crazygamelover | Date: Monday, 2013-10-14, 11:51 PM | Message # 1 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 308
Status: Offline
| I've recently gotten a new computer, a Windows 8. I have had FHSW for about about a month on this computer now, but only started playing again and realized that some of the ammo icons and vehicle icons when you're in a vehicle are missing. They are just white boxes. I can't list the specific vehicles, since there are so many,but its definately quite a few of them. I've never had this problem before, maybe its because I have a Windows 8, maybe I wasn't supposed to install the "Windows 7 fix", maybe I need to have the compatibility mode on something specific. I have re installed FHSW, FH, and Battlefield1942, but the problem remains. I have the S&Tmap pack, so I might have installed it incorrectly and some of the files have been F'ed up. Or perhaps its just that the such old files of BF1942 aren't good enough too be handled by such a recent software. Anyways, I hope you guys have some sort of solution to this, I haven't heard from anyone else of this problem so it may be just me. Thanks
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Endless_Nameless | Date: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 2:00 PM | Message # 2 |
Group: Admins
Messages: 1237
Status: Offline
| Hmm maybe some of the files are corrupt or missing. Icons and such are stored in the menu.rfa, I quickly uploaded it for you:
Replace the old menu.rfa which you find in ..\Battlefield 1942\Mods\FHSW\Archives\
My Youtube Channel aka eYe.ris
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