Mapping Questions: Non-flag spawns (m)
gecleprami | Date: Monday, 2019-02-25, 9:43 AM | Message # 1 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 45
Status: Offline
| Hi folks, two questions:
1) I'm trying to add fixed object-as-spawners to a map, like the MGs in Edison's Ridge or the Manholes in Warsaw. I've started trying to simply add the manhole spawner objects to the map (setup the templates as with normal objects), but somehow, when I load the map into BF, no spawns appear.
I made sure the objects appear at the start of the map, and that they always get assigned to the same team, but they don't work as a spawn? (I placed them as PCOs -- in Conquest, obviously -- , not as static objects).
Is there some extra scripting/editing that I need to do to make them into actual spawners? I can't find any hint of that in the Warsaw map so far.
2) I want to add a pushmap system, to protect a flag in the back. I see that you have to add the killercage objects (3 templates for allies, 3 for axis) to the map, but so far I can't get it to run -- Ed42 crashes (?) with the templates as well as bf42.
Is there anything else to edit besides simply the object spawns to make a pushmap? Does anybody have some docs on this? (I searched but unsuccessfully)Added (2019-02-25, 5:06 PM) --------------------------------------------- Edites for 2nd question, but can't change the title...
Message edited by gecleprami - Monday, 2019-02-25, 6:05 PM |
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FranktheEraser | Date: Tuesday, 2019-02-26, 2:03 PM | Message # 2 |
Group: Bronze Donator
Messages: 55
Status: Offline
| Hi Minnie, for both of the things you wanna do, you have to mess with objects.con files of the objects you wanna "clone". Summarising you need BGA programm and you would have to duplicate and rername the lines of the code to make your objects work.
In Soviet Russia, FHSW chooses you. Tkers must be purged. -FraNKVD-
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gecleprami | Date: Friday, 2019-03-01, 2:03 PM | Message # 3 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 45
Status: Offline
| I'm not sure I want to do that, I'd like to simply reuse existing objects for starters (map size can probably get quite big otherwise...)
I mean this has also been asked before: so I figured all you need to do is to add one of the Spawner versions of the desired object to the map but apparently this does not work?
So I wondered if I need to specify something special in the objecttemplates (their templates in existing maps look the same as for other objects) -- I might have screwed up an obvious step again so I wonder if I am just forgetting something or if I should just crosscheck the object templates again.
Added (2019-03-01, 1:06 PM) --------------------------------------------- Right now I also wonder if somebody has some nice textures available somewhere (free for use, permissive license etc) -- I took f00k's texture collection for ed2 and googled some nice seamless grass/rock textures, but currently I am still looking for a nice farmland texture -- I've seen some maps use something I'd like already, but I can't figure out if there is a way to extract the terrain texture (a seamless 512x512 patch) out of the map textures, but that information is probably lost when looking at the merged terrain textures...Added (2019-03-19, 2:23 PM) --------------------------------------------- Hi, I finally get what you mean & how to do it (I had to add textures from the xpack 2 for some statics myself).
Currently I don't think I want to use mobile spawners anymore -- I adjusted the map so it should be obsolete.
I just need to figure out my way around the pushcage setup but I think I get it now.
Message edited by gecleprami - Friday, 2019-03-01, 2:07 PM |
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Xenanab | Date: Wednesday, 2019-03-20, 0:35 AM | Message # 4 |
Group: Silver Donator
Messages: 465
Status: Offline
| Hello Minnie,
for the original conversion of Eagles_Nest-1945 I also made use of a pushmap system and I had to learn how to do it by investigating how things work on Alpenfestung.
There is a simple method to just put down the socalled "puchcages" that even block defenders collisions. Another more complicated solution is the usage of the "killercage" combo. I used that on Eagles nest as it is implemented on many other pushmaps. One time Radio asked about it which I tried to explain in an older post.
