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Solbodan 3 day ban (r)
Santa-AnnaDate: Thursday, 2017-06-01, 10:22 PM | Message # 41
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A kick is just a slap on the wrist, some learn others don't 

and if i say to you in game that if you do that again you will get a ban and you do it again

WTF does one do? 

if you do nothing or just kick them,they will be back in 10 mins doing it again

but let me ask y'all one question......what is the purpose of you attacking a uncappable flag?

Well, I beliewe that all regular playes knows the rules. As for new players - I'm sure that 99% of them can follow the rules if you explain then how to do right. And I'm sure that "STOP ATTACKING UNCAP FLAG" - is enough to get player stop bullshit. Honestly, we have not too many players on the server, and we must care about them, and make them happy...
P.S. Slobodan doing a shit sometimes, that's true. I hope this little drama will force you to be a good mate, Slob sad
LampoDate: Thursday, 2017-06-01, 10:31 PM | Message # 42
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Quote lrachoward ()
(and when i shot him i just got a hit indicator but he didn't die)
 do you think he's a cheater too ??? I answer for him and all ppl who know him for years : NO he isn't

Message edited by Lampo - Thursday, 2017-06-01, 10:39 PM
LampoDate: Thursday, 2017-06-01, 10:39 PM | Message # 43
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Quote Santa-Anna ()
Slobodan doing a shit sometimes, that's true.

I love him for that  love 
How can we play without his impredictable crashes. It's somthing like a bolt of lighting... who know when or where will hit  teehee 
then he never do shits when we are playing events or important games.

Joni_KillerDate: Friday, 2017-06-02, 9:44 AM | Message # 44
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Quote rbsekac ()
Bubu, when are we going to get married?

wow, really?

Added (2017-06-02, 8:40 AM)

Quote Santa-Anna ()
And I'm sure that "STOP ATTACKING UNCAP FLAG" - is enough to get player stop bullshit
Not all time. Like a Gfr.Asch 08/15.

Added (2017-06-02, 8:41 AM)

Quote Lampo ()
(and when i shot him i just got a hit indicator but he didn't die)
Just random.

Added (2017-06-02, 8:42 AM)
Sometime engine think what you hit "dead point" in our "hitbox"

Added (2017-06-02, 8:44 AM)

Quote E-3 ()
so here my idea if you don't listen to admins and you keep breaking the rules you get build up ban systemfirst offence 10 min ban
second time 60 min ban
third time  6 hour ban
fourth time 1 day ban
Multi hack - forever.

Joni_Killer aka Infantry General Jon_Killer aka Major Jon_Killer
E-3Date: Friday, 2017-06-02, 4:08 PM | Message # 45
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Quote Joni_Killer ()
Multi hack - forever.

my experience as cnc generals player show me that not all hackers keep hacking the game for lols or score.
a lot of players hacked on cnc generals because they think you are hacking so they have to as well
this was time from 2003 up to 2010 after 2010 things have changed.
more and more players downloaded gentool a anti cheat tool made by xezon.
after that if you wanted to join a game on cnc generals you had to have gentool or  you get kicked from the room see screenshot  https://prnt.sc/ff3a4n
this is what gentool does you can see who on gt and who is not and on what version.
at first hackers  just dont join gt games but the love for the game made  a lot stop hacking as
there were no games left  to join.
call me a hopeful thinker but i believe that love for the game will win
all it needs is a anti cheat that better as 7 year old punkbuster that out of date and  hard to get to work.

because punkbuster has to be installed into system32 the 7 year old files  PnkBstrA.exe  and PnkBstrB.exe
are nearly allways blocked by firewall or anti virus scanners and the files have to run on start up! of windows
if you want new players to fhsw it has to be easy to install and run.
punkbuster is not easy to run on new windows systems
so why is  gentool so great you say ? the  only file it runs on is d3d8.dll a unused  directx 8 file
and bf1942 use directx 8.

this is why  i still say a hacker a minimum of 4 weeks or longer as i still believe if he love the game he will stop.

but for hacker that proof he is a  lowlife scumbag that wont stop hacking aka Korsakov a  forever ban is good

