Solbodan 3 day ban (r)
CanukAttak | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 10:45 AM | Message # 21 |
Group: Friends
Messages: 97
Status: Offline
| I'm sorry but I disagree, I've been on this server for years! And an admin for years! Warnings and kicks work, bans should be unacceptable unless their is cheating, or discussed amongst other admins. People complain all the time it's a free world. But if you ask me the way we have been for years is more relaxed, not jump straight to the gun and kick or ban. Just cause you have the power doesn't mean you have to use it. We pride ourselves on not being like PFC where if admin didn't like you you were instant banned. Or just banned without warning. Our numbers on the server have been good for years, the rules are enforced, most complaints come from the same people. Then telling people if they don't want rules rent your own server. That's ridiculous! Rules break at times but are we just going to knit pick every little thing. We are here to relax, if you can't handle dying, well I'm sorry you should be happy it's a game and not real life. We are a democracy not a dictatorship. This just looks bad on our community.
Signed by Canuk, Marduk, xxpollenzxx, Slobodan, Bubu, (HH) Benjamin, Santa-Anna, Joni_Killer, Lampo
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sonikglight | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 11:07 AM | Message # 22 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 155
Status: Offline
| Quote CanukAttak (  ) Rules are needed yes but cut the harsh penalties! We are a gentleman community always have been. When someone is breaking the rules warn him atleast twice then, either kill him, or if need be kick. But only after several attempts at warning him don't work. We all break the rules a bit so why not ban entire community. It still is a game. Personally I don't think new admins should have banning rights. Let them first prove themselves not to fellow admins but to the community that they are fair as well as being respected and known to the community. And with bans they should be discussed. How many times you can tell me Solbodan been kicked, killed with the command?
And how long he's been here at this community?
Nothing harsh with a three day ban compare permanent ban, in which we only do to cheaters.
Quote CanukAttakI'm sorry but I disagree, I've been on this server for years! And an admin for years! Warnings and kicks work, bans should be unacceptable unless their is cheating, or discussed amongst other admins. People complain all the time it's a free world. But if you ask me the way we have been for years is more relaxed, not jump straight to the gun and kick or ban. Just cause you have the power doesn't mean you have to use it. We pride ourselves on not being like PFC where if admin didn't like you you were instant banned. Or just banned without warning. Our numbers on the server have been good for years, the rules are enforced, most complaints come from the same people. Then telling people if they don't want rules rent your own server. That's ridiculous! Rules break at times but are we just going to knit pick every little thing. We are here to relax, if you can't handle dying, well I'm sorry you should be happy it's a game and not real life. We are a democracy not a dictatorship. This just looks bad on our community.
No one banning anyone or kicking anyone nur killing because we don't like you.
Can you compare any of the new punishment to these respectful admin's and founding fathers of this community see link
sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
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CanukAttak | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 11:25 AM | Message # 23 |
Group: Friends
Messages: 97
Status: Offline
| Don't get me wrong sometimes slobo is a dumbass In certain regards. But why ban the guy that makes our posters for events. It doesn't matter if it a 24 hr ban or longer. Were people leaving cause of his antics? Can you not kick him for disruptive behaviour? After you warned him did you kill for being a dumbass? Did you kick him for being a dumbass? Or did you go straight to ban? Are we admins immune to bans? When we fuck up and break the rules. Which we all have done??? All I'm saying is we don't need to ban. Cheating permanent. If you kick a player for disruptive behaviour after several warnings. And comes back and continues kick whoever it is again. Try your hardest not to use bans. And like I said new admins shouldn't have ban rights yet. Cause look at what has happened.
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sonikglight | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 11:40 AM | Message # 24 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 155
Status: Offline
| Quote CanukAttak (  ) Don't get me wrong sometimes slobo is a dumbass In certain regards. But why ban the guy that makes our posters for events. It doesn't matter if it a 24 hr ban or longer. Were people leaving cause of his antics? Can you not kick him for disruptive behaviour? After you warned him did you kill for being a dumbass? Did you kick him for being a dumbass? Or did you go straight to ban? Are we admins immune to bans? When we fuck up and break the rules. Which we all have done??? All I'm saying is we don't need to ban. Cheating permanent. If you kick a player for disruptive behaviour after several warnings. And comes back and continues kick whoever it is again. Try your hardest not to use bans. And like I said new admins shouldn't have ban rights yet. Cause look at what has happened. I get what you trying to say about Solbodan but, I don't get what you mean by
Quote CanukAttak (  ) And like I said new admins shouldn't have ban rights yet. Cause look at what has happened. So far all of our permanent bans was done through marduk in which I fully support, except letting KEVIN-LEONARD-UK out of the ban list, also in which was unanimous agreed to do so.
