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F|H Bf1918 #5 "Return of the Crusaders" Campaign
timothyhughes109Date: Thursday, 2017-02-09, 0:42 AM | Message # 1
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 The Middle East, site of the dawn of antiquity.  For half of a millennia, the Ottoman Empire has ruled the region as part of its Empire.  Fearing a waning Empire, the sultanate chose to side with the Central Powers.  For the first time in nearly a thousand years, a European power has come to wrestle control of the region away from the Ottomans.  Rather than fighting a war between lancers and swordsmen, a modern warfare emerged across the desert featuring machine guns, armored vehicles, and aircraft. Graveyards of carnage will take place across the Middle East from the cliffs of Gallipoli, to the sands of Arabia, and the ancient cities of Bagdad, Damascus, and Jerusalem.    

In this campaign, you will get the choice of serving as a British Commonwealth soldier, fighting against the Turks, or as a Ottoman warrior serving the interests of the sultanate.

Experience a balanced and exhilarating Battlefield 1918 campaign with:

  • A continuing legacy for Battlefield 1942 
  • Organized tournament play featuring custom maps specifically modified for competitive tournament play.
  • World War 1 gameplay as it ought to be played on the Battlefield 1918 mod.
  • Grueling Saturday battles in combined arms ranging from battles on the high seas, amphibious landings, and battles of the harsh Arabian desert 
  • 2 sides led by experienced veterans with teamwork oriented armies employing strategies and co-operation with promotions and rewards for your achievements.
  • New friendships with like minded people from all over the world
  • It is free and everybody is welcome!

What is a campaign?
A campaign is a series of connected battles where we recreate the timeline of the war. Here at Forgotten Honor it also means teamplay and organized gameplay. Campaigns take about 8-10 weeks and every Saturday we will have one 4-hour battle. All battles are counted towards the final score which determines the army that won the overall campaign.

Every army has a training server to use during the week for scouting and practice, as well as their own Teamspeak channels and locked sub-forums (we call them barracks) for communication and entertainment. Everyone can participate in all weekly activities and events as much as they want!

About Forgotten Honor
Forgotten Honor is an international gaming community that has a great amount of experience in arranging online events for games. Founded in 2004 by several players who wanted to organize ''teamwork'' emphasized battles for video games, Forgotten Honor has been growing until becoming one of the leaders in online events market. Nowadays hosts several tournaments and campaigns for different games, organizes multiple events, has its own modding development unit and is supported by an active community.

Sign up: http://www.forgottenhonor.com/forums/page/tournament-team-statistics
Born-1942Date: Sunday, 2017-02-12, 5:38 PM | Message # 2
Group: Friends
Messages: 339
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Great, I'm going to participe.  smile

Added (2017-02-12, 4:38 PM)
I just want to know when the battle will be? 

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2017-02-12, 7:26 PM | Message # 3
Lieutenant General
Group: Silver Donator
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battledays Saturday 7pm

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
timothyhughes109Date: Wednesday, 2017-02-22, 6:15 AM | Message # 4
Group: Trusted
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We had as many as 55 players in our last skirmish (battle without score) at "Gaza Town".

This week we will have our first competitive battle on the map "Fao Landing".

Join us today!
Born-1942Date: Thursday, 2017-02-23, 3:24 AM | Message # 5
Group: Friends
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Status: Offline
Yeah, this fh event is actually being really cool.  specool

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
rbsekacDate: Sunday, 2017-02-26, 12:35 PM | Message # 6
Group: Blocked
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I installed BF1918 version 3.1 yesterday; what else do I need to play this?


DCX Apache
Born-1942Date: Sunday, 2017-02-26, 6:32 PM | Message # 7
Group: Friends
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You have to go to the site of the forgotten honor and make an inscription Create an account before, After that and just watch out in the days of battles.

site: http://www.forgottenhonor.com/forums/portal
inscription: http://www.forgottenhonor.com/forums/page/tournament-team-statistics

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
timothyhughes109Date: Wednesday, 2017-03-01, 10:20 PM | Message # 8
Group: Trusted
Messages: 43
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Status: Offline
This week we will be playing at on the map "Battle of Basra" for some intense combined arms action.

Registration is still open for the Central Powers, who could use the players.  Join us today!

Since I probably will never be able to access my Buddydog account here, could I get "Trusted" like I did on that account so I don't have to do the security codes all the time? Thanks.
Born-1942Date: Wednesday, 2017-04-19, 11:53 PM | Message # 9
Group: Friends
Messages: 339
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Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Which members here this community is participating in the FH tournament, I know E-3 Robert and Winbean who else?

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
(HH)BenjaminDate: Thursday, 2017-04-20, 4:39 AM | Message # 10
Group: Trusted
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I would really enjoy participating in this, unfortunately I have prior obligations on Saturdays at that time, hope the tournament goes well though, they're a lot of fun!
Born-1942Date: Thursday, 2017-04-20, 12:48 PM | Message # 11
Group: Friends
Messages: 339
Awards: 16
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
What a pity, yes they are really fun is my first tournament and I'm really enjoying it.
I'm happy to be able to participate on Saturdays. I have no obligations.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
timothyhughes109Date: Thursday, 2017-04-20, 11:52 PM | Message # 12
Group: Trusted
Messages: 43
Awards: 1
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
We are having our 9th battle this Saturday at the same time.  Entente is currently slightly winning the campaign, but there are still four battles left.  Join today!
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