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FHSW 0.5 discussion (r)
GreenShiftDate: Monday, 2012-02-13, 1:39 AM | Message # 1
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Yes it is very nice smile IS-2 in FH was a beast! But now in FHSW with growing Axis arsenal such as long barrel King Tiger, JagdTiger, soon to be Maus, etc the Soviets were out matched. Introduction of IS-3 should liven it up a bit! Look at the slope of the turret! Hardly anything will be able to hurt it!

The Mobile 203mm howitzers ontop of KV chassis so it should result in a pretty good speed! The current big artys suffer in that, takes very long to turn them let alone reposition them.

Jumping tank!!!! Shame its only Valentine, but its a VIII so maybe I can rain death from above! I feel like the people driving that tank are going to look drunk though hahaha wacko

Edit: Checked out that blog using google translate, isnt the best but better than nothing.

On the IS-3 "Volume in the turret because the poor IS-2, the time it takes to reload the gun is really just longer than the IS-2, however. "
So it appears that the IS-3's reload speed will be slightly longer than the IS-2 even, so hopefully that armor is thick enough to compensate, the IS-2's reload is horrid. The JagdTiger reloads faster even.

But with the IS-3-D-30 version: "Equipped with a mechanical assist device loading machine more power, this is not a full-fledged automatic loading system comprises a magazine such as,
You can exert a dominant firing rate about 1.5 times compared to the IS-3 still normal. " So then it that variant should load at a more acceptable rate smile And that if shooting in the correct location that gun can take out 1/3 of the Maus's armor.

That Valentines upgraded to a 6 pounder gun like the Cromwell has, but has lost its main MG.

The Flying Valentine seems you can actually steer it in flight with WASD, not bad! But at the end of that article it says "Control is very difficult, or may be able to jump on the roof, you can avoid the attack of the enemy, to visit a top attack on enemy tanks in conjunction with the driver if you learn.
Will be able to expand the range of tactics depending on the device. "

Which means they plan to add it to multiple vehicles/tanks? biggrin

Message edited by GreenShift - Monday, 2012-02-13, 1:58 AM
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2012-02-13, 1:38 PM | Message # 2
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The S-51 is already available on the map "Spurning Fate day", if you didn't know. cool
It was added with on of the map tweak packs as well as the Valentine Mk VIII (A day of Zitadelle).

I have a bit trouble translating some parts of the latest news, maybe someone can give me a hand?
- IS-3 with the D-30T: Is there any source for this vehicle or is it just a fantasy of the devs? (I'm sure Vano knows something about that biggrin )
- There's a mention of a new effect on the muzzle breaks but I couldn't figure out what it exactly does.
- A new Jagdpanther variant with an autoloader will be added. But I don't know how it works, it sounds like it's a magazine type thing where you can fire 5 shells pretty fast but than you have to reload. I also couldn't find any source for that.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris

Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Monday, 2012-02-13, 1:42 PM
MannsDate: Monday, 2012-02-13, 2:12 PM | Message # 3
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shame that they didn't add a more Powerfull Version of the Valentine, like for example the XI with the QF 75mm Gun

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Mr_JDate: Monday, 2012-02-13, 5:13 PM | Message # 4
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Quote (Endless_Nameless)
- IS-3 with the D-30T: Is there any source for this vehicle or is it just a fantasy of the devs? (I'm sure Vano knows something about that biggrin )

There were no IS3 with that gun:
Quote (Translator)
In FHSW, the D-30T tank gun loading proposal used as this fictional was reproduced as secret weapons.

Also this is interesting ( that GreenShift already mentioned) :
Quote (Translator)
It had device aiding the loader with loading, which results in 1.5x times faster loading time than regular IS3 with D-25T cannon.

Quote (Endless_Nameless)
There's a mention of a new effect on the muzzle breaks but I couldn't figure out what it exactly does.

Firing effects look differently in FHSW 0.5. IMO they got more of flash effect and other tweaks that made them more realistic. I could see this with Maus in test map that I've received. Furthermore the flame has various shape depending on presence of muzzle brake.

Quote (Endless_Nameless)
A new Jagdpanther variant with an autoloader will be added. But I don't know how it works, it sounds like it's a magazine type thing where you can fire 5 shells pretty fast but than you have to reload. I also couldn't find any source for that.

5 shells cartridge, each shell fired in 0.7 sec; 12 sec cartridge reload if empty

Quote (Translator)
Panter, since an armor piercing shell and a high-explosive projectile are changed, various targets can be coped with.

Does the Panther get different ammo types?

I smell a WorldOfTanks zoo in FHSW 0.5 btw cry I hope devs won't mix any of above machines with currently existing maps (with exception of maps like Rattrap or Alpenfestung...)
GreenShiftDate: Monday, 2012-02-13, 5:24 PM | Message # 5
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Yeah what Mr J said is what I understand from it. Though I wonder, if they are differentiating the effects for tanks with and without muzzle breaks: Will tanks with muzzle breaks experience less recoil? Would definitely make tanks with the breaks more desirable.

I see what you mean with World of Tanks, I noticed it a bit before with alllll the different varients. WoT is a good game! Its just lacking in its variety in maps. IN FHSW I can play this game for 24 hours straight and I probably wouldnt have to replay even 1 map. You play WoT for an hour and will probably play a few maps over again dry

Why dont you want to see these in existing maps though? Its no different than the variants of tanks that didnt really exist that they use now. Maus were never truly used but are getting added. I think it makes the maps more interesting smile Constantly changing so you dont have to use the same tactics time after time

Message edited by GreenShift - Monday, 2012-02-13, 5:28 PM
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2012-02-13, 6:03 PM | Message # 6
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If they don't start adding various 1950's tanks I'm okay with mixing real ones and some secret weapons (or prototypes) like it is already on many maps.