See link
sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
Message edited by sonikglight - Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 11:58 AM |
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CanukAttak | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 11:59 AM | Message # 25 |
Group: Friends
Messages: 97
Status: Offline
| I'm saying even if temporary bans are given they still shouldn't have it. And I mean no disrespect, it's like making a private into general. Yet again I reiterate that for all my years as admin have never had to give temporary bans, kicks and warnings have always worked for me.
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sonikglight | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 12:09 PM | Message # 26 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 155
Status: Offline
| I can see you Marduk my love. lmao.
sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
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rbsekac | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 4:32 PM | Message # 27 |
Group: Blocked
Messages: 23
Status: Offline
| This is a game, not real war. Games have rules. Rule breakers ruin the game for everyone except for those that don't like rules.
As a former Admin on another server, I would like make some points.
1. Admins need their own forum where permissions are set for read/write only for admins. This debate should be there. 2. The rules in the rules sections should be enforced. The owner and/or the admins can change the rules. 3. Being an admin is not just setting maps.
DCX Apache
Message edited by rbsekac - Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 6:27 PM |
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Born-1942 | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 5:10 PM | Message # 28 |
Group: Friends
Messages: 339
Status: Offline
| I do not know what to say about it, but I know it comes from the mind of each to think differently, but one thing I think is right, the rules are necessary to keep order and sometimes you forgive someone else for Some rule inflicted is also valid unless it happens several times.
I particularly think slobodan a very cool guy do not know why, but I think maybe he deserved it. Another 3 days? Could be 1 or 2.
Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
Message edited by luiscarlosred - Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 5:18 PM |
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E-3 | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 8:08 PM | Message # 29 |
 Lieutenant Colonel
Group: Bronze Donator
Messages: 195
Status: Offline
| my admin experience is from time when I was admin on a no rules server on desert combat (well we had 3 rules no team kiling no cheating no map glitch exploiting) so my point of view is not the best i think .
so here my idea if you don't listen to admins and you keep breaking the rules you get build up ban system
first offence 10 min ban second time 60 min ban third time 6 hour ban fourth time 1 day ban
but i think 3 days is to much for just breaking the rules but for hacking 4 weeks or longer is good
I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002 and I also play cnc generals.
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bubu | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 9:28 PM | Message # 30 |
Group: Admins
Messages: 428
Status: Offline
| Quote rbsekac (  ) This is a game, not real war. Games have rules. Rule breakers ruin the game for everyone except for those that don't like rules.As a former Admin on another server, I would like make some points.
1. Admins need their own forum where permissions are set for read/write only for admins. This debate should be there. 2. The rules in the rules sections should be enforced. The owner and/or the admins can change the rules. 3. Being an admin is not just setting maps. 1. No, there should not be such area - you are making another PFC where everything is decided in background without the players and therefore without community. Full stop. 2. Go enforce yourself. 3. I will probably start to puke if you write next BS like this You probably did not even read my post, you probably did not even read this thread, you probably don't even see a point of this discussion in this thread. Please, just ban yourself for starting conflicts and yelling on everyone and pissing me off all the time. "Woof Woof"
Message edited by bubu - Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 9:29 PM |
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sonikglight | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 9:33 PM | Message # 31 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 155
Status: Offline
| Quote E-3 (  ) first offence 10 min bansecond time 60 min ban third time 6 hour ban fourth time 1 day ban
but i think 3 days is to much for just breaking the rules but for hacking 4 weeks or longer is good
Each adman has their own point of view. E-3 this is your point of view.
Quote CanukAttak (  ) I'm saying even if temporary bans are given they still shouldn't have it. Yet again I reiterate that for all my years as admin have never had to give temporary bans, kicks and warnings have always worked for me. This is canukattak point of view.
Quote lrachowardSolbodan 3 day ban entering axis main tobruck i warned them and told them if they did it again that i would ban them hiding in the bushes near the mortars close enough for me to read yer tag, then you ran to the sandbags to my left, did you wonder who shot you? after i warned you this is not the 1st time i've seen you doing smaktard shit, but since you have just had a slap on the wrist,this is what you get. warning to the rest of you, your smaktardness will get you nothing but longer and longer bans, so read the rules and stick to them
Mutanz point of view.
You admins make the Judgment call as seen necessary, I'll make a secondary judgement call and if necessary I'll go through marduk.
sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
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zzzMosquitozzz | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 9:48 PM | Message # 32 |
Group: Silver Donator
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
| I drove a Clan during 5 years with a Forum and had 3 rental to Clanservers with 3 servers BF1942, BFDesert Combat and BF1918. During this time I promoted Admins and Managers for these Forum and servers to help me to drive the Clan, I founded. These guys had always my support when they took decisions. We had many internal meeting for some hard decisions to take about Bans. I was never disapointed. If an Admin or manager decided that against one player, I follow him. It's my opinion and I think we must trust in the Admin first, and support him in this way !
