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What new map do you like to see in FHSW? (r)
XenanabDate: Friday, 2015-05-01, 0:26 AM | Message # 1
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I know that I have not quite much time for doing some mapping at the moment but if there is some, I'd like to work on a new project.

I've made a lot of ideas for map scenarios which I want to share with you.
Please feel free to post a comment which one of these you would prefer:

Lagoon Patrol - 1944 (conquest)
A pacific map where the Japanese marine and the US Navy duke it out with submarines, PT boats and sea planes. Both factions have a capturable base island and 3 neutral flags are set in the central area of the map. 2 are flags which can be conquered by boats and subs and the other is set on an abandoned isle in the middle. A thunder storm will greatly add to the atmosphere.
I have already started working on the map but stopped due to the lack of big sea planes like Catalina, Mavis, Emily, etc.. I really want to implement those there. also see here

Eagle's Nest - 1945 (push-mode) (conversion)
In my mind it was a great map of the SWoWWII expansion for BF1942 by Dice. I don't want to make a second Alpenfestung out of this.
I've thought about mostly light tank battles with focus on infantry raids. Light tanks like the new Chaffees have to protect various transporters of American units to make sure that the German control points can be captured easily. The Germans defend with with light/medium tanks and have to man their defence positions. Things will get serious when the allies are close to the eagle's nest, so counterspawn templates have to be placed.

In an Ambush - 1944 (push-mode)
Somewhere in Transcarpathia an Hungarian division has to stop the allied advance through the mountain passes. Towable canons and a few tanks are needed to set up a sneaky ambush while Russian scouts and reconaissance units must keep an eye on the complex landscape. Both the allies and the axis are adviced to make use of transport vehicles to maintain supplies and support on any front.

The White Death - 1940 (conquest)
Miles away from the battle of the Kollaa river in a snowy forested landscape, Finnish and Russian infantry regiments fight about the control of an abandoned village in the centre.
Certainly some high skilled Finnish snipers will stop the Russians from wandering around in the woods... but also the Russians have a trained sniper battalion prepared for battle.
Which regiment will be able to advance to the control point? Are the Finnish courageos enough to stop the Russian T 26 tanks?

Bir Hakeim - 1942 (conquest)
In the night a German tank battalion again tries to attack the fortifications of the 1st Free French brigade at the Bir Hakeim Oasis. The French need to hold their 2 flags. The Germans should never stop pushing with tanks and infantry, otherwise they are running out of time.
But it is hard for the allies to defend a position without any armor...
Adequate assets for the Free French Forces have to be made for this specific map.

Eora Village - 1942 (conquest)
The sun sets and the japanese artillery ceased fire. Now the Australian infantry tries to hold the position at the village Eora to stop the Japanese from marching on on the Kokoda track. This would be an infantry themed battle which is set in a mountaineous jungle with a river.

Forgotten Island - 1945 (push-mode)
On their great island hopping campaign the US Navy forgot one island. To make it a battle without many casualties the allies send in B17 bombers... but noone thought that on the island there are some hidden hangars with experimental Japanese interceptor planes like the Shinden and the Special Ki 109.
The island itself has high mountains and hilly terrain so the averagely equipped Japanese soldiers have an advantage with their defences. The whole "island invading and landing" part is not in the focus in this scenario. So it is no Saipan/Angaur/Makin/Iwo Jima 2.0.

Message edited by Xenanab - Friday, 2015-05-01, 11:11 AM
crazygameloverDate: Friday, 2015-05-01, 0:50 AM | Message # 2
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Bir Hakeim definitely sounds the most interesting, but apart from that I think "The White Death" is also an interesting concept (maybe you could name it something historically-specific?)
To be honest, I would much prefer to see a New Guinea map, as it's a campaign that has so far been completely ignored by FHSW (apart from Lilliput, which was removed).
XenanabDate: Friday, 2015-05-01, 11:13 AM | Message # 3
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Quote crazygamelover ()
To be honest, I would much prefer to see a New Guinea map, as it's a campaign that has so far been completely ignored by FHSW (apart from Lilliput, which was removed).

As you wish. Starter post edited wink

Yesterday night I've forgotten to add that one in.

