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Quick mapping question (r)
SimoHayhaDate: Monday, 2013-06-17, 3:07 AM | Message # 1
Group: Gold Donator
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Which RFA files should I load in ed42 to work on fhsw maps?

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Message edited by SimoHayha - Monday, 2013-06-17, 3:08 AM
SimoHayhaDate: Monday, 2013-06-17, 1:53 PM | Message # 2
Group: Gold Donator
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just to clarify, im trying to set up ED 42, im using Battlefield Mod development tool to extract the neccesary rfa files, however im unsure of which rfa's are neccesary for modding fhsw maps..

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KhaineDate: Monday, 2013-06-17, 6:25 PM | Message # 3
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Check this video (and the other too, because they are GREAT to show you how you map with Editor42.

Message edited by Khaine - Monday, 2013-06-17, 6:25 PM
Mr_JDate: Monday, 2013-06-17, 7:16 PM | Message # 4
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Simo, have you looked into the Readme file at all? wink


Editor42 won't read the RFA, so you need to extract them yourself.

2.1 - Create a directory where you will put your extracted content.
The location and name can be anything. In this section I will use
c:\bfdev\ as a reference.

2.2 - Create the following directories within the base directory.

2.3 - Extract the OBJECTS.RFA file included with the game and mods into
(With RFAExtractor, you will have to specify c:\bfdev\objects\)

2.3 - Extract the STANDARDMESH.RFA file included with the game and mods into
(With RFAExtractor, you will have to specify c:\bfdev\standardMesh\)

2.4 - Extract the TEXTURE.RFA file included with the game and mods into
(With RFAExtractor, you will have to specify c:\bfdev\texture\)

2.5 - Extract the needed levels' RFA file included with the game and mods into
(With RFAExtractor, you will have to specify c:\bfdev\)

2.6 - If you want to display trees, first convert the .TM into .SM using 3dMax
and then put them all in c:\bfdev\standardMesh\ . Don't forget the shaders (.RS) too.

Objects, texture and standard meshes need to be EXTRACTED for Edito42
to display them correctly, else it will use default box model and texture.

BTW I suggest you using this tool for managing RFA archives.
SimoHayhaDate: Monday, 2013-06-17, 8:06 PM | Message # 5
Group: Gold Donator
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Mr_J,  I extracted rfa files into the directories i created in c:\ drive, i set the directories as the defaults in ed 42 and closed the program, opened it again but when i try to view object list nothing shows up.. not sure where i went wrong but ill try downloading bga and redo the process to see if it works

Khaine,  your link isnt showing up.

Thanks for help guys.

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Mr_JDate: Monday, 2013-06-17, 8:52 PM | Message # 6
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what object list? Try to load some map into the program to check if everything works. Remember that you must unpack BF1942's archives as first, FH goes next and FHSW goes last. The order is crucial. Same about map's rfa archives.
SimoHayhaDate: Monday, 2013-06-17, 10:47 PM | Message # 7
Group: Gold Donator
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aaaaaah i see! i was only unpacking fhsw rfa files, cool this should help, Im looking forward to trying to put some of my map ideas into action! ill keep you posted as to how it goes..

Is it just the archives file i have to unpack or objects textures and meshes as well for Bf1942, fh and fhsw?

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Message edited by SimoHayha - Monday, 2013-06-17, 10:51 PM
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2013-06-18, 8:09 PM | Message # 8
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Quote (SimoHayha)
Is it just the archives file i have to unpack or objects textures and meshes as well for Bf1942, fh and fhsw?
I guess I don't understand this question sad Unpack the following archives to Editor42's directory: Objects.rfa, Texture.rfa, Standardmesh.rfa in the following order: (!)
1. Battlefield 1942 archives, 2. then FH archives, 3. then FHSW.

Note that there are two versions of FHSW's objects.rfa. Don't unpack the one that is stored in your Mods directory. The necessary file can be found in ForDevelopers folder of the RARed FHSW version.
SimoHayhaDate: Tuesday, 2013-06-18, 10:58 PM | Message # 9
Group: Gold Donator
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ah okay i was unpacking mods versions, tomorow ill give it another go and start from scratch, thanks for the help though man, im sorry if i havent been as clear as i would have liked to.

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KhaineDate: Thursday, 2013-06-20, 6:49 PM | Message # 10
Group: Trusted
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I dont know what happened :s

Ed42 setup : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZLTX8b2OWA
How to make a map : http://youtu.be/X7ycPX1w1-Y
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