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sonikglight | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 9:55 PM | Message # 33 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 155
Status: Offline
| bubu,
You're not reading any of the posts all of the admin's do warn players.
sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
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bubu | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 11:20 PM | Message # 34 |
Group: Admins
Messages: 428
Status: Offline
| I read all these posts here and do you know what? It is pathetic that we reached the point of having all of these here... And yes, you do warn players but if you could read my post again then you might get what I wrote. And you might also get why I replied to Apache the way I replied.
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Robert_von_Eberhahn | Date: Tuesday, 2017-05-30, 11:32 PM | Message # 35 |
Lieutenant General
Group: Silver Donator
Messages: 969
Status: Offline
| Quote sonikglight (  ) all of the admin's do warn players.
thats the point.
No bans take place without any warning so far, or did it? Mutantz warned him as he wrote. In addition I have to say that I quite exactly the same action saw from slobo in a campaign battle at FHT where he was using a texture bug to hide beeing invisible and set up an MG there, after order from admin to stop that, he refused and get kicked after adequate warning, he refused to do so and get a ban and rejoined multiple times with a different CD key then he get a campaign ban or maybe a FHT ban at last, very sad.
but guys please take a look at this one. We can discuss like hell, everything is said. Some arguments are wise, some are ridicioulus.
Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn (  ) At last: For this particular situation I´m quite unsure if a ban or a warning is adequate, because I doubt that the mortar fortifications are part of the mainbase area. I think it should be allowed for allies to attack even if the mortar fire is overwhelming ... but axis have spawnpoints at the mortar fortifications if I remember right. So in which way shall we handle this situations in future? Please comment here, thx
I mean exactly this situation in that area on this map?! Mainbase parameter or not ?! There are spawnpoints that are related to the mainbase, stationary mortars that shot out of this area ... The more I think about that I would say it´s mainbase area. In the fronttrenches of the first line of defense are stationary MG´s and it will be unavoidable that they shoot in direction of mortar. I think the best solution is doing a bit SSM and create a deathzone for allies as we found it adequate (if you agree to my suggestion) So absolutly no conflict will apear again about this situation. My 20 cent
Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
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sonikglight | Date: Wednesday, 2017-05-31, 5:53 AM | Message # 36 |
Group: Recruit
Messages: 155
Status: Offline
| bubu,
OH man I love you too.
sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
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lrachoward | Date: Wednesday, 2017-05-31, 12:17 PM | Message # 37 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 41
Status: Offline
| Anyone else would i would not of been so harsh, but knowing he was banned over at the other site, watching his antics for several weeks, i had enough and saw that no matter how many times he was kicked for acting up he had learned nothing from it and something harder was needed.
(and when i shot him i just got a hit indicator but he didn't die)
and just because he makes the flyers does that give him a green light to act up like he does
I don't give a shit about my score,i am here to have fun I don't kick or ban on here say,i do it when i see it with my own eyes
aka Mutantz
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Santa-Anna | Date: Wednesday, 2017-05-31, 7:23 PM | Message # 38 |
 Lieutenant Colonel
Group: Gold Donator
Messages: 181
Status: Offline
| Quote I'm sorry but I disagree, I've been on this server for years! And an admin for years! Warnings and kicks work, bans should be unacceptable unless their is cheating, or discussed amongst other admins. People complain all the time it's a free world. But if you ask me the way we have been for years is more relaxed, not jump straight to the gun and kick or ban. Just cause you have the power doesn't mean you have to use it. We pride ourselves on not being like PFC where if admin didn't like you you were instant banned. Or just banned without warning. Our numbers on the server have been good for years, the rules are enforced, most complaints come from the same people. Then telling people if they don't want rules rent your own server. That's ridiculous! Rules break at times but are we just going to knit pick every little thing. We are here to relax, if you can't handle dying, well I'm sorry you should be happy it's a game and not real life. We are a democracy not a dictatorship. This just looks bad on our community. I agree with Canuck, ban is for cheating. Being an ass - the kick would be enough.
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lrachoward | Date: Thursday, 2017-06-01, 4:37 PM | Message # 39 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 41
Status: Offline
| A kick is just a slap on the wrist, some learn others don't
and if i say to you in game that if you do that again you will get a ban and you do it again
WTF does one do?
if you do nothing or just kick them,they will be back in 10 mins doing it again
but let me ask y'all one question......what is the purpose of you attacking a uncappable flag?
aka Mutantz
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rbsekac | Date: Thursday, 2017-06-01, 5:30 PM | Message # 40 |
Group: Blocked
Messages: 23
Status: Offline
| To spawn rape and otherwise rape the flag since the players that spawn there are not expecting to be attacked.
I insulted players who broke the rule of attacking main bases and uncap flags. I did this only after admins repeatedly refused to do anything about it. That was the infantryman in me speaking; I will simply leave the game and wait until the next map when it happens again - and it will.
Bubu, when are we going to get married?
DCX Apache
Message edited by rbsekac - Thursday, 2017-06-01, 5:32 PM |
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