Message edited by Xenanab - Friday, 2015-05-01, 11:20 AM
Endless_NamelessDate: Friday, 2015-05-01, 2:21 PM | Message # 4
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All sound interesting, maybe do the one which is most playable with 20 players and doesn't require to make a lot of new statics/vehicles.

Battlegroup42 has a Bir Hakeim map which is a very good map for a small amount of players. It was originally made by Zara5ustra for Merciless Creations and only converted for BG42, maybe it's possible to use it, too.

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aka eYe.ris
DutchDate: Friday, 2015-05-01, 2:45 PM | Message # 5
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I think Bir Hakeim sounds the best, But if the french don't have any armor. what do they have?

''Be carefull the seat is not bolted down, you can't reach the clutch, can't use the brakes, the door flies open, there is a clocking sound, brakes are a lil' sketchy but it has POWER!'' -David Freiburger
Mr_JDate: Friday, 2015-05-01, 3:29 PM | Message # 6
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Peenemünde 1945 featuring operable V-1 and V-2 missle launch pads. The models already are in FHSW, included separately to Alaska. (push mode / objective).

The objective is to destroy or defend a large facility full of V-1 flying bombs and V-2 rockets launching from this island and attempting to destroy any Western European city such as Antwerp, Paris or London. Most of the bombs and rockets eventually have hit London since June 13 in revenge for a bombing attempt by RAF Command held one night against the German facilities. The US Army are forced to infiltrate and use aircraft to destroy the facility as the Germans try to hold it and launch more missiles into Western Euro
XenanabDate: Friday, 2015-05-01, 4:57 PM | Message # 7
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Quote Endless_Nameless ()
Battlegroup42 has a Bir Hakeim map which is a very good map for a small amount of players. It was originally made by Zara5ustra for Merciless Creations and only converted for BG42, maybe it's possible to use it, too.

Ok, I looked that one up.
I'm not sure.. it looks kinda underwhelming. The creators decided to push the Ottoman fortress in the spotlight, but they had to make use of the vanilla African houses.

Wouldn't it be great if the fortress would look like this this ? Imagine that particular scenery in the night with attacking tanks.
I know that it is an extra amount of work to create new statics for BF42... But isn't it possible to import a 3D model from different game sources to create new things in BF42?
Like what Mr_J did for the Polish Karas plane.
CanukAttakDate: Friday, 2015-05-01, 7:02 PM | Message # 8
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Now I cant map but ive had an idea in my head for years theirs a small mountain range I travel by everyday, it sits in the middle of the fraser valley called sumas mountain.  it was a deposit from a mile high glacier last ice age. Anyhoo I thought it would be cool if it was like germans vs Canadians seeing how its in Canada but we could always change that. The mountain is full of spruce an alder trees, the germans would be dug in on the mountain supported with tons of artillery and I mean tons... But heres the kicker so are the allies.  the allies would have a 3 ways of getting up the mountain starting from farmers fields. breaking out through the right, attacking up the middle or taking the longer way to the left which winds its way up the mountain(but smarter choice of the three).  Now the fields would be filled with scattered artillery pieces from single howitzers and rockets to grouped artillery and rockets. (maybe naval gun or 2 seeing how we are only an hour away from the ocean). The germans have had time to dig in with trench systems and pill boxes on one side of the mountain supported with 88s 155s nuebels or whatever else.(right side to middle) The left doesn't have trenches 2 or 3 bunkers but mainly AT artillery pieces going up the road trying to stop the abundance of allied tanks.

2ND version mainly the same except CANADIANS(allies) don't have many artillery pieces so it would be mainly a Canadian tank attack against the German mountain.

I call it ARTILLERY HILL 1945 

just an idea I can take a picture of the mountain to give a better perspective.

