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basilonemoh7Date: Monday, 2020-04-13, 10:01 PM | Message # 1
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Dresden's population had swelled with refugees since it had not been bombed. Interesting that Sir
Arthur "Bomber" Harris' command was the only British unit not given a citation after the war.
"Bomber Command's crews were denied a separate campaign medal (despite being eligible for the Air Crew Europe Star and France and Germany Star) and, in protest at this establishment snub to his men, Harris refused a peerage in 1946; he was the sole commander-in-chief not to become a peer."

The massacre of the SS in Dachau is also interesting; the original SS guards were replaced the day before by Hungarian SS who had nothing to do with the camp.

"According to Harold Marcuse, an American professor of German history, the camp commander SS-Hauptsturmführer Martin Weiss, together with the camp guards and the SS garrisons, had fled the camp before the arrival of U.S. troops. SS-Untersturmführer Heinrich Wicker (killed after the surrender) was left in charge and had roughly 560 personnel at his disposal; these came from conscripted inmates of the SS disciplinary prison inside the Dachau concentration camp and Hungarian Waffen-SS troops."

In depth coverage of the Biscari massacre and other Axis POWs murdered by Americans after surrendering - scroll and read.


John Basilone
Medal of Honor Winner
KIA Iwo Jima
bubuDate: Tuesday, 2020-04-14, 12:54 PM | Message # 2
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(offtopic hint when posting links... ucoz shortens them and replaces them with weird ad-filled u.to - e.g. I can't open them as Kaspersky and AdBlock block them. So it is better to include them in the Quote smile )
basilonemoh7Date: Tuesday, 2020-04-14, 3:59 PM | Message # 3
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Noticed that and also it rejected the first attempt to post because of the word atrocities. Second attempt, it simply left all after Allied off the name of the thread which I cannot edit. Simply google for allied/american atrocities in WW2.

This thread is mainly for Duck_698 who said in chat many months ago that the U.S. committed no atrocities and certainly not one
like Malmedy. Biscari belies that.

I can tell you this; once soldiers start killing and seeing their buddies killed, and it goes on and on, respect for life quickly vanishes.
It is best not to start a war to begin with.

John Basilone
Medal of Honor Winner
KIA Iwo Jima
mardukDate: Tuesday, 2020-04-14, 4:42 PM | Message # 4
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Quote: "once soldiers start killing and seeing their buddies killed, and it goes on and on, respect for life quickly vanishes."

Exactly. Imagine soldiers fighting in a city, town or village, scared to get killed themselfes, and thus shot at everything that moves or throw grenades in basements with suspected enemies.. and killing innocent civilians instead. The line for who is enemy and who is not vanishes.. The next time you already don't give a shit anymore..  first step to kill civilians or pows on purpose next time.

In other words: The frame of reference for a normal life in peace easily changes to a killer frame in war over time. Of course the US committed atrocities in WW2 too, they are probably just better hidden since history is written by the winners.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
waldhurzakDate: Wednesday, 2020-04-15, 7:33 PM | Message # 5
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War crimes always occur in each army (I mean soldiers here)

The more the state is "civilized", the less there is a crimes and murders among these soldiers.

Best Bf1942 version for FHSW:

navyduck10Date: Friday, 2020-04-17, 1:40 AM | Message # 6
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From Basilone:

I can tell you this; once soldiers start killing and seeing their buddies killed, and it goes on and on, respect for life quickly vanishes.
It is best not to start a war to begin with.

Actually you can't tell me that because I've already fucking known it for 18+ years of my life and yea its best not to start a war but sometimes they have to be finished or the world will suffer even more.

