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Should Marduk resign from his function as a main admin?
Should Marduk resign from his function as a main admin?
1. Marduk should stay a main admin. [ 10 ] [90.91%]
2. Marduk should leave. [ 1 ] [9.09%]
Poll has expired - Saturday, 2019-06-08, 1:31 PM
Answers total: 11
mardukDate: Saturday, 2019-05-25, 1:31 PM | Message # 1
Group: Admins
Messages: 1681
Awards: 45
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If a majority wants me to leave, I will go!

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-05-25, 3:09 PM | Message # 2
Group: Admins
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+1 for staying
Born-1942Date: Sunday, 2019-05-26, 5:59 AM | Message # 3
Group: Friends
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just change your mind, we should not be angry!

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
GameplayerDate: Sunday, 2019-05-26, 10:13 AM | Message # 4
Silver Donator
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I just hate this kind of acting. This started from small issue about treating me wrong and now you just try to show people something I don't get it

Hates too quick judgement.

aka Gameplayer or Gameplayer500

Message edited by onnipatrika54 - Sunday, 2019-05-26, 10:19 AM
GameplayerDate: Sunday, 2019-05-26, 10:22 AM | Message # 5
Silver Donator
Group: Gold Donator
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I just want back my rights, because I didn't do anything wrong. and btw I didn't acualy insult you if you think so.

Hates too quick judgement.

aka Gameplayer or Gameplayer500
mardukDate: Sunday, 2019-05-26, 12:18 PM | Message # 6
Group: Admins
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Quote gameplayer: "I just want back my rights"

It is not YOUR rights. Admin rights can be given to people by the server operators. They can also get removed. There is no natural right to ANYBODY to have admin rights apart from the people who operate the server.

"I just hate this kind of acting. This started from small issue about treating me wrong and now you just try to show people something I don't get it"

Please stop conjecturing about my motives. This is nothing you have any clue about.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
E-3Date: Sunday, 2019-05-26, 4:45 PM | Message # 7
Lieutenant Colonel
Group: Bronze Donator
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Come on marduk nobody here wants you gone from main admin position.
That being said you'll have to be open for the idea that people can make mistakes.
Remember we are all just human. nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes.
I honestly believe gameplayer didn't notice you were still playing and setting maps.
Not so long ago I myself stupidly posted in the wrong topic. 
I remember long time ago canuk attack accidentally run next map.
This is just some of the examples of people making mistakes including myself.
I understand you sometimes have to put up your authority and make decisive decisions for the improvement of the community.
But instead of burdening yourself with those decisions let the full community decide.
what is right and what is wrong just like you now put a vote for your own position.
Let's put up a vote for gameplayer.

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
mardukDate: Sunday, 2019-05-26, 5:03 PM | Message # 8
Group: Admins
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Quote E-3: "But instead of burdening yourself with those decisions let the full community decide.
what is right and what is wrong just like you now put a vote for your own position."

Since I have studied and taken a B.A. in political science I can assure you that enabling people to decide about everything not necessarily
leads to better decisions. In fact, the result can be decisions that harm the community because in the end mostly a minority is voting over the topic and this way overuling the majority. Not talking about that every decision gets delayed and the leadership is not able to react quickly if needed. Also, lots of time and ressources get dragged away (we are better off spending our time in creating mappack 3, advertisement video, events, etc.).

Because of that modern democracies have an elected group of -not always, but mostly- experts that try to make the best decisions for everybody. Of course that leads to other problems but still it is one of the best ideas to rule. [FHSW]Europe is led in a similar way and that is working out for nearly 10 years now. This proves how good our model is.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Born-1942Date: Sunday, 2019-05-26, 11:00 PM | Message # 9
Group: Friends
Messages: 339
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Reputation: 9
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Quote marduk ()
Since I have studied and taken a B.A. in political science I can assure you that enabling people to decide about everything not necessarilyleads to better decisions. In fact, the result can be decisions that harm the community because in the end mostly a minority is voting over the topic and this way overuling the majority. Not talking about that every decision gets delayed and the leadership is not able to react quickly if needed. Also, lots of time and ressources get dragged away (we are better off spending our time in creating mappack 3, advertisement video, events, etc.).