CanukAttakDate: Friday, 2015-05-01, 10:10 PM | Message # 9
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I like eagles nest but at the same time what about essen or mimoyecques
starking018Date: Saturday, 2015-05-02, 3:26 AM | Message # 10
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In my opinion Lagoon Patrol - 1944 would be by far the most desirable and fun to play. It would be fun with many players, it would be fun with few players, it would be fun for those who like naval warfare, it would be fun for those who like aircraft, it would even have some land skirmishes too.
As mayer said, there's a PBY-5 Catalina in some maps from FH Fanmappack 7 and maybe you can take it from there. There could be several modifications with at least three types of armament: 250kg skip bombs, torpedoes, depth charges (or a combination thereof).
Quote Xenanab ()
main bases can be captured by the enemy team

Since the map is mostly about fighting over the ocean (and many players would be occupied with that) there should be some way to retain soldier spawns and vehicle spawns except under a total domination by the other team. There's this thing that even if a flag takes multiple players to capture, it only takes 1 player to neutralize and disable the spawns. If it takes a long time to capture, then it also takes a long time to recapture and in this way the team loses a lot of time. So maybe add something like supply ships which have soldier spawns and perhaps make some or all of those ships immobile. Something like that to make it more challenging and not so disruptive.

About Eagle's Nest - PFC have already converted this map as a custom map for FH. I think it can be played in both conquest and objective mode. It has medium tanks, C47 spawn plane for paratroopers and a spawn for either a Flettner or a Grasshopper.

About Forgotten Island - if an island invasion is not the focus of this map then why have push-mode? Why not have objective mode? Maybe the allies have to destroy the hangars, runways or other targets. Let the focus be an airbase vs. the USAAF.
Push mode is good when you want to control when ticket bleed starts/stops for each team. Maybe there can be a combination push/objective mode so that if the allies take some flags their ticket bleed stops and then they have more time to complete the objectives.

But my vote is for Lagoon Patrol.

P.S: Forgotten Island would be my second choice, after Lagoon Patrol.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

Message edited by starking018 - Saturday, 2015-05-02, 8:51 AM
(HH)BenjaminDate: Saturday, 2015-05-02, 4:33 AM | Message # 11
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I think any of Xen's ideas for maps would be a welcome map to FHSW, therefore I won't take up space talking about which one would be better over others, as I think it would be Xen's decision anyways, as it should be.
I'd like to suggest another idea on here though.

As some of you know, my clan tags, (HH), stand for Hell's Highway, which was a stretch of the road that the 30th British Corps traveled on during Op. Market Garden. Hell's Highway was the part of the road that the 101st Airborne was tasked with defending and securing. My idea for this map is a straight, long, and narrow road that runs from one side of the map to the other, longways. On the opposite sides of the road are various terrains that would be normal for Dutch countryside and the terrain that was in the area. There would multiple flags along the road but one main flag at the opposite side from where the Allies start on the map. If the Allies control this flag, the Axis bleed, and vice versa. If the Allies control all the other flags besides the last one, there's no bleed on any side. It would be very hard to back cap as the Allies because of the terrain of the map and its narrowness. Germans might have a few tanks, but not much, mostly infantry AT weapons, and AT guns, with defensive positions along the road. They also wouldn't have a main, just their defensive capable flags. I suppose depending on the nature of the map, someone could even implement an Airborne part. Allies would have air support from their main.

This is just an idea, I'm probably not going to make it a reality, but I'm posting it on here if someone was interested in possibly making it. PM me if anyone is interested and I can give more details about it

Message edited by (HH)Benjamin - Saturday, 2015-05-02, 4:33 AM
DutchDate: Saturday, 2015-05-02, 10:39 AM | Message # 12
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Quote (HH)Benjamin ()
Hell's Highway, which was a stretch of the road that the 30th British Corps traveled on during Op. Market Garden. Hell's Highway was the part of the road that the 101st Airborne was tasked with defending and securing.
Interesting fact about the bridge at Nijmegen, They are restoring some bits of the bridge and at the end they changed the route. also they build a second bridge next to it for better traffic flow. also they are making a sort of lake with an island with houses in the middle. the idea for the lake thing is to give the river more space, they are also doing some other things there for better river flow.

If you want you can google it, the bridge is called: ''De Oversteek'' and the island houses project is called: ''Ruimte voor de Waal''

(The bridge is called ''De Oversteek'' wich means the crossing, referring to the crossing of the waal by small boats by the US Army 504th Infanterie regiment and the 82nd Airborne.)