Basilone you need to find a new hobby besides berating people over sentences that you think you heard on a PC game that happened months ago.   Also you waited to bring this up till i was in a political discussion with Marduk on the Coronavirus.  You went to his defense and jumped down my throat because you dont like my politcal views on the subject. You like to say I remind you of Sonny from The Godfather but you yourself also have a very short temper and I've seen you go haywire on other players for nothing, and this was an instance of your anger level showing. I NEVER HAVE ANY DESIRE TO ARGUE RELIGION OR POLITICS ON THIS SERVER because that's is always just a bad street to go down, I know from experience.  I can tell you are the super conservative old man that makes up bullshit about the economy that you dont know CAUSE YOU ARENT A FUCKING ECONOMIST. You try to say the next great depression will happen if we keep taking the coronavirus seriously. LOL, YOU ARE COMPLETELY UNQUALIFIED TO SAY THAT JUST LIKE IM UNQUALIFIED TO SAY WHAT WILL HAPPEN. COME BACK TO ME WHEN YOU HAVE A DOCTORATE IN ECONOMICS. I am well aware that the world cannot afford a complete global prolonged shutdown of the market and trade thank you very much, but its way too early to know just how many people are going to be needed as essential etc, THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS THAT NONE OF US TRULY KNOW CAUSE THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Also my wife is an ER Nurse and completely overloaded as it is with extra bullshit because hospitals are overcrowded, their needs to be sufficient attempts to curb this pandemic kept in place, its common sense. These facts are in the news which isn't always completely made up of lies and conspiracies like you may think. And before this went farther I told Marduk that i respected his opinion but disagreed and didn't want to discuss it further then both of you came charging at me because you are very politcally opinionated. You are very opinionated Basilone and you say a lot of shit that often proves you dont know what you are talking about. I am sure you think the same of me and you are quite welcome to that thought. So sad that we played together fine for so long and then you go showing your ass and your true colors.

Individual American, British, and Soviet soldiers certainly had the capacity to and DID commit hateful and brutal atrocities in war and anyone with common sense knows that. My claim, which by the way is undeniable fact, is that the US and British committed much less war crimes ON OFFICIAL SCALE IN CLOSE COMBAT (which doesn't include Bomber Harris bombing campaign which I do not support and never defended) and were much better governed than Wehrmact, Imperial Japanese, and CERTAINLY  WAFFEN SS counterparts.

Now THIS DOESNT APPLY TO THE PACIFIC. We all know that very early in the war the Japanese forced the US POWs into the bataan death march and absolutely take the cake for brutal treatment of POWs. Also as early on as Guadalcanal NO SIDES TOOK PRISONERS. The Japanese by and large DID NOT SURRENDER and when they did surrender often blew themselves up with hand grenades and so American Marines and Soldiers stopped taking prisoners.  Also an early scouting patrol on Guadalcanal found the remains of US troops disemboweled and with their male organs stuffed into their mouths, so the 1st Marine division is said to have never taken a prisoner after that.  Call it war crime call it what you want but the Japanese werent any better and thats what happens in war so I could give a shit about that.

For another example, plenty of Japanese did surrender to Americans with no intention of harming their captors but were shot anyway because the Americans would take chances. I can understand why Americans would do that but it doesnt make it right. When a soldier surrenders and gets shot anyway it is never right, and you wont hear me defend it!

Basilone, I never said that the allies didn't commit war crimes. I've known of Dresden and Hamburg since I was a young teenager and I've never had any doubt that burning innocent women and children alive in a firestorm is completely fucked up and definitely a war crime. I'm not sure what is wrong with you that makes you latch on to things that you believe I said months ago like you've honestly got nothing better to do. But since you've attacked me, insulted me, and wasted my time thus far, I shall continue in my defense, get my feelings out there, and end this hopefully.

I study WWII and am in school for history. I don't say this because it makes me an expert, as i'm still early in my education and school isn't where my WWII knowledge comes from anyway. I read tons of nonfiction histories, thousands of hours worth of audiobooks and a young mans lifetimes worth of documentaries etc, just like you I'm sure.

I get a feeling for some reason that many of you think that I am this brainwashed uber patriotic American that thinks that everything we do is good and every war we wage is a great cause, but you don't know me very well if you think that.

I grew up in a city called Savannah in the Southern State of Georgia. For some that might not know Savannah is a very rare and unique "old" city in the south because it was one of the few that US Army General Sherman didn't burn to the ground during the American Civil War. He captured Savannah and gave it to President Lincoln as a Christmas Gift in 1864.  Why is this relevant? Because Sherman's US ARMY troops committed war crimes against AMERICAN CIVILIANS in and around the TOWN THAT I GREW UP IN. You think I don't fucking know that Americans can do bad things to others?

