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Switch the Server to Bf1942 Origin (r)
Switch the server to Bf1942 Origin version?
1. Yes [ 4 ] [40.00%]
2. No [ 6 ] [60.00%]
Answers total: 10
Stefan1990Date: Saturday, 2012-11-17, 12:11 PM | Message # 1
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[LSD]SeppDietrich[OGF]Date: Saturday, 2012-11-17, 1:12 PM | Message # 2
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was ist das???

Mut bedeutet zu kämpfen auch wenn der Feind übermächtig ist!
Courage meant to fight even if the enemy is over powerful!
Stefan1990Date: Saturday, 2012-11-17, 1:59 PM | Message # 3
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battlefield 1942 ist seit anfang november gratis!


das spiel ist ein und das selbe nur können spieler der gratis verion nicht mit den spielern der herkömlichen cd version zusammen spielen. man muss nun also entscheiden ob man seinen server nun weiter für original cd spieler zur verfügung stellt oder für die der origin version. mods werden so weit ich festgestellt haben ohne probleme unterstützt.

angesichts der vielen neuen spieler fände ich es vernünftig auf die origin version zu wechseln.
WRüttgerDate: Saturday, 2012-11-17, 2:14 PM | Message # 4
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was haben wir genau für nen server? nen root server oder nen reinen game-/ts server? auf nem root server könnte man ja evtl. nen zweiten gameserver laufen lassen?
Stefan1990Date: Saturday, 2012-11-17, 4:06 PM | Message # 5
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reinen gameserver
Mr_JDate: Saturday, 2012-11-17, 7:59 PM | Message # 6
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3. Vitamine applied to 1.61b server
WRüttgerDate: Saturday, 2012-11-17, 10:23 PM | Message # 7
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Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2012-11-17, 11:39 PM | Message # 8
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Vitamine ist Jagdfliegersprache und heißt soviel wie "verstanden wird ausgeführt" in diesem Falle wohl "ich stimme zu" ... denk ich mir jedenfalls so

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Stefan1990Date: Sunday, 2012-11-18, 10:17 AM | Message # 9
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Quote (Robert_von_Eberhahn)

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Vitamine ist Jagdfliegersprache und heißt soviel wie "verstanden wird ausgeführt" in diesem Falle wohl "ich stimme zu" ... denk ich mir jedenfalls so

he he man lernt immer was dazu wink
WRüttgerDate: Sunday, 2012-11-18, 11:31 AM | Message # 10
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obwohlich nicht glaube, dass mr_j das gemeint hat...
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2012-11-18, 11:48 AM | Message # 11
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Mr_JDate: Sunday, 2012-11-18, 11:16 PM | Message # 12
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@Eye: genau
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2012-11-18, 11:22 PM | Message # 13
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naja hätt ja sein können dry

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2013-02-04, 8:46 AM | Message # 14
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Now its possible to play with origin on the same server. Thats great news. Few questions.

1 -> If i pack the Origins BF1942 files in a Winrar file, can others download it, instal it and play it without any troubles like the Keygen shit? And can i use it as back up if my computer crash and need to buy another computer?
2 -> Will the Origin version be active when we reach March (because then its done with the download)?
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2013-02-04, 12:08 PM | Message # 15
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1) Origin is required otherwise it won't start. If you have acquired it once via Origin (till March) you can always download it for free again (even after March).

2) No one actually knows what happens then, EA keeps us in the dark. Here's the only offical statement I've seen so far by a DICE employee:
Ok, got some info, basically that's just a legal disclaimer saying it's for sure available to redeem up until that date, but that there is no guarantee that past that date you'll be able to redeem it for free (it is not saying that 100% for sure will stop being redeemable, just that it might or might not be).
However, those who do redeem it will retain access on their account

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aka eYe.ris
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2013-02-04, 3:28 PM | Message # 16
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Ok, agree with Origin and i know that. But if you have an origin account, is it possible to put the files on your computer and play with it as new member?
Mr_JDate: Monday, 2013-02-04, 7:22 PM | Message # 17
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Quote (Endless_Nameless)
1) Origin is required otherwise it won't start.

Actually there is a patched bf1942.exe that allows to override the Origin. As yet it's not available as the public download due to EA license.

Quote (tuia)
I am sorry but the file is only available to members, I have some legal concerns releasing it to public.

Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2013-02-04, 8:04 PM | Message # 18
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Good find, but yeah he's afraid of EA.

Quote (Fritz-Kempf)
Ok, agree with Origin and i know that. But if you have an origin account, is it possible to put the files on your computer and play with it as new member?

I don't know, you should try it out and see if it works.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Fritz-KempfDate: Wednesday, 2013-02-06, 11:27 AM | Message # 19
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Well, how can i try it? We need a guy that doesn't have all that stuff.
Mr_JDate: Monday, 2013-02-25, 8:26 PM | Message # 20
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This patched executable will let you play Battlefield 1942
without having to launch Origin client.
It includes a
widescreen patch. Info from: http://chr79.free.fr/matrox/
This BF1942 version is 1.61, you'll be able to join v1.61
servers that don't check for CD-keys or BF1942 Origin
patched servers that accept all client versions.

Extract in Origin Games\Battlefield 1942 directory
overwriting BF1942.exe and copying BF1942.org."

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