New Map: The Alps (m)
gecleprami | Date: Tuesday, 2019-02-12, 9:29 PM | Message # 1 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 45
Status: Offline
| Hi folks,
I've revived an old map (made by Asom for TDP mappack 8) featuring the italian invasion of france in 1940, when they (unsuccessfully) assaulted the Alpine sector of the Maginot.
The Italians need to capture the french fortifications guarding the mountain pass and the small villate in the rear. The map features rough terrain, with wide open spaces but also lots of nooks and crannies for ambushes -- by AT rifles as well as machine guns!
Currently, the map is playable but not completely finished (mostly technical like dealing with Ed42 crashing and rendomly deleting object templates).
However, some things also need a bit of playtesting, e.g. the strength of the italian tanks forces vs french fortifications, and whether the flags need a pushmap system or not -- anybody eager to try?
Here is a first rough preview: theAlps.rfa
EDIT: How do I resize images???
Check some images here:

Message edited by gecleprami - Tuesday, 2019-02-12, 9:54 PM |
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Born-1942 | Date: Wednesday, 2019-02-13, 8:03 AM | Message # 2 |
Group: Friends
Messages: 339
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| wow good job i hope you end soon ...
Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
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gecleprami | Date: Friday, 2019-03-01, 2:21 PM | Message # 3 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 45
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| Made some progress on the map, it's almost ready for test playing IMO.
- Edited the Spawnkits for both teams (added AT rifles, smokes, satchels) - Fixed sun-vs-skybox position + redid terrain lightmap - added FHSW-ish vehicles (more l3 tankettes instead of Pz3s, 222s and latewar italian medium tanks) - major edits to the central fort flag, fixed misaligned objects (visible gaps) and added some roadside bunkers - added addiitional controlpoint to fill out the very empty center of the map (to be completed) - gave both teams some horses + cars for mobility (although they can't climb most of the smaller mountain passes) - added a proper menu icon, working on revamped loadingscreen - removed airlpanes, since the map is wayyyy to small + hilly for that (maybe later add some remote bomber kit if italians need a buff?) - turned french reserves into an uncap main -- its layout does not make sense for it to be captured, not even as a last stand
To be done: - add some spawn objects in more remote bunkers (like Alpenfestung, warsaw) -- allies ambushing more easily and having to walk less to remote bunkers - make the last flag (the village) a pushmap flag (italians need to capture the fort first) - eastern mountain pass + flag unfinished - minimap + loadingscreen polishing (add instructions about push etc
PS: @marduk: I also had a look at the "Alpine line" map (the slightly reworked Nordwind) -- I'm not too exited by it, but an obvious thing to do would be to give the italians more light + mobile tanks like l3 tankettes (could do some nice flanking maneuvers, since the map is quite open) and give the french some maginot turrets (25mm AT and MG, for example) -- think of dinant but more sparsely, since this too is part of the maginot
Message edited by gecleprami - Friday, 2019-03-01, 2:23 PM |
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marduk | Date: Saturday, 2019-03-02, 8:10 AM | Message # 4 |
Group: Admins
Messages: 1681
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| @gecleprami: thx for the information about your work and the comments. Please post the comments regarding "Alpine line" here:
This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.
Quid pro quo.
Marduk aka Postduk
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gecleprami | Date: Tuesday, 2019-03-19, 3:27 PM | Message # 5 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 45
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| Okay, the map is more or less playable (just some polishing missing, like maybe adding some trees here and there, more kits to pickup etc).
I just need some test players for this -- not sure if the vehicles are balanced etc, so maybe we can do a maptesting event soon?
PS: I renamed the map from theAlps to savoy-1940, to avoid confusion with Alpenfestung etcAdded (2019-03-19, 8:06 PM) --------------------------------------------- Here is the download to the alpha version of the map:
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starking018 | Date: Tuesday, 2019-03-19, 9:33 PM | Message # 6 |
Group: Friends
Messages: 395
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| Thank you, I will start testing right now!
Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
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gecleprami | Date: Sunday, 2019-03-24, 4:41 PM | Message # 7 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 45
Status: Offline
| Here is the latest version of the map:
- fixed bug of vehicles not respawning (object nameclash) - added planes back in - debuffed fort defenses (light mortars instead of the coastal defgun) - replaced heavy french tanks with lighter variants - fixed glitching mgs, spawns, ...; general cleanup - reworked "borderpost" + "observationpost" layouts - made mountainside path lefthand from italian base easier for tanks -
- Multiplayer testing - add pushcage to village? - fresh loading screen (got some nice source pictures) - Lightmapping
Thanks for the feedback + help so far @troll, xena, radio, ... &al
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starking018 | Date: Friday, 2019-04-12, 8:36 PM | Message # 8 |
Group: Friends
Messages: 395
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| One important thing about Savoy before we do a gameplay test: * You removed both the Char B1 and the defgun, which were the main gameplay reasons why I requested to have a ground attack plane for Axis (which you added). I fear that now the Axis would have a very easy task, especially in the beginning. I think that it's better to have at least one strong defgun or tank that can't be so easily penetrated from the front (the existing retractable 135mm can, while it is raised). Less critical gameplay-wise (can wait for after the test): * There's a hidden ammo supply near defgun, only a few meters to the right of it, which I only found accidentally. In my opinion, all ammo/health boxes, kits and other resources should be visible to all players in the game and not be hidden. Hiding stuff like that is reminiscent of some other gaming communities where only a few insiders would have access to certain advantages. So I suggest you make them all visible. * There's an object at the E3 flag - a bright grey concrete floor outside and around the bunker. You jump very high when standing on it, and you easily die when you fall from that height. Replace or fix this object, since it would be quite a common problem if left as is. * There's now a Soviet M1939 AA gun at the E3 flag which is out of place in French possession. As I suggested before, appropriate AA guns for the French would be the Japanese Type 96 (25mm Hotchkiss) some 20mm Oerlikon or similar. Or perhaps a Bofors. * There's a tower in F4 which needs to be moved just a little, because when I tested the map I got stuck when going down the stairs slowly (or when I ran from the tower level to the stairs I flew over the stairs directly to the concrete and I didn't get stuck but it hurt a little). One time I even got glitched inside the concrete object. * Again at the E3 bunker below the AA, this may be a problem inherited from the FH or FHSW object: there's a small square opening in the bunker which looks like a completely black square from the outside, but it is transparent from the inside and projectiles can go both ways. It needs to be the same both ways to be fair.
Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
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gecleprami | Date: Friday, 2019-04-12, 11:27 PM | Message # 9 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 45
Status: Offline
| - With the plane, I feel it's definitely possible & fun to maneuver a stuka in this map, but since it can't climb terribly well on takeoff, the stuka pretty much has to fly through the little valley leading up to the fort -- where you get massacred by MGs. I already replaced the fort AA with a MG Cloche, but I fear that any reasonably alert allied team will take out any stuka before it does damage.
I think, maybe adding another sniper kit in axis main would be an option -- the big coastal defguns (the FH ones) leave the gunner exposed to headshots.
OTOH, the retractable turret is pretty much just vulnerable by the 75mm semovente in axis main -- the AT rifles (and the AT rifle tankette) need quite a lot of rounds to take it down; the 20mm autocannon light tank might work well, but I need to test it still.
I think I'll re-add a FH-defgun (the one from omaha charlie sector) and just see how it plays out.
- For the charb1, it's very hard to kill (axis using satchels in the village are quite a threat but none of the tanks), and the french need an option to push back the italians over the open terrain. Ideally, the charb1 would become usless once they retake the border/observation posts. For the test, I 'd say to leave it out and see if it's needed.
- Didn't see the line about the hotchkiss AA last time, the 25mm sounds much better. Also a nice touch that this "japanese" gun is a french design, didn't know that :-)
I'll also move the village AA to allied main, too (if axis take the village, allies have no more AA left, just fighters on ground flying into enemy AA); a 2nd AA is at the bunker on the central ridge.
- About the ammo crates: right, they should be more visible, I'll move the ones I see. (Turns out they are displayed with a vertical offset in ed42 vs the game, so they all tend to be placed too low, grrr)
On that note, the original map had minimap markers for every ammocrate & medic cabinet (which is neat because you can "hide" them in the various cottages around the map and encourage exploration). However, I changed quite some things in the map, so that minimap is no longer accurate, and I don't know which tool/script was used to generate them. Currently I just use the minimap that Editor42 generates. If someone has something like that, would be nice.
- Wow, that e3 bunker static (with the black square) is indeed buggy, blocked it. The jumpy concrete ground outside is also fixed, aswell as the F4 Tower.
Thanks alot again!
Here is the map with the last changes:
Message edited by gecleprami - Friday, 2019-04-12, 11:43 PM |
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bubu | Date: Sunday, 2019-04-14, 9:37 PM | Message # 10 |
Group: Admins
Messages: 428
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| Uploaded to test server
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