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Saturday, 2017-06-03, 9:35 AM
bubuDate: Friday, 2017-06-02, 7:37 PM | Message # 46
Group: Admins
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Awesome! This thread will soon reach BBC cos it's read more than their own stuff I guess!
And now, since we have here marriage proposition (thx but I like women, sorry to break your heart Apache :D), Korsakov mentioned with no possibility for him to defens himself as noone would believe, and we are looking for justice in a game, along with bans n kicks, we can match every daily paper in the world.
Lads damnit, we can make milions on this, shall we? happy biggrin

Just keep the posting rate, and flame more on each other, general population will love it. XD
Joni_KillerDate: Friday, 2017-06-02, 7:45 PM | Message # 47
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Quote E-3 ()
What the game in the screenshot?

Joni_Killer aka Infantry General Jon_Killer aka Major Jon_Killer
LampoDate: Friday, 2017-06-02, 9:24 PM | Message # 48
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Quote lrachoward ()
if you want no rules on the server then i suggest you go rent yer own.
mmmmhhh nice advice  soccer 

anyway, I think we have nothing else to add so it's time for drinking beer, having sex and playing. Thanks Mutanz for having started this thread, it was a good way to discuss about different point of view. See you all in game

LampoDate: Friday, 2017-06-02, 9:29 PM | Message # 49
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Quote bubu ()
(thx but I like women, sorry to break your heart Apache :D)

so you completely gave me up... 
I don't deserve that... after all I did for you... ironing, washing , cooking... 

LE FU  dry

E-3Date: Saturday, 2017-06-03, 9:36 AM | Message # 50
Lieutenant Colonel
Group: Bronze Donator
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Quote Joni_Killer ()
What the game in the screenshot?
cnc generals

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
bubuDate: Saturday, 2017-06-03, 10:18 AM | Message # 51
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Quote Lampo ()
Quote bubu ((thx but I like women, sorry to break your heart Apache :D) )


so you completely gave me up...
I don't deserve that... after all I did for you... ironing, washing , cooking...

LE FU dry

Oh lampi, I believed you are a woman , but please, can you make me another pasta for lunch     lol  hands
Born-1942Date: Saturday, 2017-06-03, 6:28 PM | Message # 52
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Quote E-3 ()
my experience as cnc generals player show me that not all hackers keep hacking the game for lols or score.a lot of players hacked on cnc generals because they think you are hacking so they have to as well
this was time from 2003 up to 2010 after 2010 things have changed.
more and more players downloaded gentool a anti cheat tool made by xezon.
after that if you wanted to join a game on cnc generals you had to have gentool or  you get kicked from the room see screenshot  https://prnt.sc/ff3a4n
this is what gentool does you can see who on gt and who is not and on what version.
at first hackers  just dont join gt games but the love for the game made  a lot stop hacking as
there were no games left  to join.
call me a hopeful thinker but i believe that love for the game will win
all it needs is a anti cheat that better as 7 year old punkbuster that out of date and  hard to get to work.

because punkbuster has to be installed into system32 the 7 year old files  PnkBstrA.exe  and PnkBstrB.exe
are nearly allways blocked by firewall or anti virus scanners and the files have to run on start up! of windows
if you want new players to fhsw it has to be easy to install and run.
punkbuster is not easy to run on new windows systems
so why is  gentool so great you say ? the  only file it runs on is d3d8.dll a unused  directx 8 file
and bf1942 use directx 8.

Great. This would be great if it happened.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
starking018Date: Sunday, 2017-06-04, 8:51 AM | Message # 53
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First, for a little context, this happened in a game where Axis just didn't try hard enough to break through, even though the stationary defences kept getting bombed. Axis ground forces should have kept attempting to break through with their stronger tanks and fire power and take one flag or another; the spawn APC should have been used more often to keep the pressure on one flag or another, etc. There weren't too few players on the server either. Despite all this, Axis managed to bore the Allied defenders.

In hindsight, I think it would have been a good idea if Slobodan or me or someone else switched (back) to Axis team and someone from Axis (e.g. someone who was on that line on the hill top, not attacking) took his place. The round could have gone totally differently from then on.

