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FHSW #3: Tokyo Express Opens (r)
sonikglightDate: Thursday, 2016-11-03, 7:21 AM | Message # 21
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We can have the something here at this server every weekend or every day, you guys know that?

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
timothyhughes109Date: Thursday, 2016-11-03, 2:55 PM | Message # 22
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The point is that Forgotten Honor made a partnership with the FHSW Europe community to run campaigns, which we have done so for 2 years.  Now, your communities mappers such as Radio and Xenenab have spent countless time perfecting maps to provide for your experience and are wanting you guys to join.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2016-11-03, 4:59 PM | Message # 23
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second point is that FHT have a lot experience in setting up campaigns and run them with everything what a campaign contains, like ranking system, chain of command, assignd forums and so on ... everything to make a campaign feels like a simulation overall at last. So why discover the wheel for new and split of this damn small player base while FHT have all these things still running ?!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
sonikglightDate: Thursday, 2016-11-03, 8:12 PM | Message # 24
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I don't mean to be stepping on toes not camo toes, I was just saying it could be done here too ,I commanded whole divisions.

The only point I see here, players can put a day off from there real life jobs. That is a compliment to the campaign.

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
timothyhughes109Date: Thursday, 2016-11-03, 8:25 PM | Message # 25
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The thing is that your community formed a partnership with ours to play this campaign and we have greatly invested in helping you guys.  All of the maps and more in the FHSW mod call "FHT" are all donated by us.  I mean if you don't associate with us want to after all these years of cooperation, that's fine but this would only reduce the numbers for the FHT server AND for the FHSW Europe Server.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2016-11-03, 9:31 PM | Message # 26
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Quote sonikglight ()
I don't mean to be stepping on toes not camo toes, I was just saying it could be done here too ,I commanded whole divisions.The only point I see here, players can put a day off from there real life jobs. That is a compliment to the campaign.
So Winbeam, why don´t u join FHT and become CO or XO or just even GOA . Every member of FHSW europ that take part above will pull maybe even more other members into the campaign. Lampo is just joining and hopefully will take part in next battle at Saturday.
Other point why I wouldn´t agree to let it take place on our puby server is, that during battles and train the server wouldn´t be available to the volks. I simply can´t follow this resistance and looking a bit confussed to the quite similar dickhead searchimg for any arguments not to join there and complecate it even more otherways ?!?!? 

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
sonikglightDate: Thursday, 2016-11-03, 11:30 PM | Message # 27
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I wasn't going to reply but this is my last reply to this post
Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
So Winbeam, why don´t u join FHT and become CO or XO or just even GOA . Every member of FHSW europ that take part above will pull maybe even more other members into the campaign. Lampo is just joining and hopefully will take part in next battle at Saturday.Other point why I wouldn´t agree to let it take place on our puby server is, that during battles and train the server wouldn´t be available to the volks. I simply can´t follow this resistance and looking a bit confussed to the quite similar dickhead searchimg for any arguments not to join there and complecate it even more otherways ?!?!?
You give me a million dollars I'll be dedicated motherfucker to FHT and I won't have to worry about taking off from my job, I'll quit my job.

And I want to fight against somebody other then a cheater when I get off of work too and coop play as will, on this mostly active server.

Plus I'm already a fht member but only play bf1918 when and if there's a chance.

Damn sorry for making a suggestion.

My last reply on this post.

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite

Message edited by sonikglight - Thursday, 2016-11-03, 11:32 PM
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2016-11-03, 11:55 PM | Message # 28
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I don´t want to blame u or offend u ! Sorry if it apeared that way. Never know that u are FHT member already. So only BF18 ok it´s nice too, last campaign was fun. But nevertheless sad to
miss u at the camp
If u mean the same cheater as me, he is banned from F|H server and Forum, so never mind wink .

If other members from FHSW europ read this, never mind of that guy and please join up it´s a good reason to play against other fair players

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Thursday, 2016-11-03, 11:57 PM
XenanabDate: Friday, 2016-11-04, 1:12 AM | Message # 29
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My personal problem with the tournaments has been, that I think I might prefer to play the maps more casually. And since a lot of discussions have been made around map balance, weapon tweaks, fairness and so on in the past, I would still say, that FHSW in its current form is very hard to balance cause it tries to be more "accurate" with damage calculation and weapon performance. This results in a battlefield, that doesn't have any mirrowed factions. So it's basically impossible to give both sides the exact amount and type of material and expect the battle to become fair and balanced.

This is no criticism towards FHT or the ways tournaments are organized, but more my personal opinion if FHSW is suitable for such competitive gameplay. That one time I helped with mapping for the tournament #2, I tried to balance maps by tweaking and modifying certain weapons in order to make it fair for both sides. Such modifications appear rarely on the normal FHSW maps by the developers. Issue is, that these considerations take a long time.

The resaon I can't attend this time is simply because I have limited monthly internet, and voicechat might screw that up. I also don't have my mapping PC available anymore, so I can't help out with mapping for both FHT and FHSW-Europe.
timothyhughes109Date: Friday, 2016-11-04, 9:16 PM | Message # 30
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As Robert was saying, anyone is welcome, other than cheaters of course.  Robert mentioned that any cheaters that may have turned anyone off have been banned and no longer represent F|H.  

Tournaments are more casual that they used to be.  Players are only expected to be there for a few hours on a Saturday and post on the forum if they are going  to miss something.  This server is always here, our Battlefield 1942 campaigns do not run 365 days per year.  FHSW Europe server will a gain alot more players if we our communities can play together again.  Battlefield 1942 is an old game and the player base won't last forever.  So lets play together

And Xenenab, mics aren't required just to hear orderes
Korsakov829Date: Saturday, 2016-11-05, 0:59 AM | Message # 31
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Good thing I'm not one of those else I don't know what I'd be doing here.
Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2016-11-05, 9:45 AM | Message # 32
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Quote timothyhughes109 ()
The thing is that your community formed a partnership with ours to play this campaign and we have greatly invested in helping you guys.  All of the maps and more in the FHSW mod call "FHT" are all donated by us.  I mean if you don't associate with us want to after all these years of cooperation, that's fine but this would only reduce the numbers for the FHT server AND for the FHSW Europe Server.

For clarification: This partnership was founded when we were on the old server and with Stefan & mayer as admin, so I have no idea on what basis this was done. And the maps were donated to the FHSW devs not us.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
timothyhughes109Date: Sunday, 2016-11-06, 3:19 PM | Message # 33
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Yes, but I was never informed that this cooperation was rescinded.  

And yes, I gave Xenenab a couple of Italian campaign maps to for use in a map pack.
timothyhughes109Date: Tuesday, 2016-11-08, 8:12 PM | Message # 34
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This we will be playing a historic all naval battle.  All are welcome to join the campaign and join us.
timothyhughes109Date: Saturday, 2016-11-19, 5:38 PM | Message # 35
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We will be having a battle on Adak Island today in two hours. Come join us!
timothyhughes109Date: Thursday, 2016-12-15, 6:12 PM | Message # 36
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The last battle for the campaign will be on Saturday at 19GMT.
Born-1942Date: Tuesday, 2017-01-31, 7:46 AM | Message # 37
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In the next campaign I will attend.  tongue

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2017-01-31, 11:43 PM | Message # 38
Lieutenant General
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will never take place because in lack of interest and manpower ... sad but true

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
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