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The greed for score destroys teamplay and fun (r)
mardukDate: Saturday, 2016-12-17, 3:55 PM | Message # 1
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I get teamkilled by trigger-happy players constantly. About at least half of the teamkills are completely unnecessary because they happen in situations where -even if I was an enemy- I would not be a threat to the player I get teamkilled from or at close range, where just by a short look at the uniform/weapon/helmet the teamkill could be avoided. I am losing fun lately because I pretty often survive quite a long time on the battlefield -and then get teamkilled.

Of course I also teamkill. Teamkills can never completely be avoided. But many many teamkills could be avoided if players would have their greed for score under controll and would just spent a little more time in IDENTIFYING THE TARGET BEFORE SHOTING. If you are not sure, you can also double-check with the minimap.

At the latest you should start to wonder what is going on when you shot at somebody and "Negative!" "Negative!" "Negative!" is spammed in the teamchat.

Just keep that in mind when you join the server. Thank you!

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
PumiasekDate: Saturday, 2016-12-17, 5:22 PM | Message # 2
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I understand that cup of bitterness overflowed yesterday TK Lampo
[LSD]SeppDietrich[OGF]Date: Saturday, 2016-12-17, 6:38 PM | Message # 3
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da hast du recht das sage ich schon lange ganz lange!! diese verdammten scorre player ich hasse sie abgrundtief!! es geht in diesem spiel darum das
das team gewinnt und nicht der einzelne! es geht auch nicht darum wie oft jemand gefallen ist! oder wie oft er eine fahne genommen hat oder wieviel er getötet hat!! es geht einzig und alleine um das team das die karte gewinnen soll! wenn man andren hilft kommt die ganze gemeinschaft weiter! das fängt schon bei der fahrzeug reperatur an!! selbst wenn man draufgeht so hat man doch wenigstens dem anderen geholfen und er kann weiter angreifen scheisst doch auf diesen scorre!
auch sollte jeder der klar denken kann jede fahne base die er nimmt die fahrzeuge vom gegner zerstören einfach alles was da ist! so kann er in den meisten fällen nicht mehr in fahrzeuge speziell panzer einsteigen! damit wenn man in der base spawnt auch fahrzeuge dort sind die das eigene team nutzen kann!
es könnte alles so einfach sein!
zum teamkill ja da hast du recht! passiert aber ich kenne viele sage keine namen die es tun um an wafen oder fahrzeuge zu kommen die der kamerad grade hat oder vor ihm erreicht!
solche spieler sind in meinen augen arschlöcher!
bis dahin

Mut bedeutet zu kämpfen auch wenn der Feind übermächtig ist!
Courage meant to fight even if the enemy is over powerful!
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2016-12-17, 6:58 PM | Message # 4
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Oh yes shy I´m really sorry for yesterday on Tobruk (and some other situations). I could imagine that it was the trigger for u to start this thread.

I can only describe it from myself that it sometimes happen that I come into a rush and thinking shuts down wacko . In that case yesterday I took a look on the minimap and saw the middleflagg australian, a few seconds later any guy hurries from that direction to a tank at south flag and I started firing immediatly and in the same moment I realized the italian uniform ... f*ck damn sad

But it´s f*cking jinxed anyhow that the viruosest kills are often teamkills ... from hundred metres in a jump with a luger a headshot or anything else. For myself I know that it is definatly a thing I have to work on.

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Saturday, 2016-12-17, 6:59 PM
Santa-AnnaDate: Saturday, 2016-12-17, 7:04 PM | Message # 5
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And I'm sorry for one Markill on Singapor.
starking018Date: Saturday, 2016-12-17, 8:41 PM | Message # 6
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I'm a player with a trigger-happy attitude who has teamkilled a lot, but I think I'm slowly improving my ability to identify friend/foe with experience. My tactics also often make me vulnerable to friendly fire, or make it hard for my teammates to distinguish between me and enemies around me. So I know what it's like, but in most cases I attribute it to my own choice of risky tactics.

So I too appeal to players to try to get better at identifying friend/foe, as you try to get better at the game in general. It does lead to a lot of improvement over time. Be attentive in general, and especially when you hear (while you are shooting) the command "Hold your fire" (it's not a "radio" command, so it works only up to a certain short distance) or two or more "Negative!" radio commands, which is what has become our substitute for a "cease fire" radio command which is lacking in this game.

But there are also some technical things which could be changed to improve identification friend/foe or reduce teamkills. Here are some game settings:
In the Sound settings: You could enable "English dialog" in case you are not well used to the translations of "Hold your fire" and "Negative!" commands in all the languages.
In Customize: You could uncheck "Static minimap" and this will make the minimap rotate and always show where you are looking at above the center (where you are). This way when you've aimed at someone you'll be able to look always in the same place on the screen (a single line) to see if there's a friendly there or not. You'll want to keep the minimap in the most zoomed out state (using the "N" key) most of the time so that this feature works for medium distances. Unfortunately, this feature doesn't work for friendlies that are too far away to fit in the small minimap.
You could set "Minimap transparency" to a high percentage, like 80-100%, and then you won't be able to see the terrain as easily or at all, but you'll be able to keep the map open ("M" key by default) more of the time and see clearly friendly positions and flags, and still be able to see through the map what's happening in front of you.
You could use a more convenient key for opening the minimap, such as "F" or "Q" instead of the hard to reach "M" key. Then you'll want to open it a lot more often.