America, through human nature, capitalism, etc. has done some horrible fucked up things in its relatively short existence as a nation. Some examples to show I'm not in denial:

American imperialism existed in philipinnes, puerto rico, etc. but also of course bending China over in the 19th century over trade agreements just like the British and French...

Very importantly it was US pressure by Perry on the Japanese that brought them out of a feudal state and gave them a reason to start building a large military, defense from the outside!

The US was very anti-Semitic during the 30's and 40's and it was very hard for European Jews to immigrate to America prewar because we didn't want them! That is super fucked!

Not to mention we illegally imprisoned all Western Coast Japanese AMERICAN CITIZENS during WWII in CONCENTRATION CAMPS. You'll never hear me defend things that are wrong because they are WRONG and I'm not a moron.

And to finish off with my knowledge of American hypocrisy we kept the US military segregated all throughout WWII. So we were fighting a war against people that persecuted others just for their religious beliefs etc, yet we were keeping rights from people at home due to their skin color. Lots of hypocrisy and bullshit all sides for sure.

I've done thorough studies and read numerous histories of the history of Nazi Germany. I know that the vast majority of Germans were and are good people and that some very rare and very unique circumstances had to come into play at the right time for Hitler to get the control that he had and to push things as far as he did. Propaganda and brainwashing has a huge deal to do with it, and I ALWAYS take that into account before I make judgements on German soldiers, sailors, airmen, and civilians.

Germany from the mid 30's was also cut off from outside radio and communications, and all national news was of course run by Nazis. It's not hard for anybody with common sense to understand the tragedy of children being raised in these years in the Hitler Youth, of course by 1941 1942 you have a whole army of brainwashed Nazis for your SS, SD, and Gestapo.

But this doesn't excuse human hatred for other humans that extends to the point of murder in the millions and attempted genocide. And though the SS Todtenkopfverbande was the specific SS section that ran the camps, the Allgemaine SS and Waffen SS weren't any less contemptuous of the Jews. Now lets get into the shootings...


1) Biscari was two separates incidents- one with a lowly sergeant deciding to murder 35 POWs and another with the highest authorization coming from a captain that is no more than a company commander deciding to murder another 30 POWs and 5 in civilian clothes found in the same bunker. The murders were carried out in ISOLATION by a 1 sergeant and 1 Captain and a squad of 11 men that he ordered to fire on them.

2) The Malmedy Massacre consisted of an unknown number of Germans lining up 113 American POWs, deploying machine guns, and gunning them down as an entire fucking Kampfgruppe (Pieper's) drove by.

In case you can't see the difference I'll explain. A sergeant taking 35 people off behind some bushes and a captain taking another 35 behind some bushes doesn't give the rest of the Army a chance to speak up and stop it. But lining up 113 men in a snowy field and then taking the time to deploy multiple light-to heavy machine guns to mow them down is a big fucking difference, especially since not only was it out in the open but a whole fucking armored column watched it happen and didn't stop to say a thing.

And Malmedy wasn't all that Piepers group did in just that short amount of time, throughout that operation his Kampfgruppe was responsible for the killing of of more than 300 POWs and over a hundred civilians.


Americans lined up and machine gunned 80 German soldiers at Chenogne on January 1, 1944. Killing any SS troops had already become commonplace in that part of the Battle of the Bulge, and it can't be denied that both sides were just as wrong to act in this way, but this is no different then the enmity of Japanese vs Americans. After news of the December 17 Malmedy Massacre spread to US troops there was very little attempt to take prisoners, but never was it officially sanctioned from the top on either side. The only evidence for instructions of the Chenogne massacre is local commanders ordering prisoners not to be taken, and even then their is little evidence of who ordered it. Same with Malmedy as Pieper didnt officially order it and nobody knows who did. Pieper and Sepp Dietrich were charged but along with 41 others sentenced to death, their sentences were commuted and only some got life imprisonment.

And I'll add some more bad things that America has done. It's very cute though that even though I have told you all repeatedly that I know my business on WWII, you still keep trying to teach me things as if I was born yesterday.

