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Server-side modding 0.552 (r)
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2015-01-11, 5:19 PM | Message # 1
Group: Admins
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A Day of Zitadelle
  • Prince Umeboshi ssm

    Air Raid Alert Kure
  • replaced Ise with Oyodo (Ise causes crash)
  • removed japanese repair ship so the objective fleet units do not get repaired on their own any longer
  • moved Allied airplanes closer to Japanese base (distance now roughly the same as pre-0.55)
  • removed auto resupply of B29

  • removed 20 landvehicles to reduce disconnects and lag
  • moved 203 mm howitzer to Axis airfield
  • killercage size reduced from 25 m to 5 m
  • increased time to capture a flag

    Arctic Convoy Mod
  • removed 1 supply ship

  • Removed: Panthers, JagdPanther, Panzer IV Ausf. H, StuG 3G, one of two Tigers
  • Removed: Kubelwagen and Kettenkrad. Reason: decreasing the probability of the most northern flag back capping at the beginning of a game
  • Added: SturmTiger - it doesn't get spawned immediately at the beginning of a round, you need to wait a few minutes for it to appear; it DOESN'T GET RESPAWNED once destroyed!
  • Added: Brummbar and second Puma
  • Added: One Sdkfz.251 and one SdKfz251/9 Stummel as the replacement of Kubelwagen and Kettenkrad
  • Changed: Slightly increased respawn time of vehicles
  • Changed: Initial spawn time of the Tiger was delayed by few minutes
  • PIAT ammo changed from 2 to 4
  • all 6 pounders are mobile

    Battle of Bougainville
  • lowered objective HP of Allied airfields

    Battle of Britain
  • removed spawnpoints at Allied airfields

    Battle of Gela
  • North flag caged
  • Beach flag cannot be recaptured by Axis team

    Battle of Stalingrad
  • replaced MG Stuka with bomb Stuka

    Berlin Outskirts
  • removed T-IV-100 (Russian Tiger)
  • replaced Maus with Elephant

    Battle of Angaur
  • replaced Lion with Jenkins (Fletcher class destroyer)
  • the additional Japanese spawn point in the woods (south of flag 5) gets removed when Allies take the last flag
  • removed Japanese spawn APC
  • Aircraft carrier immobilized
  • replaced LST-1 with 2x LCT Mk 5 because it's bugged and causes lags

    Bombing the Reich
  • lowered objective HP from 260.000 to 100.000

    Desert Rose
  • Ark Royal spawns at the start to lock it for the Germans

    El Alamein
  • replaced bugged Wellington VII with regular Wellington bomber
  • removed 2 fighter spawns for each side
  • increased plane respawn times
  • South flag in German possession at round start

    Falaise pocket
  • Added: The southernmost flag was caged to avoid back-capping
  • Changed: Reduced the quantity of tanks

    Fall Weiss
  • Added: Polish airfield flag was caged to avoid back-capping

    FHT Hongkong
  • ticket bleed altered: Japanese bleed as long GB holds 3 flags

    FHT Pasir Panjang
  • reduced pushcage size at rice field flag

  • replaced bugged Wellington VII with regular Wellington bomber

  • fixed a bug which made the Japanese cruiser Agano not spawn, now spawns when Allies take the village flag because the Allied cruiser also only spawns when the Japanese take that flag
  • "Bloody Ridge" flag in US possession/"Village" flag in Japanese possession at round start

  • moved flag 4 to its original (pre 0.55) position for balance reasons

    Invasion of the Philippines
  • Japanese airplanes don't respawn when US takes the last flag

    Iwo Jima (vanilla)
  • Removed: All air counter spawns

    Kharkov Winter
  • East flag in German possession at round start

  • increased submarine respawn time

    Omaha Beach Charlie Sector
  • removed FT-17s

    Operation Hailstone
  • increased respawn time of Allied carrier aircraft
  • removed repair ability of Japanese supply ships

    Operation Kikusui Day 1
  • removed all Japanese ships except Yamato

    Operation Kikusui Day 2
  • moved US ships and planes closer to Japanese base (distance now roughly the same as pre-0.55)
  • replaced HMS Lion with a second USS South Dakota (Lion causes crash)

    Operation Rattrap
  • nerfed 50 lbs charge so it doesn't destroy all turrets of the Ratte with one blow

    Operation Spring Awakening
  • removed 1 flag
  • replaced ISU 122 with SU-122P
  • reduced ticket bleed

    Ramelle Neuville
  • Added: additional sandbag walls on the stone bridge to halt the German tanks. These go vanished as soon as both of "1st" flags get captured by Germans.

