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Fight Night Ideas (r)
DeathDate: Sunday, 2013-04-21, 4:42 AM | Message # 1
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Hey everyone. I've mentioned this a few times and I was talking to eye about it on husky before. Lately the numbers of people playing has taken a sharp turn down.  sad weep

Lately Friday Night Fight Nights and events have been a bit lagging. Not too many of the community show up to events, well today they showed up late. BUT  friday night fight nights are really lagging. barely 6 people are usually on.
plus barely anybody from the community was on today for a while as most of the server bulk was new people which is great but we must save friday night fight night. I was hoping we could come up with a plan to draw some people onto the server friday. perhaps we can send more flyers or something.

i feel bad for the newer players who aren't experiencing fhsw like it should be experienced, like wolfgang and some others we need to show em what fhsw is really like  ok

Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2013-04-21, 1:40 PM | Message # 2
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If we have an event on Saturday and Sunday, the Friday is usually less populated. Not everyone wants to or can play 3 days in a row for 2 to 3 hours I guess. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

But yeah the community (close to 150 registered members) doesn't really show up on time, it's often just one or two players from here at 7 pm. If the rest shows up then two hours later the guys from the beginning have already left because of boredom. Do you want to start events later (8 pm) and only play 4 maps?

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
DeathDate: Sunday, 2013-04-21, 5:29 PM | Message # 3
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I don't know. I was asking around the forum and that does happen sometimes where people don't play 3 days. However its not all the time, last week friday was busy with over 20 people and we had a 2 day event. 

Yeah hhmmm 8pm idk i'll ask duky and mayer today  cry

mardukDate: Sunday, 2013-04-21, 10:47 PM | Message # 4
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No, 8 pm will change nothing. Players will just join later and so the problem will only be delayed. Please remember that we always had times with less players. Still, we play for more than three years now. There is no reason to be pessimistic.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Monday, 2013-04-22, 11:14 PM | Message # 5
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Hello everyone, I just wanted to say, that I really enjoyed the last fight night, though the full number of occupied players slots wasn't nearly reached.
I think it would be really sad, if such a great mod won't find it's deserved popularity here in Europe. I really appreciate, what this server and community has built up so far and I'll see if I can join the fight nights every week that this work will be also honoured biggrin

Saturday and Sunday evening were less than 10 people from the community on the server?
Hm, but it means that there may also be increasement in the community with players, who just discovered FHSW like me wink (seemes that a lot of new FHSW players have been ingame).
I'm going to spread the word in our Minecraft Offtopic Forum and tell some friends of it.
The possibility that CD and Origin users can join the server is a great thing I think, since the game can be downloaded for free on Origin ^^

But I don't know how to reactivate a sleeping community, because I'm a total newcomer and don't have any idea how to help it.
In spite of this amazing game experience the game can offer, I hope I will someday also come to the experience of 40 players on one battlefield at the same time! biggrin


Message edited by Xenanab - Monday, 2013-04-22, 11:15 PM
DeathDate: Tuesday, 2013-04-23, 0:45 AM | Message # 6
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Xenanab welcome to the community  tongue its awesome to see new players. hell i'm sorta new myself haven't been playing fhsw for a year.

the more the merrier

Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2013-04-23, 12:24 PM | Message # 7
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Hi and welcome Xenanab! smile
If we would have 30+ players every weekend I think we could increase the player base a lot easier because it's very difficult to advertise an empty server. Theoretically we have enough players here in our community but it seems that for every new player one old player leaves, that's why we rarely come close to 30.

I'm really happy that you and Sparrow have found FHSW and our server through one of my videos, at least not everything seems to be fruitless work. smile
To further improve it I would like to know how did you find my videos and what made you decide to download and play it.

Telling your VL or RL friends about it seems to be the most efficent way so far, posting in forums is difficult though, I described it here. Big thanks for your future efforts and also for staying so long at the last event even when the player numbers were very low.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
XenanabDate: Tuesday, 2013-04-23, 9:16 PM | Message # 8
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Was just a normal day, and I was on YouTube watching various videos and I came up with some BF1942 footage. I really like the game with its expansion packs and there are a couple of servers which still offer great sessions of good old BF1942.
I don't know which was the very first video with FHSW, but I think it was something about a naval map and it was called Yamato vs Iowa or something else. This sounded interesting cause I also play games like Codename: Panzers or Battlestations Pacific which present great many realistic models of WWII weapons.
Well I watch and I gained interest in what this mod is about and what it contends.
So I watched mainly impressions of massive online battles from the Prince Umeboshi servers and came also to your channel which shows skirmishes on the Europ server. I was quite happy about the fact, that this mod is also - well.. more or less - known in Europe and so I was sure that I totally have to download the mod from the modbd site. The day, were I have passed my last a-level exam was then the day I downloaded the mod.

