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S&T Pack for FHSW 0.621
RADIOSMERSHDate: Wednesday, 2017-02-22, 8:53 PM | Message # 1
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As you may have guessed from the thread name, I've updated S&T pack for 0.621, and added map specific textures (read here for more details).

DL link: https://drive.google.com/file....ve_link

Installation instructions:
  • Delete STFHSW in your Mods folder
  • Unzip archive contents into Mods folder. Overwrite if prompted

  • Some minor tank engines' sounds changes
  • Deleted No.2 firing sound, as new vanilla one is way better


    I've also updated my addition to S&T pack to 0.6. No changes so far, but I'm planning to add some new sounds for naval guns soon.

    DL: TBA

    Previous changelogs:

    RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2017-11-12, 2:43 PM | Message # 61
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    Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
    I just downloaded S&T pack for new today and got heavy troubles on Alpenfestung sad I moved the Alpenfestung file out of the folder of S&T pack but no difference I had to remove the whole S&T folder out of my battlefield damn bloody f*ck bash The problem was if I turned my line of sight in directon of german base I got a freezing screen and only if I turned to an area with nothing I can move again.
    Any ideas ?!

    This is an old issue, which occured for different players (even myself before 0.6) and I wasn't able to identify the pattern or reason behind it. The only thing I know is that it is caused by a single object on the map, or by its texture, to be more precise, so when it gets into your view of sight, FPS drops down to 1. It might be caused by Nvidia driver, but this is only my suspicion. What videocard do you have, btw?
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2017-11-20, 5:24 PM | Message # 62
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    Nvidia dry ...
    OK I will check my driver setup

    Added (2017-11-20, 4:24 PM)
    I can´t use it that is so f*cking annoying

    I need another graphics card now

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    ryszkam66Date: Saturday, 2017-11-25, 10:09 PM | Message # 63
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    RADIOSMERSH, Hello mister! Can I get a link to your latest sound and textures mod? Thank you in advance.

    Message edited by ryszkam66 - Saturday, 2017-11-25, 10:10 PM
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2017-11-25, 10:51 PM | Message # 64
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    link on page one, first post is up to date

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    ryszkam66Date: Sunday, 2017-11-26, 12:12 PM | Message # 65
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    Robert_von_Eberhahn, Thank you for your answer. I have one more question if I can ask here: What effect does 4GB patch on forgotten hope secret weapons? And by applying it I have to choose bf1942.exe, right?
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2017-11-27, 10:22 PM | Message # 66
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    So far I know, Battlefield is limited in using only a small amount of ram. During the last 10 years amount of data increase because of getting more detailed graphics and more detailed modells. With that patch u can avoid some disconnections on maps with a lot details and units because it allowes battlefield using more ram.
    Very simple explanation, I´m not a freak in things like this. If I explained something wrong or misty, please anyone with a more detailed knowledge jump in.
    By applying start ur game as usual, yes I think so. FHSW creates a shortcut and I start my mod allways with it and it works.

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Tuesday, 2017-11-28, 8:39 PM | Message # 67
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    Yeah, basically what the Robert said.

    Btw, can any admin make the first post sticky?

    Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Tuesday, 2017-11-28, 8:40 PM
    rickardsvDate: Monday, 2018-04-23, 4:23 PM | Message # 68
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    What is "Addition to FHSW S&T 0.6" link in first post? Do I download that too?

    GameplayerDate: Wednesday, 2018-04-25, 11:59 AM | Message # 69
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    Why in my S&T pack Battleships have normal explosion sound in main guns?

    And sometimes Browning m2 machine gun sounds different and then normal?

    Hates too quick judgement.

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    hakansprayDate: Sunday, 2018-05-27, 4:19 PM | Message # 70
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    Could the PPSh-41 have the sound from Rising Storm 2 or Red Orchestra 2 or maybe from Ostfront. The PPSh has one of the few sounds that is bad.

    aka Hawken (Ingame)
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    RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2018-06-03, 5:09 PM | Message # 71
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    I've updated S&T with new PPSh sound according to the hakanspray request.

    Quote hakanspray ()
    Could the PPSh-41 have the sound from Rising Storm 2 or Red Orchestra 2 or maybe from Ostfront. The PPSh has one of the few sounds that is bad.

    Done, just redownload the S&T pack from the same link and overwrite sound.rfa file in Archives folder.

    Also I've updated my addition to S&T pack:

    Quote onnipatrika54 ()
    Why in my S&T pack Battleships have normal explosion sound in main guns?

    I hope that we resolved this issue in TS yesterday.

    Quote rickardsv ()
    What is "Addition to FHSW S&T 0.6" link in first post? Do I download that too?

    This is my personal modification, mostly containing sounds I extracted from various games, like War Thunder, Red Orchestra 2, Day of Infamy, etc. You can download and it try it out, but it's completely optional.

    Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Sunday, 2018-06-03, 5:10 PM
    crazygameloverDate: Monday, 2018-06-04, 1:32 AM | Message # 72
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    For the past month I've been working on some new textures to go along with the S&T pack. I'm not an expert, so some of the textures are lower quality compared to what the FHSWman can do. I mostly just cobbled together textures from already existing .dds files. Textures I've got so far:

    -desert Piper Cub (FH2 texture)
    -night Europe uniforms
    -night No4
    -night P51H
    -night T-44
    -winter T-28
    -Russian M4A1 sherman
    -darker 35M
    -darker Lebel wood
    -night Stg44
    -night K98
    -desert Marder II
    -captured R35
    -winter wz36 AT gun


    I updated the STFHSW mapfiles for (almost) all the Mappack 1+2 maps:
    -Battle of Britain mod
    -Desert Hill Day 1
    -fht Golf Hotel
    -fht Sittang Bridge
    -Kota Bharu
    -Operation Hailstone mod
    -Operation Kikusui day 2 mod
    -Operation Lilliput
    -Spurning Fate
    -Stashuv Area
    -The Attack on Carentan

    Also if you're interested, I replaced the wz30 model (which is used by more than just Poland in FHSW) with the Vickers model from BF1918, essentially the Maxim gun. I did this because more often than not, the wz30 is acting as a placeholder for the Maxim/Vickers gun, and not as the wz30 itself. I had to make clientside changes to standardmesh, objects, and texture .rfa's, but it works online! I had to adjust animations, camera positioning, etc.


    So what do you guys think? I posted in this thread because I was planning to have these implemented into main S&T pack if you guys are satisfied with the quality. I will send Radio the files if you're interested.

    Message edited by crazygamelover - Monday, 2018-06-04, 2:30 AM
    XenanabDate: Monday, 2018-06-04, 4:50 PM | Message # 73
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    I like your work crazy.

    For the Marder it would have been enough to actually just copy and rename the Wespe desert textures ^^
    Have you also added edited LOD model textures of the vehicles ? If they are missing the vehicles have a weird texture swap when the camera approaches them. That's especially strange in dogfights and long distance tank battles.

    I was also thinking of creating and editing new textures since I have decent Photoshop skills... but I have never found any time for it biggrin
    GameplayerDate: Monday, 2018-06-04, 6:20 PM | Message # 74
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    I have missing textures on some vehicles. They are: T35, german small anti-tank vehicles with panzerschreks, big german helicopter.... etc

    Hates too quick judgement.

    aka Gameplayer or Gameplayer500
    Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2018-06-04, 6:33 PM | Message # 75
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    I love these, crazy. Please add. smile

    My Youtube Channel
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    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2018-06-04, 10:32 PM | Message # 76
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    Quote Xenanab ()
    For the Marder it would have been enough to actually just copy and rename the Wespe desert textures ^^

    Hm I think at least the main gun needs some work because of Wespe is 105 howitzer and Marder long barreled 75mm with different muzzlebreak and if I think now more intense the armor of the upper superstructure is a bit different iirc but I´m not sure at last.
    nice work so far!

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    XenanabDate: Monday, 2018-06-04, 11:13 PM | Message # 77
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    Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
    Hm I think at least the main gun needs some work because of Wespe is 105 howitzer and Marder long barreled 75mm with different muzzlebreak and if I think now more intense the armor of the upper superstructure is a bit different iirc but I´m not sure at last.

    Wespe and Marder share the same .dds unwrap. You can see that on Eagles Nest-1945: There is a Wespe with late war texture which you never see in any other FHSW map. I just copied and renamed the Marder late war texture and it automatically worked. The Marder/Wespe textures cover always the 105mm howitzer so there is no need to change something there. However the Marder's PaK40 gun barrel is a seperate texture that is indeed the same as the PaK40 barrel of the actual AT cannon. There is no desert texture of the PaK40: you always have that European camouflage for that.
    Just look at the gun barrel of crazy's desert Marder texture: It's still incorrect; so a desert texture for the PaK40 would be also a welcomed addition ;-)
    crazygameloverDate: Tuesday, 2018-06-05, 2:17 AM | Message # 78
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    Quote Xenanab ()
    For the Marder it would have been enough to actually just copy and rename the Wespe desert textures ^^
    That's what I did.  ah  While I haven't made a specific desert Pak 40 texture, I could use the special beige/yellow Pak texture seen on Stashuv & Seelow
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2018-06-05, 9:34 PM | Message # 79
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    good that it´s so simple at last  thumb !

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    XenanabDate: Wednesday, 2018-06-06, 9:05 PM | Message # 80
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    crazy, could you pass me your modified texture files ?

    Today I've tried something out and now I know how to edit and save .dds files for skins with Photoshop (thanks go to Radio at this point, since he has given me the right advice on another thread).
    You want a desert PaK40 gun? I will try to paint one artist