I will simply quote what I wrote back then:
Quote So this is my ObjectTemplate.con for the killercages. I have made some annotations with bold letters so it should be easier to understand.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Create killercage while allies HOLD flag - spawn for team 2
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner killercage_visible_25m_axis_spawner ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 killercage_visible_5m_axis ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelay 0 ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelayAtStart 0 ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 45 ObjectTemplate.Distance 40 ObjectTemplate.DamageWhenLost 10
and also - spawn for team 2
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner axiskillercage25mhard_spawner ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 axiskillercage5mhard ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelay 0 ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelayAtStart 0 ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 45 ObjectTemplate.Distance 40 ObjectTemplate.DamageWhenLost 10
and at the same time: Remove killercage while axis CAPTURE flag - spawn for team 1
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner killercage_removeraxis_spawner ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 killercage_removeraxis ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelay 0 ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelayAtStart 0 ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 45 ObjectTemplate.Distance 40 ObjectTemplate.DamageWhenLost 10
Now we mirror the above stuff:
Create killercage while axis HOLD flag - spawn for team 1
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner killercagevisible_eagles_nest_allies_spawner ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 killercage_visible_25m_allies ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelay 0 ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelayAtStart 0 ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 45 ObjectTemplate.Distance 40 ObjectTemplate.DamageWhenLost 10
and also - spawn for team 1
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner allieskillercage25mhard_spawner ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 allieskillercage5mhard ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelay 0 ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelayAtStart 0 ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 45 ObjectTemplate.Distance 40 ObjectTemplate.DamageWhenLost 10
and again at the same time: Remove killercage while allies CAPTURE flag - spawn for team 2
ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner killercage_removerallies_spawner ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 killercage_removerallies ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelay 0 ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelayAtStart 0 ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 45 ObjectTemplate.Distance 40 ObjectTemplate.DamageWhenLost 10
Don't get confused with the exact names of the templates... I have copied them from Alpenfestung. It literally took me hours to completely understand this mess. In my opinion it's really hard to explain that to somebody...
All you have to know is that
- a killercage_visible is not a real killercage. It just shows the player where the cage is ( blockades + barbwire ).
- the killercagehard is the real killer. When an ENEMY player touches it he immediately dies. It does not block the player; it kills him. But the team of this cage is allowed to enter it. It should be used along with the killercage_visible
- the killercage_remover has only one purpose. It simply deletes the two above mentioned objects so that the axis team for example can proceed to the 2nd flag after the 1st is captured and secured.
The three objects must be placed where the flagpole is. All three are stacked together or just reeaaaly close to each other in order to make the whole system work. Of course the real killercage is more important than the visible cage. There mustn't be spawn delay on these objects. As you can see in my code list, I have written the templates in two seperated blocks. It's easier to understand what to do.
An example - Allied team holds the 1st flag. - So the 1st flag spawns axis_killercages where the 2nd flag is. Axis have to attack the 1st flag so the killercages on the 2nd disappear. - Axis capture the 1st flag and this happens: It doesn't spawn any axis_killercages anymore on the 2nd flag. The template of the removeraxis activates and deletes both cages immediately at the 2nd flag. - The removeraxis is activated as long as axis team holds the 1st flag. If allies recapture it the remover disappeares and the 1st flag again will spawn axis_killercages at the 2nd flag. - As you can see all these objects of the 1st flag spawn at the 2nd flagpole; so it works.
To create the above mentioned scenario you simply have to make use of the first half of my code I provided at the beginning of this post.
Now imagine: When axis team also manage to capture the 2nd flag what will happen there? The 2nd flag will spawn an allies_killercage at the 1st flag in order to prevent allies to recapture it. If allies get the 2nd flag back their removerallies will delete the allies_killercage at the 1st flag which has spawned for axis. Now allies can also recapture the 1st flag back.
If you want to make this happen you have to make use of the second half of my code.
If you want to create a pushmap with both scenarios, of course you must use the whole code.
I see no reason to present you my ObjectSpawns.con and the ControlPoints.con since both have nothing to do with the pushmap system.
I repeat: In order to make all this shit work you have to place the three items at the correct position. The correct position of course is the flag pole where you want to do something ( create cages vs. remove cages ).
I recommend you to try it out.
Message edited by Xenanab - Wednesday, 2019-03-20, 0:37 AM |
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gecleprami | Date: Monday, 2019-04-29, 10:08 AM | Message # 5 |
Group: Trusted
Messages: 45
Status: Offline
| Finally managed to get the cage objects working (was getting CTDs for some reason so I stopped looking into them), now I just need to figure out the specifics.
I want to make a 3-row push system, with 2 "1" flags, 2 "2" flags and a single "3" flag -- I will post once I figure that out.
(memo to myself really, and thanks for the hints
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