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Battle over Hokkaido (r)
mayerDate: Friday, 2013-02-08, 6:10 PM | Message # 1
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I find the balance of the map alot more broken than the Bulge maps.
The japanese are really handicapped, may i ask to remove some of the tougher SU tanks (IS, ZSU)
and maybe even consider to give the soviets some old T-34-76? What do you guys think? Should we ssm it?
HypilotDate: Saturday, 2013-02-09, 0:56 AM | Message # 2
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I suggest Putting some more naval guns and some more respawnable railguns.
Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2013-02-09, 12:56 PM | Message # 3
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This map is really difficult to balance because it's so dependant on the luck/skill of the individual tanker since there's little to no cover for tanks/inf and no planes. So if the Japs manage to destroy IS-3 + IS-2 the Russians get camped in by the Chi-Nu Kai's. Vice versa if the Russians manage to keep their heavy tanks alive they can camp in the Japs.

We can try and see what happens if we remove the IS-2 or IS-3. And yea a couple of powerful AT guns in both main bases could maybe prevent the spawn camping.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Fritz-KempfDate: Sunday, 2013-02-10, 4:58 PM | Message # 4
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And place for god damned some ammo boxes in the fields! You can't resupply your weapons.
DeathDate: Friday, 2013-02-15, 0:56 AM | Message # 5
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The japs never usually destroy the is2, and is3 let alone the kv-100. they're too heavily armored. t34-85s with some kv1s will do fine. especially the t34-85 that was more than enough firepower to destroy the japanese tanks. Personally as a tanker i find the balance really lopsided for the russians. yes the japanese can camp the russians but if the russians have good tankers in the is2, is3, etc...the japanese have no chance. t34s and some kvs should be it for the russians to make it fair. japanese armor is too thin and it only takes 1 hit from a t34-85 to kill their tanks.

Message edited by Death - Friday, 2013-02-15, 1:00 AM
Endless_NamelessDate: Friday, 2013-02-15, 6:44 PM | Message # 6
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Have you played on it on last event? It wasn't a camp fest like before and fairly balanced although I still agree that either IS-2 or IS-3 has to go, but not both of them. Japs actually were able to take them out and capped at least two (maybe all three, don't remember) of the flags. When the big boys respawned they got pushed back again.

@Fritz: There's an ammo truck and I saw some nice teamwork with it last time.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
DeathDate: Sunday, 2013-02-17, 4:32 AM | Message # 7
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I played it during the last event, japs camped us for about 5-10 minutes then we counterattacked. i remember sitting in my kv-100 and took out 3 jap tanks point blank.

but i'd say is-3 because its overkill. is2 you can kill but the is3 is just well its an is3

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