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FHSW 0.5 discussion (r)
GreenShiftDate: Thursday, 2012-02-16, 2:43 AM | Message # 21
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I cannot see your links at fhsw1942.web.fc2.com It says this ----> 403Error - Forbidden

You don't have permission to access this page.



ningen_yayDate: Thursday, 2012-02-16, 12:39 PM | Message # 22
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sry Has been re-upload
If you do not see, please tell us a good uploader smile


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Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2012-02-16, 5:05 PM | Message # 23
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I can see the pics of your inital post. New ship (Pensacola class), awesome! I wonder how the V1/V2 will be integrated in the game since they are strategic weapons and were mostly used vs cities.

Quote (ningen_yay)

So we can expect ridable goats in the next release? biggrin

Quote (ningen_yay)
>I remember the Il-4 blog entry but I also couldn't find it. It's one of the most detailed models (especially the cockpit) I've ever seen in Bf1942.


I meant I've never seen it in-game. wink


I hope, like Mr_J, that it doesn't turn into a WoT clone. I'm fine with secret weapons, even prototypes, as a part of the mod but the majority of the vehicles should be realistic ones imo. I don't really like the addition of various vehicles that were only planned but never built (in WW2). But I like the "semi secret weapons" with very low numbers built or used like the Sturer Emil, Sturmtiger, Pershing or T-35.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris

Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Thursday, 2012-02-16, 5:09 PM
MannsDate: Thursday, 2012-02-16, 5:09 PM | Message # 24
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Check out the News from FHSWdev Twitter


Translation: We have another new vehicles for 0.5. Some of same vehicles are also exists in WoT. But of course, they are our original model.

honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
Mr_JDate: Thursday, 2012-02-16, 5:19 PM | Message # 25
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I just have received VERY important information from FHSWDev concerning loading span.

Quote (Mr_J)
4. This question is not related to Nashorn itself =)
Well, tell me please, if you are allowed of course, wheter FHSW DevTeam has been working on lowering loading times in FHSW?

Quote (FHSW DevTeam)
YES!! We made new compressing technology for codes. It reduces loading times. Its effect is depends on PC's performance, and it is more effective on slower PC.

ningen_yayDate: Thursday, 2012-02-16, 7:15 PM | Message # 26
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>So we can expect ridable goats in the next release?
Unfortunately, I can not tamper with any code wink

>I meant I've never seen it in-game.
If you actually have the latest version of the development version of FHSW
Has been placed in the middle of the FH_air

Battlefield tanks appeared only very rare I do not like
I would like to place a vehicle to actively be able to run the new tactics smile

Japan wiki
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GreenShiftDate: Thursday, 2012-02-16, 11:29 PM | Message # 27
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The pictures are very nice ningen smile Maybe the original set of pictures are blocked from viewing in America but work in Europe? Oh well. I am most interested in the tank that looks to be a T29!

Ride-able goats? wacko Comical! hehe

GREAT NEWS MR J!!! That will attract more players as loading time seems to be a major issue to many people! smile I wont see much of a benefit however but I am not concerned! Was there only one Cuckoo? I cannot find much information about it.

I don't mind the WoT type of vehicles as much I guess. There were only so many vehicles and planes and all that created during the war. FHSW has made soooo many of the vehicles already that they are probably somewhat limited in what is left to create! FH has more mythical maps and battles like Alpenfestung, Eagles Nest, and Operation Rattrap; so I am not as against "make believe" vehicles as well, its all in good fun. As long as they dont go and stick them in maps where it makes absolutely no sense for them to be there like IS-4 and Maus in Fall Weiss or something stupid like that which I know they wouldnt do. happy

As for the IL-4 I looked again and I still do not find it? However is this due to me not having the map named exactly FH_Air but "Test Map" which contains planes? Strangely I do not have a map in the folder called Test map, I have FH_Air so the map im using must be FH_Air...Im confused..
Endless_NamelessDate: Friday, 2012-02-17, 0:10 AM | Message # 28
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FH Air = Test field

I looked through the map's .rfa file and it is indeed placed on the map (pic below) but the plane isn't in the object.rfa nor integrated in the map so it can't be placed. I can see 4 different versions: Il-4, Il-4 VAP 500 (Napalm I think), Il-4 BETAB 750 (dunno), Il-4 Torpedo

@Vano: The devs posted two russian sites as source for the IS-3 D-30T on their twitter: http://www.battlefield.ru/d30.html http://army.lv/ru/is-3/istorija/631/547

@Mr_J: Indeed that's very good news, it just sounds a bit vague, we'll have to wait how much shorter it really is.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris

Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Friday, 2012-02-17, 0:11 AM
GreenShiftDate: Friday, 2012-02-17, 1:40 AM | Message # 29
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If you look at the dev blog about the Il-4 the last two pictures of it show it placed in the map Prokhorovka where the TB-3 usually spawns. However looking at the map using winRFA like eYe did, it isnt set there to spawn. Interesting though. Maybe we can expect it then on that map later on?