Because of that modern democracies have an elected group of -not always, but mostly- experts that try to make the best decisions for everybody. Of course that leads to other problems but still it is one of the best ideas to rule. [FHSW]Europe is led in a similar way and that is working out for nearly 10 years now. This proves how good our model is.

exactly because we must stop those who want to destroy that was built. (this community) gameplayer does not seem to be such a guy and we know that. so those who are here a long time should decide less exaggerated things. for those who are not toxic players! and so we should not come into confrontation between us, not even gameplayer or marduk ... or anyone who is here should be in conflict. this can be a risk for us unnecessary and that can ruin our fun environment. well that's what i think.

marduk you are a great administrator, but sometimes you might be too exaggerated? people do not like exaggeration they get nervous.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht

Message edited by luiscarlosred - Sunday, 2019-05-26, 11:03 PM
mardukDate: Monday, 2019-05-27, 7:40 PM | Message # 10
Group: Admins
Messages: 1681
Awards: 45
Reputation: 13
Status: Offline
1. Gameplayer changed map mid-game (Chartres, about 25-30 players) without asking anybody to "show" us other maps can work out too. Admin rights removed the first time.

2. Gameplayer changed map mid-game (to Tunis) without asking anybody again. Bubu and me got pissed off. His reaction: "Bubu and Marduk fuck u". Admin rights removed the second time.

3. He changed the map I set the other week while I was online AND logged in on the remote manager. Admin rights removed the third time. Then he brought the issue to the chatbox, posting "Admins who don't behave can go to hell" while his signature said "Off until Marduk behaves". I gave him a time-out on the forum.

4. Last Saturday:

25.05.2019 20:59:48 : #  [Axis][FHSW]Marduk: churchill
25.05.2019 20:59:51 : # [Allies]xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Bubu: nah cos he thinks you insulted him
25.05.2019 20:59:57 : # [Axis]The Clëäner: f
25.05.2019 20:59:57 : # [Allies]xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Bubu: by telling him to go to hell
25.05.2019 21:00:00 : # [Global]Gameplayer: lol
25.05.2019 21:00:03 : # [Allies]Gameplayer: lol
25.05.2019 21:00:03 : # [Allies]xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Bubu: i told him u usually say that when u are pis
25.05.2019 21:00:21 : # [Allies]Gameplayer: well I didn't acualy insult him
25.05.2019 21:00:27 : # [Global]The Mëltdöwn: wow gay
25.05.2019 21:00:45 : # [Allies]xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Bubu: xD so yeah
25.05.2019 21:00:57 : # [Allies]Gameplayer: I said that without he's name
25.05.2019 21:00:57 : # [Allies]xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Bubu: u are on 2 week timeout from forums
25.05.2019 21:00:57 : # [Allies]xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Bubu: i dont
25.05.2019 21:00:57 : # [Allies]xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Bubu: yeah
25.05.2019 21:00:57 : # [Allies]Gameplayer: so it's not insult

Gameplayer being extra-smart-ass. He didn't insult me, because he didn't say my name. Yes, of course... I think no further comment needed.

Minutes later:

25.05.2019 21:18:57 : # [Global]The Mëltdöwn: DONT BAIL OVER ENEMY MAIN TARD
25.05.2019 21:19:03 : # [Global]Hawken: Leichter Wiederstand
25.05.2019 21:19:12 : #  [Global][FHSW]Marduk: muss gebrochen werden
25.05.2019 21:19:27 : # [Axis]The Clëäner: gameplayer on 88 in main
25.05.2019 21:19:36 : # [Global]The Mëltdöwn: ADMIN KICK gameplayer for bailing into enemy main

Gameplayer breaking rules...

Gameplayer is misusing admin rights, insulting me (and also Bubu earlier) and breaking rules and people tell me I overreact?! So I should rather ignore this or what? This is nonsense. Actually, after posting and reading all this I realize that giving him a two week time-out on the forum was the right decision (and not a too hard one) because he needs to learn how to behave and to follow the rules.

I am sick of this discussion. Topic closed.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
mardukDate: Monday, 2019-06-10, 12:42 PM | Message # 11
Group: Admins
Messages: 1681
Awards: 45
Reputation: 13
Status: Offline
Two weeks of time-out for Gameplayer expired.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
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