  • removed T-IV-100 (Russian Tiger)

    Road to Ramelle
  • fixed a bug related to Radio B25 and Radio Stuka

  • Battleships, Carrier: 4:55 - 5:05 min respawn time
  • Cruisers (Hood, Eugen): 3:50 - 4:00 min respawn time
  • Repair ships: 3:50 - 4:10 min respawn time
  • Destroyers: (Lance & Laforey) 1:30 min respawn time;
  • U-bots: 0:45 min respawn time
  • Removed Ju-88
  • He111-H-11 replaced with He111-Z Zwilling

  • north and south flag cannot be recapped

    Seelow Heights
  • reduced pushcage size

    Spurning Fate Day
  • replaced one SU-76 with ZSU 37

    Stalingrad Red Square
  • Prince Umeboshi ssm

    The Forgotten Jungle
  • Allies have to cap beach flag first, all others are caged

    The Storm
  • replaced T34 with T-34_1942

  • removed one Stuka
  • Stuka respawn time increased

    Tulagi Island
  • North flag removed

    Warsaw Uprising
  • Manholes no longer respawn
  • removed Panther and 14TP

    Old thread: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/35-44-13

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2015-01-19, 7:25 PM | Message # 21
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    Hmm, really? I can't even remember the last Soviets win on this map.

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    SeemanDate: Monday, 2015-01-19, 7:44 PM | Message # 22
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    Endless_Nameless, Yesterday...
    Mr_JDate: Monday, 2015-01-19, 8:48 PM | Message # 23
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    Transcarpathia is fairly well balanced imo. Even though Soviets may seem to be stronger due to their armor quantity, Hungarians are expected to make use of the hilly shaped terrain.

    There is another bitterness though, that is the LST-1 landing ship and similar. I like this kind of innovative vehicle carriers, however it has been badly optimized what causes significant stuttering and FPS drop as soon as it spawns. I would disable it on maps like Gela, Angaur, Iwo Jima et cetera
    mardukDate: Tuesday, 2015-01-20, 8:34 AM | Message # 24
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    Mr J: Transcarpathia is fairly well balanced imo. Even though Soviets may seem to be stronger due to their armor quantity, Hungarians are expected to make use of the hilly shaped terrain.

    I agree. This map is balanced. Soviets mostly take the first two flags very soon but then it is 50:50.

    Mr J: There is another bitterness though, that is the LST-1 landing ship and similar. I like this kind of innovative vehicle carriers, however it has been badly optimized what causes significant stuttering and FPS drop as soon as it spawns. I would disable it on maps like Gela, Angaur, Iwo Jima et cetera

    Unfortunately I have to agree to that too. Those are nice vehicles but they can cause so much lag that it is not worth keeping them on the maps. Should we also remove the ships from "Battle of Makin" and "Adak Island"?

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    (HH)BenjaminDate: Tuesday, 2015-01-20, 5:08 PM | Message # 25
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    This is just an idea, but since we are doing all of these modifications to the mod to fit our needs, maybe we should try to reincorporate some of the new elements of the version. For instance, we could try adding the destroyable objects back in, I'm not sure why those were removed but if it was because of lag then maybe it's worth bringing them back.
    Also, I'm not really sure where to put this but there are two glitches I've noticed when playing Op. Forager. 1-the M3 Grease Gun's firing sound bit is glitched, I'm not sure if it's just on this map or the entire mod. 2-with the S&T pack you cannot load the Op. Forager map, so you have to delete it in the pack. Just wanted to inform the community.

    Message edited by (HH)Benjamin - Tuesday, 2015-01-20, 6:45 PM
    Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2015-01-20, 6:46 PM | Message # 26
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    Quote (HH)Benjamin ()
    I'm not sure why those were removed but if it was because of lag then maybe it's worth bringing them back.