''Be carefull the seat is not bolted down, you can't reach the clutch, can't use the brakes, the door flies open, there is a clocking sound, brakes are a lil' sketchy but it has POWER!'' -David Freiburger

Message edited by Dutch - Saturday, 2015-05-02, 10:50 AM
XenanabDate: Saturday, 2015-05-02, 11:25 AM | Message # 13
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Thanks for your posts. But hopefully you understand that I can't really fullfill your suggestions since I have only restricted free time for mapping.
So the above made suggestions by me are the only things I can imagine to create at the moment. As you can see there I'm more interested in doing a map which hasn't be done before (gameplaywise).  But thanks for your ideas.

Quote starking018 ()
About Lagoon Patrol
If it takes a long time to capture, then it also takes a long time to recapture and in this way the team loses a lot of time. So maybe add something like supply ships which have soldier spawns and perhaps make some or all of those ships immobile. Something like that to make it more challenging and not so disruptive.

Yes I am aware of that. I was also thinking of some counterspawns for a landing ship. So after one team has lost its base their only hope will be that landing ship within this looming storm.

Quote starking018 ()
About Forgotten Island
Maybe the allies have to destroy the hangars, runways or other targets. Let the focus be an airbase vs. the USAAF.Push mode is good when you want to control when ticket bleed starts/stops for each team. Maybe there can be a combination push/objective mode so that if the allies take some flags their ticket bleed stops and then they have more time to complete the objectives.

Good point. Some kind of combined push mode with objective mode would be fine, though it should be hard to code that.

Hm, maybe I should have done a poll out of that.
Seems like Bir Hakeim still is in the lead right now.

Message edited by Xenanab - Saturday, 2015-05-02, 11:26 AM
Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2015-05-02, 2:51 PM | Message # 14
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Quote Xenanab ()
Wouldn't it be great if the fortress would look like this this ? Imagine that particular scenery in the night with attacking tanks.
I know that it is an extra amount of work to create new statics for BF42... But isn't it possible to import a 3D model from different game sources to create new things in BF42?
Like what Mr_J did for the Polish Karas plane.

Sure it would be awesome to have more statics I'm all for that.
Yes it's possible to convert stuff from other games as long as you can import them to 3ds max somehow. Also I'm not sure about copyright etc. The model Mr_J converted was donated to him.

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aka eYe.ris
CanukAttakDate: Saturday, 2015-05-02, 5:20 PM | Message # 15
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I know Xenanab doesn't have much time to do custom maps, and he has a pretty good idea of the map(s) he would like to do.  But if there is anyone else out there that knows how to map please take a look at my earlier post and see if it might interest you in designing.

thank you.

Good luck X hope to see another new map soon, Same with EYE cant wait to play on your train.
mardukDate: Sunday, 2015-05-10, 8:10 AM | Message # 16
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A small map that uses the scenario of the movie "Die Brücke" (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Br%C3%BCcke_%281959%29).
The map would be perfect for 5-15 players.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
MannsDate: Sunday, 2015-05-10, 11:33 AM | Message # 17
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A battle located in eastern austria April-Mai 1945, where the SS successfully does not let the red army cross the Donau
and pushes them back with Jagdtigers (some with 88) and panthers which were made very near by the St.Valentin factory for Jagdtigers which is still intact.


honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
buddydogDate: Friday, 2015-10-23, 3:16 AM | Message # 18
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Bir Hakeim has been an FHT map for 8+ years.
XenanabDate: Friday, 2015-10-23, 7:28 PM | Message # 19
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Quote buddydog ()
Bir Hakeim has been an FHT map for 8+ years.

Yeah but actually I am really interested in building the ottoman fortress myself.
I have heard that actual building models of Autodesk's Revit can be draged in 3ds Max where you are able to convert them in BF1942 models.

Since I have to work with Revit for my studies I could build that fortress... but I don't have much time for that :/
Korsakov829Date: Saturday, 2015-10-24, 5:49 AM | Message # 20
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I'd actually like to see a beautiful and artfully crafted map that isn't plagued and overflowing with too many vehicles, with the quality of all assets and statics on par with each other.
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