So most of you don't know much about the US in North Africa as its probably the least studied US campaign. But Operation Torch and the movement East into Tunisia saw plenty of US atrocities on civilians.  The Arabs usually looted American dead completely naked before they could be buried and many Arabs were lined up and shot for looting and theft without trial, very terrible shit. And of course many US service members were never convicted of their actions.

Also in Sicily the same happened with Sicilian civilians, on a much smaller scale, but still shooting innocent civilians for robbing and looting without trial, their are accounts of this at Gela and Messina as well as Palermo and elsewhere.

I, just like almost all of you, don't have to be a combat veteran to realize that war is hell and that anger and hate can make humans do terrible things to one another, and as I've repeatedly stated, Americans are humans just like rest and can do things just as nasty.

Malmedy however was a relative softball for looking at German atrocities. I dont really want to keep this up because I could go on for days and days but for an example how about the murder of 50 inmates of "The Great Escape". This is a relatively small number of people compared to other Nazi massacres, especially when compared to the Eastern Front, but what is important is THE LEADERSHIP DECISION. Hitler, the leader of the entire country of Germany, PERSONALLY demanded that all recaptured officers be shot but was convinced to lower the number.  That would be like President Roosevelt having german POW's murdered, but shit like that didnt happen because the United States and Britain in World War II (excluding terror bombing campaign of course) had 1000 times more care and compassion for humanity on a whole than did NAZI GERMANY OR IMPERIAL JAPAN OR FOR THAT MATTER SOVIET RUSSIA.

Just take a look at SS-Sturmbannführer Adolf Diekmanns action's with the 2nd SS Division Das Reich at the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre. He had the SS rank equivalent to Major in the US Army and had over 640 French civilians murdered in a fucking town square, so again I fail to see all the similar horrible atrocities that Americans, British, Canadians and French did like this.  I'll let you off easy by not going into Einsatzgruppen, the entire Russian front exterminations, Warsaw ghetto, etc. And I've read many SS officers memoirs and even in old age in modern times many are completely unrepentent in modern times. Many of them see no problem exterminating the jews and see the war as a valiant noble teutonic quest to rid the world of bolshevism. So pathetic, they always try to act like stopping Bolshevism was worth draggin the world into the bloodiest conflict ever...

This is proven by history and I know I'm not a crazy person for saying it. But keep playing your little violin for those poor SS that just wanted to exterminate a whole race of people and take over all of Europe and Russia with no mercy, and those poor poor Japanese that started a war of Imperialist aggression, murdered millions of innocent Chinese, and decided to take over the Pacific and fuck up America for no good reason.

To summarize that point, if you think US and British troops were nearly as barbaric as the Germans and Japaneseand Sovietsin WWII, you are in complete denial.

And is it really so hard to believe that US troops that grew up on a farm in the country and learning to make a campfire in the Boy Scouts aren't as inclined to killing innocent people as those brainwashed and filled with hatred by the Hitlerjugend for all of their adolescence?

Some great proof to that is the Anglo/US treatment of German POWs and civilians in comparison to the Soviet treatment of the same as the Allies closed in on Germany in 1945.  Pretty much any german refugee that could flee West from the Soviets did so, and they were very smart to do it, as rapes and murders were statistically MUCH MUCH higher than anything that Anglo/US troops did

Also look into the early cold war and Berlin air lift. The soviets try to fucking starve innocent germans while the US flew them in food to prevent it. That's not done by brutal heartless countries that care nothing of others.

Some final points to ensure that my thoughts are known :

1) US troops committed plenty of war crimes in plenty of theaters in WWII including raping and murdering innocent women as well as exocuting POWs, and none of you have taught me that, I have known it for a long time.

2) I still hold to my original point that Americans never committed any large scale field atrocties in WWII ON OFFICIAL LEVELS (MURDER SANCTIONED BY MAJORS, COLONELS, GENERALS, FIELD MARSHALLS, PRESIDENTS) other than those done from the air, such as firebombing Tokyo and Kyoto. I consider firebombing civilian targets to be a war crime and make no excuses for them.