From the way the FHSW Dev Team worded it, it is my understanding that it will be similar in the way that school grades are sometimes scored on a curve. So those who need the loading shortened most will see the biggest benefit smile I have fairly good PC (9GB RAM, 2.7GHZ Quad CPU) so my benefit would be minimal but someone with 1-2GB of RAM and a not so great CPU should see a good boost smile

Out of curiosity how long does it take people to load maps? I tested my speed on Alpenfestung and it took me 1:23. It varies from map to map, the more vehicles in a map the longer the load time IMO. The test maps usually take me a while to load.
VanoDate: Friday, 2012-02-17, 10:25 AM | Message # 30
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Thanks for the link. The second topic a bit clarifies the situation. The terms of reference, there is a section - PROVIDE the ability to install gun D-30. If we consider that the gun itself was created to replace the D-25, with the case of modernization of armored vehicles, the emergence of IS-3 with such a weapon could become a reality.

Message edited by Vano - Friday, 2012-02-17, 10:26 AM
Stefan1990Date: Friday, 2012-02-17, 2:15 PM | Message # 31
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Quote (Mr_J)
Quote (FHSW DevTeam)
YES!! We made new compressing technology for codes. It reduces loading times. Its effect is depends on PC's performance, and it is more effective on slower PC.

surprised surprised surprised Thats nice!
MannsDate: Sunday, 2012-02-19, 2:37 PM | Message # 32
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Here is a beatiful list of all FHSW maps including pictures

Very useful if you don't know which map is like


honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2012-02-19, 4:44 PM | Message # 33
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Very nice! Thx for posting!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
ACEDate: Monday, 2012-02-20, 7:00 PM | Message # 34
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Quote (Manns)
Here is a beatiful list of all FHSW maps including pictures

Very useful if you don't know which map is like


I have a question; since one of the maps is Hong Kong, and the Canadians were the last line of defense at Hong Kong, why not change the armies to Canada vs. Japan in this mod? wouldn't be much work at all. Maybe we should inform them of this?
MannsDate: Friday, 2012-02-24, 2:05 PM | Message # 35
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I would love to inform them about the FlakPanther
this thing is just Crap, it has to less ammo, to less firepower, and you can't get even a grasshopper down with it

honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
Mr_JDate: Thursday, 2012-03-01, 4:30 PM | Message # 36
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We have got another FHSW news! Read the news blog
VanoDate: Thursday, 2012-03-01, 6:11 PM | Message # 37
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Aaaaayyeeeee! hands
Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2012-03-01, 7:02 PM | Message # 38
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The "aircraft carrier" looks like a lot of fun. biggrin

Thanks for posting!

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris

Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Thursday, 2012-03-01, 7:03 PM
Mr_JDate: Thursday, 2012-03-01, 7:48 PM | Message # 39
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I bet that Robert's Bf109 is not as manoeuvrable as that Polikarpov cool

I really like any new soviet planes but still I miss the Peshka bomber.

BTW do you have some knowledge about major eastern front air battles? Vano?
VanoDate: Friday, 2012-03-02, 6:14 PM | Message # 40
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"I will be brief"
On the Eastern Front, there were no major air operations like the Western Front. Aircraft operated on both sides in the interest of the Army and NAVY.
I will not list all of the major transactions occurring during the period of the Eastern Front, it will take a long time. I will mention the most important:
- Destruction of the Soviet Air Force in the initial period of "Operation Barbarossa"
- Battle of Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad
- Air battles over the Kuban, Caucasus, Black Sea Coast
- The fighting in Operation Citadel
- Air battles in East Prussia
The most interesting episodes that require attention:
- Air operations in Karelia, the Arctic, the action of British fighters in the north of the USSR
- Actions of the German and Soviet naval aviation
- Night raids of Soviet bombers to Berlin
On this occasion I would like to express my respect for the professionalism of the German pilots and the desire to comply with ethical standards.