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Update your installation tutorial (m)
KhaineDate: Saturday, 2013-02-23, 0:37 AM | Message # 1
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that guide

I think you should upload FH 0.7 for Origin yourself, because the link which is in this guide will lead you to PFC toolbox installation, I know you can download it with this software, but it is imho too complicated for new players. Give them a direct download and they will be happier.

Message edited by Khaine - Saturday, 2013-02-23, 0:38 AM
Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2013-02-23, 6:46 PM | Message # 2
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Hmm when I click on the link it downloads the FH installer.exe and I don't have the toolbox installed. Someone else can confirm this?

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aka eYe.ris
Mr_JDate: Saturday, 2013-02-23, 7:18 PM | Message # 3
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Quote (Endless_Nameless)
Someone else can confirm this?

I do.
Looks like PFC intentionally swapped the FH Origin installer file with their toolbox.  Available to users only
Anyway someone have to make a mirror as we may not to rely on PFC hosting.
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2013-02-24, 1:10 PM | Message # 4
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Okay I fixed it. If you know a site that lets you upload a 2GB+ file for free, please share. With my crappy inet speed I won't be able to upload it by myself though.

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aka eYe.ris
Mr_JDate: Sunday, 2013-02-24, 1:17 PM | Message # 5
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Actually the installer is 2041mb that is less than 2 gb. What's the moddb or bf-games.net limit?
Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2013-03-05, 0:06 AM | Message # 6
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Here's another mirror: http://180upload.com/aizh904nno5n

Quote (Mr_J)
Actually the installer is 2041mb that is less than 2 gb. What's the moddb or bf-games.net limit?

bf-games often uploads it on other sites and only posts the link in their download section so I'm not sure, moddb is 2800 MB. Speaking of which someone uploaded it there as well: http://www.moddb.com/mods....-compat

Doesn't seem to be working yet though.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
starking018Date: Monday, 2016-06-06, 5:23 PM | Message # 7
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There are some things that cause confusion and perhaps need to be updated. The last two lines:

Only CD version: Apply Win98/Me compatibility mode on the FHSW desktop icon if everything fails, the downsides are longer loading times, lower resolution and Punkbuster problems.

There has to be better advice than that. People shouldn't have to resort to Win98/Me compatibility mode. Could someone who fits these criteria come forward:
- Has Windows 7 or newer;
- The game loads the maps and runs the maps OK and almost never crashes to desktop (not including "Disconnected from server" on some maps), except when a browser or video player or other programs are on, or when Alt-Tabbing (which are known to cause game crashes sometimes);
- Is able to set resolutions higher than 800x600;
- Loading time is not excessively high for that hardware;

If you fit these criteria, could you please share exactly which Windows version you have and what settings you use for running FHSW (what patches you installed, any compatibility mode you use, etc.)? For example, I know eYe is able to play on Win 7 64bit with no compatibility mode and load maps in less than a minute (although I don't know if he has any game crash problems). Specifically, it would be helpful if you can tell us what is needed to be able to load maps and play normally under Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 with no compatibility mode on. Then hopefully we can have some good general advice for everyone trying to install the game.

Very long loading times up to 3 minutes for a map. The higher your RAM the faster it loads.

This is not good advice. In fact, the game with this mod takes less than 2GB of the memory, so you just want to have that much free physical memory when you start the game. 3GB or 4GB of installed RAM should be enough. Having any more than that won't have any effect. I think nowadays almost everyone has at least 3GB RAM, so almost no one should see their game loading slowed down due to insufficient physical memory. A worthwhile advice would be to have a recent generation CPU with a high maximum (Turbo) frequency. So I would put the advice this way:

Very long loading times up to 3 minutes for a map. For faster loading it is recommended to have at least 4GB of RAM and a CPU of a newer generation and a higher maximum (Turbo) frequency.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
(HH)BenjaminDate: Monday, 2016-06-06, 10:28 PM | Message # 8
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Well, I fit most of the above criteria, except lately I have been getting disconnected from the server often, but I haven't been crashing. Anyways, I run it on Windows 10 no compatibility and I load maps very quickly and only the disconnects are my problem.

Here's exactly how I did and how I recommend to install FHSW
  • BF1942 up to v1.612 (cd version)- Team Simple Update download from my original cd's
  • FH installer- moddb
  • Mappacks 6/7- moddb
  • FHR compatibility fix- moddb
  • FHSW installer- moddb
  • Run the FHSW compatibility fixer that pops up at the end of the install wizard

That's what I have done, plus of course I have the FHSW Europe mappack as well.
Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2016-06-07, 4:06 PM | Message # 9
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When I first installed FHSW on my new computer it crashed about 30% of the time during map load. Since 2 months I haven't had a single crash and I don't think I changed anything. General tips are (just repeating what you wrote): Don't Alt+Tab out during map load, close all other programs before starting the game.

I use:

  • BF1942 from my installer (files are from Origin)
  • FH from my moddb installer
  • FH Mappack 6 from my moddb installer
  • FHSW from my moddb installer
  • compatibility fix

    I only added that line about Win98/Me as absolute last resort, it never crashes when you use it (at least for me).

    Quote starking018 ()
    This is not good advice. In fact, the game with this mod takes less than 2GB of the memory, so you just want to have that much free physical memory when you start the game. 3GB or 4GB of installed RAM should be enough. Having any more than that won't have any effect. I think nowadays almost everyone has at least 3GB RAM, so almost no one should see their game loading slowed down due to insufficient physical memory. A worthwhile advice would be to have a recent generation CPU with a high maximum (Turbo) frequency. So I would put the advice this way:

    I agree, I'll change that line.

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    pepenas23Date: Saturday, 2018-11-10, 9:31 PM | Message # 10
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