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New map - Giza
jeanstonezeDate: Tuesday, 2020-07-28, 7:51 PM | Message # 1
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Hey all,
I've been working for a couple of months and finally finished my FHSW map called Giza.
Originally it is custom BF1942 map which is most remarkable for the Pyramides objects and unique vehicle Katyusha with V1 rocket. Those objects were not made by me, however since they existed only in this map I wanted to keep them.
So, basically it's almost 100% infantry map, giant city in Cairo outskirts with narrow streets and slum labyrinths. I used all my fantasy and added many secret and underground ways and rooms, as well as tens of custom kits all over the map - MGs, sniper rifles, flamethrowers, AT guns, expacks, and some more.
Obviously historical side is weak, this is 'if-' map, I placed it in 1944 just because of late-war vehicles. Sides are UK (defending) vs Germany (attacking).
Although the map is almost 100% inf, I added SW tanks for both sides (maus+sturmtiger vs tortoise+AVRE), but since I don't know how they would work in multiplayer maybe I would remove them. Also, flags placing were quite random, maybe they should be moved too. Adding push mode is also an option, for now all flags except one are recappable and not ordered.
Download link ->


PS: you can also take a look at the original map to see what have changed. Put into Mods/bf1942/Archives/bf1942/levels. Link: https://drive.google.com/uc?expo....d2RDWFk

Jan Paul a.k.a. DALlDA

Message edited by jeanstoneze - Tuesday, 2020-07-28, 8:03 PM
starking018Date: Saturday, 2020-08-01, 12:52 PM | Message # 2
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Looks promising! I'd like to play/test the map. 1121 announced that it'll be tested along with a dozen other maps a few hours from now (a server should appear in the server list in the late afternoon, European time). I don't think that I'll be able to participate today, unfortunately.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
jeanstonezeDate: Saturday, 2020-08-01, 10:30 PM | Message # 3
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Yeah, we tested the map today and it appears to crash to desktop for half of players, and after like 5 minites server crashed. No idea about the solution, but Im gonna remove all tanks (since there are problematic maus and sturmtiger) and play with flags for start.
Also, Bubu said he will add giza to fhsw europe test server, so you can try it anytime.
I hope tomorrow or on monday I will post updated Giza here and in discord

Jan Paul a.k.a. DALlDA
jeanstonezeDate: Sunday, 2020-08-02, 9:03 PM | Message # 4
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Updated map:

- Removed all heavy tanks (Churchill AVRE, Tortoise, Sturmtiger, Maus)
- Fixed flags (in some files flags had different names)
- Fixed ticket drop
Not sure if this version works well, but we will see

Jan Paul a.k.a. DALlDA
jeanstonezeDate: Thursday, 2020-08-06, 4:51 PM | Message # 5
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Third version (and probably final):

- Increased fog and removed some objects (this increases fps)
- Adjusted Katusha-V1 (longer recharge, less damage from water)
- Minor fixes

Jan Paul a.k.a. DALlDA
bubuDate: Friday, 2020-08-07, 2:06 PM | Message # 6
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Uploaded to the test server.
LauxDate: Wednesday, 2020-08-12, 2:24 PM | Message # 7
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Great work, news is up for you: https://hg-clan.blogspot.com/?m=0 Enjoy, hope you like it.:)
jeanstonezeDate: Thursday, 2020-08-13, 10:40 AM | Message # 8
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Hey thx Laux!
But to keep it fresh you have to put the newest update of map, and this version will be played in japanese CM event on 22nd August. You can also download it later (on saturday I think) as part of their whole mappack:

There is a map itself and a readme file inside with small overview of map.

Jan Paul a.k.a. DALlDA

Message edited by jeanstoneze - Thursday, 2020-08-13, 6:11 PM
mambabf42Date: Monday, 2020-09-21, 9:15 PM | Message # 9
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Giza is a fun map to play, I've played it a couple of times in competitive 8v8 matches.
jeanstonezeDate: Sunday, 2020-11-22, 8:09 PM | Message # 10
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Hey everyone, I finished another remake of custom BF1942 map.
Original map is called Tigerpass and I decided to keep this title, also I decided to keep one Pz. VI even though it doesnt fit the battleground.
So, this map introduces Yugoslavian and Croatian army and the map represents what happened in Bosnia and Herzegovina in March 1943 around the city of Mostar, the battle of Neretva.
Not much things in terms of bringing new content: I slightly changed uniforms and turned some static objects into spawnable.
Tanks consist of light and medium french, italian, german armoury and as in my previous map a lot of pick-up kits. I tried to keep everything as close to reality as possible, but existing of Tiger which never took part in Yugoslavian partisan war, already makes it kinda if-.
Multiple easter eggs around also.
So, here is the map
, put into Battlefield 1942/Mods/FHSW/Archives/bf1942/levels
Some screenshots:

Jan Paul a.k.a. DALlDA
mambabf42Date: Thursday, 2020-12-03, 10:04 PM | Message # 11
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Great job Jan, I didn't know you were a mapper! Well done. Did you use BC to modify the map?
jeanstonezeDate: Friday, 2021-01-22, 4:34 PM | Message # 12
Group: Recruit
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There is another update on Tigerpass map, which I think would be final one. I got some feedback after custom maps japanese event and used it for changing map (even though I wont apply them more for testing or another CM participation). I moved some objects, added more combat areas to the map and slightly improved fps, but biggest change is of tactical way, I totally reworked the push on the map and it looks very different now and (I believe) is more intense. No need in testing I think, because I avoided all the things that might cause crashes. 
If someday Tigerpass will be added to european mappack, this version is the one to use for.


Quote mambabf42 ()
Did you use BC to modify the map?
I did use BC while making Giza, I actually made 90% of Giza work in BC, but for Tigerpass it was quite the opposite, most work in Ed42. Big problem for me which I tried to solve with lot of ways but failed is that my BGA can unpack .rfa files correctly, but while packing it kinda corrupts files and they become broken. So I now use BC only for removing outdated map files and adding newer one. This is long and annoying, but I have no choice.

Jan Paul a.k.a. DALlDA
bubuDate: Friday, 2021-01-22, 7:22 PM | Message # 13
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Nice, thanks Jan!
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