Taking into account the connection between players' behavior (bored, pushing the limits) and the way the particular round played out (exceptionally boring), I think there would be no need for a kick longer than the duration of the round, even if someone entered or attacked main base (which I still believe not to be the case for that part of the map). We shouldn't assume that players may act the same way in any round.

Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
I think the best solution is doing a bit SSM and create a deathzone for allies as we found it adequate (if you agree to my suggestion) So absolutly no conflict will apear again about this situation.

A death zone could help. What I'd like a lot more is for the soldier spawn positions which are on the hills there to be moved somewhere a lot further back and closer to where the mainbase-proper is. I hate it when I spawn there and have to walk so long to get to the far end of the main base. In my opinion it is bad map design. The area on top of the hills with the sandbags and mortars should, in my opinion, be considered out of main base, and certainly a fair place to shoot at enemies in. Any Axis player fighting from there is supporting the attacks on the first Allied line and should therefore expect to be counterattacked in all possible ways. If a death zone is to be added I suggest that it should start from just behind the sand bags. Even if Allies get there, they can't physically shoot directly into the mainbase-proper, which is behind the hill, so it should be OK. The odds would still be in Axis' favor when fighting in that location, so Allies wouldn't be able to camp there for long, even if they tried (but they shouldn't anyway, because Axis would get through and take flags).

The mobile spawn APC for Axis can be taken wherever players think it is a good place to have another spawn point.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

Message edited by starking018 - Sunday, 2017-06-04, 8:54 AM
Joni_KillerDate: Sunday, 2017-06-04, 5:43 PM | Message # 54
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Quote starking018 ()
The mobile spawn APC for Axis can be taken wherever players think it is a good place to have another spawn point.
How in BF1942 FRA server?

Joni_Killer aka Infantry General Jon_Killer aka Major Jon_Killer
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2017-06-04, 7:40 PM | Message # 55
Lieutenant General
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Quote starking018 ()
What I'd like a lot more is for the soldier spawn positions which are on the hills there to be moved somewhere a lot further back and closer to where the mainbase-proper is.

Very nice idea, I would prefer that a lot more than deathzone.

Quote starking018 ()
First, for a little context, this happened in a game where Axis just didn't try hard enough to break through, even though the stationary defences kept getting bombed. Axis ground forces should have kept attempting to break through with their stronger tanks and fire power and take one flag or another; the spawn APC should have been used more often to keep the pressure on one flag or another, etc. There weren't too few players on the server either. Despite all this, Axis managed to bore the Allied defenders.

The teamplay was not the best I agree, but notice that the Panzer 3 is down graded now to the historical correct one with still 5cm, but short barrel. The acuracy of that maingun is ... horrible. I would say that it simply could not be so imprezice, even german engeneering was commonly recognised as very well. So that is one thing bothers me. Go in a fire fight against a Crusader or anything else and ur eyes will fall out of ur face when u see how much open the crosshair is, by means how wide the shells spread out from spot. I don´t know if the armor of that earlyer Panzer 3 is weaker, mabee too. Even the bofors managed to damage me hard. Italian tanks I don´t want to mention at all dry . So the strongest Panzers axis had for attack is downgraded now. And that Panzer 3 didn´t had an engegament with a Matilda or a Valentine lol I will not imagine that cry
Spawn apc is nice yes, but here is nearly no cover to hide it and with the thermo at grenade as spawnclass its easy to take it out.
I don´t want to search all the guilty at my words up there. Allies made best job in defending there and iirc many senior players was on allied side there.
One time I managed to break through and take the second line in a rush both flaggs but didn´t get any reinforcements and was token out quite quickly ...
I´m curious how it will run the next time we play that map.

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Sunday, 2017-06-04, 7:41 PM
mardukDate: Sunday, 2017-06-04, 9:42 PM | Message # 56
Group: Admins
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Is it not very ironic that the same admins who push the issue of enforcing the rules so badly are pretty often not even logged in on the remote manager when they are on the server?

I do not have anything else to say. If you not even master the basics for admins you got no right to demand a harder rules enforcement.

Maybe you can try to push this issue in a few months again?!

Case closed.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
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