On the server side there is (in BFSM) on the Misc tab a setting "Nametag Distance (aiming)". When you aim at someone you can see their colored nametag if they are no further away than this distance. Increasing this would make identifying friend/foe a lot easier, which is unrealistic, although the minimap is unrealistic too. Another drawback for increasing this is that sometimes, by chance, enemies could become revealed, even through cover, if the crosshair happens to point in their direction. So I don't know if increasing this value is a good idea on the whole, but I'm mentioning it here in case people want to discuss it.
There's also a setting "Nametag Distance (normal)", with a description "Distance at which friendly names become visible". So this is supposed to show players anywhere on the screen, but only friendlies. So this should not have the bug mentioned above which can reveal enemies. Maybe it's worth trying setting this to the maximum value. Its drawback is that there would be a lot of nametags on the screen which some people would not like.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
mardukDate: Saturday, 2016-12-17, 10:59 PM | Message # 7
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Quote starking:
"So I too appeal to players to try to get better at identifying friend/foe, as you try to get better at the game in general. It does lead to a lot of improvement over time. Be attentive in general, and especially when you hear (while you are shooting) the command "Hold your fire" (it's not a "radio" command, so it works only up to a certain short distance) or two or more "Negative!" radio commands, which is what has become our substitute for a "cease fire" radio command which is lacking in this game."

I agree.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
sonikglightDate: Sunday, 2016-12-18, 1:52 AM | Message # 8
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I play FH for a long time and I o most never TK in FH but when i switch to stick with FHSW is sometime hard not to tk by accident  is really weird.

But that's just me.

I guess it's the anticipation of how the Gun works or if the gun works at all and the fear of death. lmao

 You know?

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
mardukDate: Sunday, 2016-12-18, 10:16 AM | Message # 9
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fear of death. Yes, partly, in close combat. But thats fine for me to get teamkilled by somebody who comes around the corner and kills me coz he got scared. It took me ages to get that fright under control lol so I do not judge players coz of this.

Maybe we could add a rule like:
"When you are under friendly fire you call out "Hold your fire" once and "Negative!" three times."

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
LampoDate: Sunday, 2016-12-18, 10:12 PM | Message # 10
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Quote Pumiasek ()
I understand that cup of bitterness overflowed yesterday TK Lampo

explain plz....

I never tkilled anyone on purpose, NEVER, and when happen it's because I'v some problem with ping or delay, I can't see arrows on my minimap. Oh, yes, I'm not a robot or cheater or else so I can make mistakes like everyone else. But if needs perfection I can quit so you can play without problem. Just ask.

Message edited by Lampo - Sunday, 2016-12-18, 10:16 PM
mardukDate: Monday, 2016-12-19, 6:30 PM | Message # 11
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Please stick to the topic. This thread is not for discussing single tk's.
It is a thread to figure out how to reduce the overall amount of tk's.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
lrachowardDate: Thursday, 2016-12-22, 1:31 PM | Message # 12
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I would say most of the time i get killed is because i am taking the extra second or 2 to id the person i am about to shoot at,sometimes u cant see team mates on mini map, sometimes the uniforms colors of both teams are so close that its hard to tell,and then there's always the case of u picked up enemy kit and have their helmet on.

aka Mutantz
lrachowardDate: Monday, 2017-03-27, 2:11 AM | Message # 13
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Simple,just turn it off,and never have to worry about it.

aka Mutantz
XenanabDate: Monday, 2017-03-27, 4:18 PM | Message # 14
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Quote lrachoward ()
Simple,just turn it off,and never have to worry about it.

Honestly this is a terrible idea.
Friendly fire is part of the game. You can't just levelbomb your own guys without worrying tks. Arbitrary arty shots and grenade throws must be punished with tks.

People just have to double check the minimap. And lot's of new players in FHSW have to get used to our tiny icon view distance and the appearance of soldier uniforms.
When I started playing FHSW I also had some problems getting used to this new gameplay. And I have played countless of hours of vanilla BF42.
It's all a matter of communication and watchfulness. FHSW is not a braindead MP shooter.
lrachowardDate: Monday, 2017-03-27, 5:26 PM | Message # 15
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I have died more than once because i was checking mini map, sure 20% of us are checking,but 80% are not, why don't we just try it for a day, maybe the warning ya get when ya shoot a teammate but can't hurt them will make others aware

i just don't know any other way of getting peeps to check the mini map except the stop ya pooloolka

aka Mutantz
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2017-03-27, 10:10 PM | Message # 16
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I refuse shutdown friendly fire because of "realism"

btw Irachoward, please write ur name u play on the server in ur signature, thx

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
lrachowardDate: Sunday, 2017-04-02, 11:17 AM | Message # 17
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My name on the server..........hmmmm what do you guys call me.......... the Marlboro Man

aka Mutantz
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2017-04-02, 8:44 PM | Message # 18
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Ah Mutantz ! Look here and please update ur signature wink thx in advance

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
mardukDate: Sunday, 2017-11-05, 8:42 AM | Message # 19
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Since the thread has turned into a constructive discussion about teamplaying I have put the last four posts into a new thread: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/44-888-1

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
djmeltdown65Date: Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 2:21 AM | Message # 20
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I think we need to lower the amount of tickets given to players for capping flags to the same given for getting kills. We have a handful of players that ruin maps by driving around in jeeps just to cap flags and get points or will spend an entire map hiding out at one flag to re-cap it when people move on. It disrupts the flow of gameplay and the amount of points given for capping flags encourages it.
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