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Battlegroup 42 & "standalone" Member's search?
LauxDate: Saturday, 2013-06-15, 11:50 AM | Message # 1
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At the end of this news update yet another proclamation: We're desperately looking for new team members, for BG42 as well as our new standalone project, most of all modellers, animators and coders. Without the appropriate manpower there can be no progress. So take a look at www.battlegroup42.de and our forum or contact our project leader Senshi directly!

Last News from yesterday, Battlegroup 42 spending new planes for you:

auf deutsch:
Zum Schluss noch einmal ein Aufruf: Wir suchen händeringend neue Team-Member, sowohl für BG42 als auch für unser neues
Standalone-Projekt, vor allem Modeller, Animateure und Coder. Ohne die
entsprechende Manpower kommen wir nicht voran. Also: Auf
www.battlegroup42.de vorbeischauen und im Forum oder direkt bei unserem
Projektkoordinator Senshi melden!

Message edited by Laux - Saturday, 2013-06-15, 11:51 AM
SimoHayhaDate: Saturday, 2013-06-15, 12:35 PM | Message # 2
Group: Gold Donator
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why would we play bg42 when we have FHSW? :P

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Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2013-06-15, 5:57 PM | Message # 3
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I play it sometimes, I don't really like the tank gameplay but it's a good mod. wink

The FHSW map makers should take a look at it and see how to make a good looking and polished map. tongue

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
LampoDate: Saturday, 2015-01-10, 12:32 PM | Message # 4
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I love BG42, it was my first love in mod world  rolleyes

then they have more italian ( ultrapowerful ) planes

Message edited by Lampo - Saturday, 2015-01-10, 12:34 PM
LauxDate: Wednesday, 2015-01-14, 2:10 PM | Message # 5
Group: Recruit
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But at the evnt time on sunday and wednesday 8 pm CET, not much people get take a look in.
SeemanDate: Wednesday, 2015-01-14, 4:37 PM | Message # 6
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Fhsw dev. team know this?!
Polikarpov I-153
Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2015-01-14, 5:50 PM | Message # 7
Group: Admins
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Yes they traded it, FHSW team got the Grumman J2F Duck in return.

They have done it before: Beaufort, M18 Hellcat, ML-20 howitzer and some others are from Battlegroup.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
SeemanDate: Wednesday, 2015-01-14, 7:15 PM | Message # 8
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Endless_Nameless Okay. smile
MannsDate: Thursday, 2015-01-15, 0:45 AM | Message # 9
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Das ist hier echt Fehl am Platz, Stefan hat lange genug gebraucht um FHSW zu einer eigenen Community zu machen, damals wurde ihm von allen Seiten gedroht, wenn er Leute FHSW vorschlug, ich war schließlich immer dabei.

Geh ins bf-games Forum und wirb da, aber hier geht es nur um FHSW bitte

honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
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