fashion that I have to look both ways to cross a street or corridor when I can instead turn a corner to where I only have to check forward? Why would I not throw a grenade first at the shortest potential route an enemy can travel and then the remaining route hence making the detonation equitemporal to his estimated arrival? And I've every right to play as focused and serious as I do, everyone is free to disagree with that but if that's not what I'm doing then it's just not fun for me. Following a trail of bodies to their killer is no magic trick and were people to ask nicely like a few have I'd be able to school them for hours if I had the time but that's not the world we live in. But Marduk as an example, for whatever reason he doesn't seem to understand that for a tank to move onto a flag and willfully be surrounded by enemy spawn points, that support from friendly infantry is a prerequisite before even taking such a risk. And for such support to get there in one piece all the way from wherever, the tank needs to hold and cover and wait for the infantry to move up whilst controling the enemy's access to make a counter. Sure you could play differently, recklessly, but you won't have that piece of mind that your enemy is contained and exactly where you have forced them to reside, and then you'll die, and your whole team will have no tanks to lock down the points you are attacking from and before you know it you're back to square one. Time tested procedures. Be it from cycling camera views at precise and regular intervals, or firing some random tank shells behind the treeline to highlight an outline of enemy vehicles way at the edge of the fog, or making certain that all guns of your one manned battleship are premptively turned to face the expected direction of the enemy. This recent ban? It's absolutely incredible as it's clear it had to have been strictly for personal reasons. There I am on Chartres, barely on for more than a few minutes, and I was going south from the North side of town, lo and behold was Marduk sticking a rifle out of the window of the second floor of the building between the two flags. Around I go, I throw a grenade in but apparently it was just smoke, up the stairs, and there he is right next to a bed, face to face with me, unobstructed, nothing to it. It was as honest as a 1v1 close quarters encounter gets, and he lost. I doubt he had even spawned back in before banning me from the server, all in all it was really surprising. But what am I to do about this? I don't fucking know because there isn't much that I haven't tried. Shit was not nearly as bad as it was a year ago, far as I can tell these feelings against me have been growing exponentially and there's no going back. It's not going to get any better. So maybe I'll leave, I'm tempted to, maybe I'll decide Sunday. This inhuman treatment is pissing me off espescially since I've already tried to do so much to change it. http://i.imgur.com/FL6Annw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/73m5z37.jpg http://i.imgur.com/EyfOSMz.jpg I know some have genuinely understood my position and have tried to help and for that I'm grateful, but it's an incredible minority. And time and time again, it has been admitted that there is nothing that proves me guilty of anything so what am I do to do but churn out explanations, videos, screenshots, like what the fuck do you people expect from all of that? It's more invasive than a cavity search. What happened to innocent until proven guilty and to relying on far more than feelings? If you really know the kind of person I am then you'll know I don't hold a grudge and forgive and forget quickly. Maybe I should be as nasty as everyone else? I don't care if this gets held against me but some of guys? Fuck you.


You show 3 signs of a guilty conscience.

1. You never stick to the point.

2. You are always showing justification in your posts.

3. You are calling out enemy position high in the sky and far corners of the maps.

three Strikes you're out.

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite

Message edited by sonikglight - Thursday, 2016-11-10, 10:56 PM
Santa-AnnaDate: Friday, 2016-11-11, 3:56 AM | Message # 5
Lieutenant Colonel
Group: Gold Donator
Messages: 181
Awards: 19
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline
There was enough proofs for myself also. When he returned a month ago, I believed that it was a kind of way to say "sorry". But no, I've noticed that with the plane he still sees well everything that happens on the ground, in the trenches, in buildings, in the bushes.
Perhaps he's troll or a mentally sick person who can't play without hax - doesn't matter.
So I won't spend my time and nerves - in anytime I can ban myself - by Alt+F4.
mardukDate: Friday, 2016-11-11, 8:27 AM | Message # 6
Group: Admins
Messages: 1681
Awards: 45
Reputation: 13
Status: Offline
We all know what we are talking about, but we have no proof. Well, we do not need a final proof because we are not in court here.

Those discussions is what Endless/eye calls childish. And he is right: this is pointless.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
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