    If throwing the destroyable static elements out of the mod reverted sort of the relative stability, then I would not even consider harnessing them back on a massive scale. Besides, I'm afraid the ability of using trees, fences, walls and so forth is not available anymore.
    (HH)BenjaminDate: Tuesday, 2015-01-20, 8:08 PM | Message # 27
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    Oh, ok I didn't know that they weren't available anymore or that they created very bad things for the server. I was just throwing it out there, so thank you for telling me.
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Tuesday, 2015-01-20, 8:56 PM | Message # 28
    FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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    Regarding Gela, will it be possible to make northern flag uncappable unless Americans capture both of second defence line flags? It is annoying when one sneaky American passes unnoticed and captures it, and, also, map can be broken when Italians and Americans capture flags simultaneously (which happened several times in the past). My idea is to put two pushcages on it, each connected to one of the second line flags.
    wewakDate: Tuesday, 2015-01-20, 10:37 PM | Message # 29
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    I was just testing Alpenfestung offline and there is a Leopard II that spawns in axis main near E2 (maybe after allies cap some flags) and it lags my computer heavily just to look at it. Maybe this coule be the reason for some crashes.

    EDIT: ok this tank does not spawn on the server. never mind.

    Message edited by wewak - Wednesday, 2015-01-21, 9:51 AM
    Mr_JDate: Wednesday, 2015-01-21, 0:01 AM | Message # 30
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    Quote RADIOSMERSH ()
    Regarding Gela, will it be possible to make northern flag uncappable unless Americans capture both of second defence line flags? It is annoying when one sneaky American passes unnoticed and captures it, and, also, map can be broken when Italians and Americans capture flags simultaneously (which happened several times in the past). My idea is to put two pushcages on it, each connected to one of the second line flags.

    Would you be able to make this mod yourself?
    starking018Date: Wednesday, 2015-01-21, 4:11 AM | Message # 31
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    It looks like the server is missing a treeMesh.rfa file, because you can go through trees.

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Wednesday, 2015-01-21, 12:34 PM | Message # 32
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    Quote Mr_J ()
    Would you be able to make this mod yourself?
    Yep, here is it:
    Mr_JDate: Wednesday, 2015-01-21, 5:37 PM | Message # 33
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    Thanks but there some minor issues came out :
    1. Radius of the most northern flag is larger than the cage, thus it can be captured regardless the mentioned order, just as before.
    2. Both town flags (no. 2) should get the cages back as soon as Allies capture the northern no.2.
    crazygameloverDate: Thursday, 2015-01-22, 2:55 AM | Message # 34
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    If we're gonna do Operation Hailstone for the event, I have a suggestion: increase the respawn time of US planes by 2-3 seconds. When the ships are moving, the planes respawn before you've fully left the spawn-point, which either kills you or severely damages your plane. This happens because your plane gets set back a bit when you 'unfreeze' the plane and the ship is moving, thus increasing the time it takes to get airborne, and then boom. 

    Or of coarse you could just make the carriers immobile  tongue
    Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2015-01-22, 6:50 PM | Message # 35
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    Quote marduk ()
    Unfortunately I have to agree to that too. Those are nice vehicles but they can cause so much lag that it is not worth keeping them on the maps. Should we also remove the ships from "Battle of Makin" and "Adak Island"?

    They're one of my favorite additions. sad Might try to remove a couple of vehicles from these ships first.

    Thanks for the info crazy, I increased the spawn time a bit.

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Thursday, 2015-01-29, 1:23 PM | Message # 36
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    0.552 serverside patch appeared on PrinceUmeboshi's ftp:
    Endless_NamelessDate: Friday, 2015-01-30, 5:33 PM | Message # 37
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    Thanks, but do you also know what they have changed exactly?

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Friday, 2015-01-30, 6:00 PM | Message # 38
    FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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    Quote Endless_Nameless ()
    Thanks, but do you also know what they have changed exactly?
    Don't know exactly, but I've made a list of files that were changed:

    wewakDate: Saturday, 2015-01-31, 3:58 PM | Message # 39
    Lieutenant Colonel
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    Can we make the ticket bleed on Operation Springawakening a bit slower?
    starking018Date: Saturday, 2015-01-31, 4:50 PM | Message # 40
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    Yeah, we played it today and a few days ago and it was over extremely quickly. We didn't even notice how fast the German tickets run out. You will get disappointed if it stays that way for tomorrow's event.

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018