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I present 2 you, the newest FHSW Europe Wikipedia Homepage!
What you want under the page?
1. Featered Weaponry: 4 weapons out the Wiki will random presented with short information? [ 1 ] [20.00%]
2. Latest Weaponry news Update: latest 4 weapons from the news updates from the blog with short information? [ 2 ] [40.00%]
3. Or make a second one and use both templates with Featered weapons as first and then news update template? [ 1 ] [20.00%]
4. Or make a second one and use both templates with news update template as first and then Featered weapons? [ 1 ] [20.00%]
Answers total: 5
Fritz-KempfDate: Wednesday, 2013-03-13, 7:46 PM | Message # 1
FHSW Wikia Admin
Group: Admins
Messages: 665
Awards: 12
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline
I present 2 you, the newest FHSW Europe Wikipedia Homepage!

Hello guy's

I have work on this for 4 day's! Finnaly its ready.


Our Wikipedia Homepage wasn't very attractive. Because that, i try to find a sollution and search a lot of Wikipedia's for idea's. The navigation template under each page is now already know, i hear you guy's are happy about it. easy to search and find. Glad to hear that! But it need to be more. This is how our Homepage looks until today!

Like you can see, very boring and not very attractive welcome. So, we need some modifications.

What is it now?

Click here: http://fhsw.wikia.com/wiki/Forgotten_Hope_Secret_Weapon

-> Above you will see the navigation, the old navigation. i try to edit this to a new navigation.
-> Under that, you have the "Server News" with the latest server news and of course, our fight night events!
-> Then we have the Welcome text on the left side, this one will be edited later.
-> On the right, we have te status of FHSW. The current version and the next version if this is already know.
-> Just below that, we have Random screenshots. New screenshots are welcome, but without the Hud please (Open the Console and write "Hud 0" to remove the hud)
-> Below that is a Trailer, pity we have no latest trailers. I try to fix the Trailer mini logo.
-> Left we have now the "Featered Weaponry" and about that we have a poll now. What you want? You want featered weapons, weapons from the latest news updates from the blog, two the same gallery templates with the first featered or two the same gallery templates with the first the latest news updates?
-> On the right, we have some websites from FHSW.

Idea's? Have you any idea to add on the page? You can say it here. My idea is also to bring a "Spying Corner" where we place Twitter and FHSW Forum pics from models under work.

Or newest background is.....

I hope you like it!

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Wednesday, 2013-03-13, 7:47 PM
crazygameloverDate: Wednesday, 2013-03-13, 8:24 PM | Message # 2
Group: Trusted
Messages: 308
Awards: 13
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Very good improvement from the old website, Fritz! biggrin  If you want, I could edit some of your wiki-pages just by fixing grammar or spelling mistakes. I know your main language isn't English, so I could fix anything that may be confusing to other readers. Of coarse, I won't change the information and I would not take credit for it, either. wink  I'm not sure if I can edit something I didn't write, though. I just want to help.
Fritz-KempfDate: Wednesday, 2013-03-13, 8:26 PM | Message # 3
FHSW Wikia Admin
Group: Admins
Messages: 665
Awards: 12
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline
Yes, you can edit! Do what you want to edit! Mainpage isn't open for edit, so you need to send it to me.
crazygameloverDate: Thursday, 2013-03-14, 4:57 PM | Message # 4
Group: Trusted
Messages: 308
Awards: 13
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Thanks Fritzy smile I will do a couple every day. I have already looked at and edited some of the pages.
Fritz-KempfDate: Thursday, 2013-03-14, 9:34 PM | Message # 5
FHSW Wikia Admin
Group: Admins
Messages: 665
Awards: 12
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline
Btw, im looking for new users! You have experience with Wikipedia? Please help us now! crazygamelover, have you an wxiki account and who are you when the answer is yes?
crazygameloverDate: Thursday, 2013-03-14, 11:55 PM | Message # 6
Group: Trusted
Messages: 308
Awards: 13
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
I made a wikia account yesterday and my profile name is "crazygamelover".
DeathDate: Friday, 2013-03-15, 5:12 AM | Message # 7
Group: Admins
Messages: 453
Awards: 13
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Oh yeah i've been meaning to mention this for a month but i kept forgetting. for the wiki somebody should really put a minimap photo under the maps and maybe label the maps by year. not in name order but rather from 1939-1948 so picking event maps will be easier plus we could see what the maps look like since most of us only remember a few maps.

Fritz-KempfDate: Thursday, 2013-03-21, 11:45 AM | Message # 8
FHSW Wikia Admin
Group: Admins
Messages: 665
Awards: 12
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline
Yeah, im stil thinking about the maps. I think category in years and theatre.

Added (2013-03-17, 5:59 PM)
Writers sought with experience in the history of World War II for the Wiki!

Urgently Needed!

  • People with experience in Military aircrafts: you are the person who can describe briefly but succinctly Military aircrafts, wich was used during the Second World War and released in FHSW. Experience in FHSW is not necessary! Interested in helping out? Sign up today!

  • People with experience in Warships: you are the person who can describe briefly but succinctly warships, wich was used during the Second World War and released in FHSW. Experience in FHSW is not necessary! Sign up today!

  • People with experience in Artillery: you are the person who can describe briefly but succinctly Artillery, wich was used during the Second World War and released in FHSW. Experience in FHSW is not necessary! Sign up today!

  • People with experience in Handweapons: you are the person who can describe briefly but succinctly Handweapons, wich was used during the Second World War and released in FHSW. Experience in FHSW is not necessary! Sign up today!

  • People with experience in FHSW Maps: you are the person who can describe briefly but succinctly the maps released in FHSW. Experience in FHSW is necessary! Sign up today!

  • People with experience in FHSW Gameplay: you are the person who can describe briefly but succinctly the gameplay in FHSW. You describe the performance of the vehicles and weapons ingame. Experience in FHSW is necessary! Sign up today!

I hope i can find some help here!

Added (2013-03-21, 11:45 AM)
New! Poll of the Month!
Any idea for the next month? Please visit here and post it under the correct Month!

You can now find below the page a Monthly Poll Question. Please feel free to vote! Our Poll for this month is: http://fhsw.wikia.com/wiki/Template:MarchPoll
Each Month it will be replace by a new Poll. Have you an idea for a question? Post it here: http://fhsw.wikia.com/wiki/Template_talk:MarchPoll

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Sunday, 2013-03-17, 6:00 PM
SimoHayhaDate: Tuesday, 2013-06-11, 3:22 PM | Message # 9
Group: Gold Donator
Messages: 377
Awards: 4
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
I signed up, i have a pretty good grasp of historical weapons, i did a page for the 1903 springfield, if you dont mind the style its done in id be happy to help out some more in my free time...

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