Mh, I believe that interesting sounding names of FHSW videos might raise interest ^^ Clips about intense battle scenes, which are not acted, would be nice to show.
But it is clear that the best way to advertise for the server is to present footage of a full server and this should be not older than 5 months ;-)
You see the problem?:p
If we would have 30+ players every weekend I think we could increase the
player base a lot easier because it's very difficult to advertise an
empty server
We need more players on the server to get more players on the server.. wierd deal, eh?
Reactivating the community is seemingly the best solution for now.  megaphone

Message edited by Xenanab - Tuesday, 2013-04-23, 9:19 PM
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2013-04-23, 9:16 PM | Message # 9
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Additional issue is that newcomers discover vanilla FH apart from FHSW. Sometimes when I look at fh players list I see nicknames that were often seen in FHSW. Players who meet both mods for the first time, do not notice the difference in terms of content, while the pure FH loads four times faster - the choice is simple for them. Plus antagonistic pfc bs propaganda...
SimoHayhaDate: Friday, 2013-05-10, 2:14 PM | Message # 10
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we gotta start stealing people away from pfc, i think more people play it becuse they just dont know about fhsw add on, i asked last time i was on their server, and barely anyone knew it, also fhsw is a banned word on their server, so i definately think that is aimed at keeping playered there and not advancing to fhsw for which they have no server...

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SimoHayhaDate: Friday, 2013-05-10, 2:17 PM | Message # 11
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actually one of their admins got really pissed when i mention europe.ucoz server, kicked me for "advertising" when all i wanted is more people to play both fh and fhsw

Also i just noticed that out of all the BF1942 mods FH and FHSW are some of the only ones without an actual Wikipedia page, this could also help bring in players as wikipedia is one of the first things any google search on bf1942 mods brings up.

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Message edited by SimoHayha - Friday, 2013-05-10, 2:24 PM
mardukDate: Friday, 2013-05-10, 4:14 PM | Message # 12
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@SimoHayha: Nice you made it to our community smile
Yea, this is how it goes with the dickheads from PFC. They actually started pissing us off years ago because they just made up that we are "Nazis".

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
DeathDate: Friday, 2013-05-10, 4:48 PM | Message # 13
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Yeah when grabbi acts like a nazi with this insane power crazy banning people for stupid reasons  dry

SimoHayhaDate: Friday, 2013-05-10, 5:34 PM | Message # 14
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why dont we organize a copetition of our community versus a pfc team? get them to play fhsw so we can beat them on our own turf... ive heard them saying how all fh 2 players are nazis too!

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SimoHayhaDate: Saturday, 2013-05-11, 1:22 AM | Message # 15
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Grabbi is a douchebag, he just got pissed at me for talkin about fhsw, and called me a nazi, what a little prick, we have to crush pfc...

oh and i insulted the crap out of him before rage quitting

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Message edited by SimoHayha - Saturday, 2013-05-11, 1:24 AM
DeathDate: Saturday, 2013-05-11, 5:58 AM | Message # 16
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One thing I learned kiddo, don't start a fight its not worth it. i threatened to show everyone what happened with us and pfc...we got banned for a while, he talked shit behind our backs and i lost almost all of my old forgotten hope friends. its not worth it simo. Only reason i was ready to trash pfc is they called optimus and the rest of die cheaters. 

OH HAVE AN IDEA. ok we need to make a youtube video, showing the new exclusive maps, showcase fhsw and how its better.
Show maps like alpen with new tanks and stuff, spring awakening, ALASKA, all exclusive maps, especially alaska
i mean how many games have ussr vs usa cold war aside from lame COD. 
people look it up watch it say "wow is3s vs pershings in an invasion of alaska AWESOME" download the mod and realize so many great maps.

mardukDate: Saturday, 2013-05-11, 7:45 AM | Message # 17
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@Death: sound like a good idea to me smile

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
SimoHayhaDate: Saturday, 2013-05-11, 10:08 AM | Message # 18
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i second that idea, sounds good to me, i just checked the pfc website and they are saying im a nazi too. so actually i sent grabbi an email personally threatening to take legal action and pursue a libel/defamation of character, i dont care about being banned from his grab-ass little server, but calling me a nazi is not acceptable...

if that doesnt work theres always ddos :P JK

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Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2013-05-11, 10:43 AM | Message # 19
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I agree with Death, just let those brainwashed PFC clowns (mainly Grabbi) do what they do and we do our thing, the best thing is avoiding their server.

@Death: You mean like a trailer? But who can do good video editing of us? As I said in another thread a proper "Let's Play" series can also gain lots of views, this particular series brought me back to BF1942 for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y0eW_gkLxk

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
SimoHayhaDate: Saturday, 2013-05-11, 10:50 AM | Message # 20
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i have no problem avoiding their server like the plague any way, but i take offense at being labelled a nazi

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