They didn't say anything about adding new maps yet, I hope that there will be some.

Thanks for your detailed answer, J.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris

Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Monday, 2012-02-13, 6:04 PM
Mr_JDate: Monday, 2012-02-13, 6:13 PM | Message # 7
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I'm just a fanatic of balanced realism and historical accuracy tongue Maus was an accident :P, but I see that people are pleased of his presence so it's okay smile Moreover it seems like I'm in a minority and I belive in democracy therefore I need to live with that smile

Quote (ningen_yay)
I will create a variety of models smile

So FHSW team has got at least 2 new talented men: ningen_yay and Frank (?). Lets have a hope it will lead for more frequent updates smile

ningen_yay: could you tell us what are you currently working on?
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2012-02-13, 6:20 PM | Message # 8
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Quote (Mr_J)
ningen_yay: could you tell us what are you currently working on?

Don't risk your job, ningen. tongue

Yeah, it seems that Frank is another new modeller, he made the Mosquito and the T-28. On his twitter he posted a pic of an M5 Stuart and lots of different planes.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris

Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Monday, 2012-02-13, 6:25 PM
VanoDate: Monday, 2012-02-13, 10:14 PM | Message # 9
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I'm sorry, I can not quite tell you about the IS-3 with a gun D-30T. Having it on the tank IS-3 a mystery to me. I have not seen a single mention of the existence, or at least the project IS-3 D-30T. I remember that this version of the tank is not even in the WoT.
This gun was designed and intended to replace the gun D-25. By the technical task of the D-30 was supposed to fit into the dimensions of the armored vehicles in service with the D-25. Correspondingly, the probability of its occurrence was on the tank IS-3. But the gun was not put into service., The only tank on which it was installed - IS-6.
Characteristics of guns is not known. It is believed that she had the same ballistics with gun D-25. Barrel length and ammunition for both guns are identical. Rate of 3-4 shots per minute, the D-25T 1-1.5 (the original version), and 2-3 shots per minute (improved version of). The remaining data is known about the D-30T, play no role in the game, so I will not describe them.
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2012-02-13, 10:45 PM | Message # 10
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Thanks for your research, strange that they chose this gun then. Maybe they needed a quick counterpart for the Maus on the ground?

On the dev blog it says in-game it will have the same firepower as the BL-9 from the SU-122BM.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris

Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Monday, 2012-02-13, 10:46 PM
Mr_JDate: Monday, 2012-02-13, 10:55 PM | Message # 11
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Changing the subject, look at the last vehicle in column, in the picture from blog's latest news smile That's "Cuckoo"

GreenShiftDate: Tuesday, 2012-02-14, 0:09 AM | Message # 12
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I cant barely see anything other than it has tracks and a turret :P
VanoDate: Tuesday, 2012-02-14, 0:38 AM | Message # 13
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The famous English Panther?
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2012-02-14, 4:55 PM | Message # 14
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Yes thats the Panther called "Coocku" used by british tank batalion. CSI zoom:

BTW, dont you know if Il-4 airplane is present in FHSW 0.42? Slobodan discovered that it was announced before 0.42 release...
VanoDate: Tuesday, 2012-02-14, 6:07 PM | Message # 15
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Indeed, there is an assumption. But none of it has never seen. IL-4 was announced in August 2010, before the release of 0.412 patches. I'm specifically looking for it on all maps of the Eastern Front. Tried and cooperative modes, capture the flag in different sequences, but it was not found. This applies to 0.412 patches, 0.42 and Most of Map Tweak Pack. Not tested on three recent Map Tweak Pack, but much doubt about adding back IL-4.

Message edited by Vano - Tuesday, 2012-02-14, 6:10 PM
GreenShiftDate: Tuesday, 2012-02-14, 11:20 PM | Message # 16
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I dont see it anywhere on the FH Air map, however I do not know if they update it anymore or not :S
Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-15, 0:33 AM | Message # 17
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I remember the Il-4 blog entry but I also couldn't find it. It's one of the most detailed models (especially the cockpit) I've ever seen in Bf1942.

@Mr_J: Are you able to move posts? Maybe create a thread called "dev blog discussion" or something because we (including me) were a bit offtopic on the last two sites.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Mr_JDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-15, 0:55 AM | Message # 18
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Quote (Endless_Nameless)

@Mr_J: Are you able to move posts? Maybe create a thread called "dev blog discussion" or something because we (including me) were a bit offtopic on the last two sites.


How about Coocku map?

Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-15, 1:02 AM | Message # 19
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Did you create this texture so quickly? It looks very good!

I never heard of Cuckoo before so I googled a bit and it appears that the Allies used it quite well. Is there a suitable scenario for a map with this tank?

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
ningen_yayDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-15, 9:53 PM | Message # 20
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I'm sorry to have delayed response
I can not read English
I am using Google Translator wink

>ningen_yay: could you tell us what are you currently working on?


Production in various things other than this smile

>I remember the Il-4 blog entry but I also couldn't find it. It's one of the most detailed models (especially the cockpit) I've ever seen in Bf1942.


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