3) Calling Americans murdering monsters for shooting concentration camp guards is really trying to split some serious hairs. You guys yourself make so much of the point that war is hell and people do crazy shit in war. So yea the young US soldier thats had a bunch of friends killed fighting a stupid fucking war that should have never happened but sees a FUCKING NAZI DEATH CAMP FOR THE FIRST TIME AND A BUNCH OF STARVED DEAD JEWS and all your empathy is gone? Not too hard for me to see how they didnt ask questions about whether the guards were fresh or not? Who the hell is gonna believe the people that say "Oh we just got here yesterday we weren't guarding these prisoners before".  Of course they all got fucking shot.  Was it right? FUCK NO it wasn't right but it wasn't done because Americans just wanted to murder people. They thought INCORRECTLY that they were getting justice.  It was wrong and I would hope that the perpetrators were prosecuted fully though im sure plenty got off with no charges.

4) Anglo/US troops altogether were responsible for horrendous crimes to German and Japanese civilians through strategic bombing campaigns, and I cannot and will not justify the murder of innocent women and children. I DO BELIEVE THAT IT IS WORTH NOTING that strategic bombing was for a while the Allies only means of fighting back, especially after Germany pushed allies out of continental Europe.  The philosophy was that terror bombing would force the Germans to surrender before hundreds of thousands, millions more on both sides would  be killed. It did not work and should not have been done, but it wasn't done out of simple spite and trying to get back.  I am not a fan of Bomber Harris and I do not think he had a good moral compass but he literally thought he could shorten a war that he didnt start and like the rest of the Allies, never wanted to fight in the first place. Again bombing civilians targets in war is a crime and is wrong and i'm not justifying it. Bomber Harris refused to admit, even on his deathbed, that his terror bombing campaign was wrong or that at least it didnt work. So in my mind he is a very heartless, hard skulled man and if there  is a hell and he is in it then I guess i'm not too surprised.

5) History is written for the winners is a great saying for ancient history when barely anybody could read, one fucking old monk wrote about a battle and the scroll gets burned when his city is taken under siege.... But for the whole 20th century history is written by the LOSERS too, which is how we know about the atrocities of the Concentration camps and ghettos and the Holocaust in general. IT was the Germans, the losers, so meticulous in their writing and record making, that COMMITTED THE CRIMES and left PLENTY of evidence to PROVE it. Their is less evidence to British, Americans, and Canadians murdering people in cold blood simply because of the facts that their leadership was much less likely to condone it and and men themselves being reluctant to do so, not some secret cover up.

I want to end on a more personal note.

I am an American and very proud of it mainly because in the bloodiest conflict in history we joined with the GOOD guys and prevented the world from developing into a fascist totalitarian shithole. For fuck's sake our "ally" USSR and old Joe Stalin are arguably just a s fucking evil as the Nazis and Imperial Japanese were and DONT THINK I DONT KNOW THAT! That DOESN'T MEAN that I believe that everything American in the war was good, as it certainly wasn't. Humans are humans and their are good Germans and bad Germans and Good Americans and Bad Americans.

I sympathize with many Germans stuck in that war because they really didnt have a way out. Most like i have stated earlier were innocent people caught up in a really shitty time, just like the little german child soldiers taken by the Danes to demine the Atlantic wall after the war.  It wasn't their fault, and what was done to them was murder as many died in completely unsafe demining operations.

No German or Japanese or Russian that was born after 1945 (for example) is guilty for the sins of their fathers.  Most of my ancestors fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War.  But even though the Confederates were fighting to maintain the disgusting institution of slavery, I don't look at my grandparents as evil people.  They were all dumb farm boys that couldnt read and never owned a slave, fighting another mans war, a rich mans war, and many of them died for it.  I respect their courage as warriors just as a young Japanese man should respect the legacy of the Fighting Kido Butai and other examples of expert Japanese soldiery. A young German man should be able to look at a picture of his Grandfather in his Gebirgsjäger Gefreiter uniform and say " wow, my Grandpa must have been really cool and an awesome warrior to be able to climb and fight in the mountains". These are my views on people my age in these situations.

I'm sick of being seen by you guys as some ignorant fool that needs to be taught a lesson about war and humanity, like I dont fucking study it as a hobby. Clearly you went barking up the wrong tree as I am obviously well educated on the subject and again never said the allies didnt commit war crimes in the first place, but thank you again for necessitating me to speak in self defense. Hopefully this clears this silly shit up and you all can be done berating me on what you think you know about me...

