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New damage system/vehicle loadout on maps (r)
DeathDate: Thursday, 2013-04-25, 10:37 PM | Message # 1
Group: Admins
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Yeah but once you start playing fhsw you don't go back.
For me fhsw is so much more fun, its ACTUALLY BALANCED. i don't have to worry about 1 panther camping and winning the entire match for the axis.
tank warfare is way more balanced. fh t34-85 didn't do crap against a panther, not in fhsw  tongue tigers don't rule the map anymore because allies have t29, pershings, is series, isu series etc...maps are better and overall its better gameplay.

KhaineDate: Thursday, 2013-04-25, 10:38 PM | Message # 2
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Yeah but once you start playing fhsw you don't go back. For me fhsw is so much more fun, its ACTUALLY BALANCED. i don't have to worry about 1 panther camping and winning the entire match for the axis.
tank warfare is way more balanced. fh t34-85 didn't do crap against a panther, not in fhsw  tigers don't rule the map anymore because allies have t29, pershings, is series, isu series etc...maps are better and overall its better gameplay.

I disagree completly, they made it too complicated and too many shots just bounce off (maybe because of the crazy top speed of tanks, I don't know). And some vehicles are completly messed up... especially german tanks which are raped by soviets prototypes...
FH is imho much more balanced, germans often have the most armoured tanks but as allied you can still take them out by flanking moves because your guns pack some punch (for example a T34/85 can take out a panther if it hit its side hull or turret), and of course you often have better bombers. However it lacks diversity. In FHSW is seems you are only throwing heavy tanks head to head...

Message edited by Khaine - Wednesday, 2013-04-24, 2:19 PM
DeathDate: Thursday, 2013-04-25, 10:38 PM | Message # 3
Group: Admins
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Well i'm a tanker i've always been a tanker. And in FHSW yes its a bit more of heavy vs heavy but atleast the weaker tanks can do something. I remember on seelow in normal FH i shot a panther on the side with a t34-85 and nothing happened. i mean nothing and it was disappointing. FHSW i feel the tanks do more damage. i mean the is2 is like a piece of paper in FH it can barely take a hit at all. the soviet prototype is a bit annoying i agree with you on that but in FH all allied tanks are practically useless. T34-76 can barely kill anything, sherman forget it, aside from the firefly and maybe 1 or 2 other tanks allies don't have crap. I feel yeah there is more heavy vs heavy but atleast the medium allied tanks can actually kill things.

Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2013-04-25, 10:38 PM | Message # 4
Group: Admins
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I'm also not 100% happy about the new damage calculation, especially the angle mod often produces weird results (like in FH2). But there are also some interesting things possible, in a tank duel you can, for example, turn your tank a bit to make your armour more angled which reduces the damage a lot. At the same time only shoot at an enemy if he's at an angle of 0°/90°/180° relative to you and you produce way better results.

On a related note:
Since afaik you can only pick one value for penetration in BF1942's engine it would be really interesting which source they use and even more which distance/pene value. 500 m? 1000 m? 1500 m?

Remember that the T-34/85 could penetrate 100 mm (90°) (=Tiger frontal armour) up to a distance of 1000 m in RL.

And for the vehicle loadout we can always create our own ssm version of the maps, if you have a good idea post it!


btw. this is very offtopic now so I created an own thread.

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