P.S.- Marduk, I know that you hate Saving Private Ryan, but you might take comfort in the fact that it taught me and MANY other American children of my generation that Americans didn't play by the rules either. In fact its in the beginning of the film, right after the 2nd Rangers have pushed up past the beach on Omaha-Dog Green and are clearing out trenches.  Germans put their hands up clearly and are purposely shot by two American infantrymen. They make a joke that the surrendering German/s were washing hands for supper. Captain Miller (the Godly and impervious Tom Hanks who can do no wrong!) sees them and gives a sad look but he doesnt do anything about it. And by that Spielberg paints out how things were without any narration.  I learned that as a little boy and have never forgotten it, how when someone puts their hands up then you dont shoot them, because you wouldn't want to be shot if you were them. Simple human empathy

Message edited by navyduck10 - Friday, 2020-04-17, 7:34 AM
mardukDate: Friday, 2020-04-17, 8:08 AM | Message # 7
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@duck: (I only read the part following "P.S.-Marduk")

You are right (I had totally forgotten about that scene), it's good that it's in there!
I always remembered the scene where that pussy coward shots a german prisoner very close to the end of the movie and thought it's good that S.S. showed it. Apart from that the film ist complete shit, though hahahahaha wink

My favourites about WW2 are:
Generation War (Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter)
Stalingrad (1992)
Cross of Iron (Steiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz)
Das Boot
The thin red line
A bridge too far
The Great Escape

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
basilonemoh7Date: Friday, 2020-04-17, 10:49 AM | Message # 8
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Whoa Nellie! What a diatribe which I will not read  :) 

I posted this in response to your chat months ago and last Saturday when you emphatically stated "Americans committed no atrocity like Malmedy." I can see that your mind is shut on this subject. So good gaming and see you on the battlefield!


John Basilone
Medal of Honor Winner
KIA Iwo Jima
mardukDate: Friday, 2020-04-17, 1:32 PM | Message # 9
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@duck: to be fair, I also refuse to read long post like this. Looks like you were ranting a little too much. Since you are an educated man, I know you are able to bring things to the point in a shorter way. Please remember that the next time smile

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
navyduck10Date: Friday, 2020-04-17, 4:38 PM | Message # 10
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Good for you both, I only wrote this is self defense and it therefore is not a rant.

I was called naieve in reference to WWII when I am a realist and pessimist that is very familiar with the reality of war, so I'm making sure you see how wrong you are.

Basilone you post information to try to accuse me of ignorance then refuse to read my retort.  I believe that is a very immature move.

Basilone was incorrect in his accusasion. I never said that the US never committed war crimes. So I'm just shutting him up because he clearly doesn't know what he is talking about and hasn't the best memory.

Also please neither of you attempt to involve me in political discussions anymore.

Hope that is concise enough for you. Sorry Marduk I didn't know that you had rules in post length after which you call them rants? wink

I love how a man can get attacked, attempt self defense, then be told he is too angry and needs to calm down.

  I was a fucking submariner, I don't take insults from anybody when I don't deserve them. That's also part of being a real man. I want to get along with everybody and I have really good relationships with most of our community because even though I bitch about FHSW inaccuracies all day long I am a really easy going guy that wants mutual respect between himself and his peers, but if you insult me you are gonna hear about it. Hope this ends this silly shit.

That is all. Carry on.

Message edited by navyduck10 - Friday, 2020-04-17, 7:30 PM
mardukDate: Friday, 2020-04-17, 8:36 PM | Message # 11
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Quote duck: "Sorry Marduk I didn't know that you had rules in post length after which you call them rants?"

Sorry man, but why are you so defensive?
U should calm down really. I can see you are really angry, and that's not good for you in the first place!
Can't you see that I just simply have better to do than reading endless texts on FHSW forum?

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Saturday, 2020-04-18, 7:23 AM | Message # 12
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Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, 2 ducks and John Basilone in 1 thread. And here I am, a simple Bubu bear stealing popcorn to eat in Yellowstone when I watch over this thread... lol
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