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Admin Rights (r)
CanukAttakDate: Sunday, 2014-09-28, 7:51 PM | Message # 1
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Well last couple times i have been on there haven't been any admins, which is causing a problem when you have afks and are trying to run a vote but cant get them because of afk's.
I'm all about getting people on the server and keeping them on. I will play any map as long as it keeps people on, personally i thought we were in direct competition with PFC. so like what the hell people we need you guys on the server even for an hour (admins or non admins).  So my suggestion is maybe just maybe you give 3 admin rights to people who are trusted. the 3 admin rights would be 1.Runnext 2.Restart 3.addtime  Thats it just that for people who are on early and stay on to keep the numbers up. 

Now please dont ask for admin rights (people who want it).

I just want to hear from the admins and get there ideas on the matter
CanukAttakDate: Sunday, 2014-09-28, 8:11 PM | Message # 2
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Quote CanukAttak ()
Thats it just that for people who are on early and stay on to keep the numbers up.
i worded that wrong so disregard that.
CanukAttakDate: Sunday, 2014-09-28, 8:13 PM | Message # 3
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Quote CanukAttak ()
I just want to hear from the admins and get there ideas on the matter
lol disregard that as well.  feel free to post your opinion but don't ask for admin rights on here please
Korsakov829Date: Monday, 2014-09-29, 6:32 AM | Message # 4
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Agreed, annoying when there is an AFK guy on a team for hours, when there are less than 12 it does upset balance slightly.
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2014-09-29, 2:43 PM | Message # 5
FHSW Wikia Admin
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If you all stay on the server, there were no problems. Yesterday. we were with 4 Allieds against 5 Axis. 3 Allieds were AFK. So the teams are theoretical balanced but practical unbalanced. Take a smoke during loading, don't smoke, what ever you want but don't go AFK.
mardukDate: Monday, 2014-09-29, 4:15 PM | Message # 6
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@Canuk: I think that is a good idea. The commands "runnext" and "restart" should be enough though. Addtime is not so good because admins (including me) really often forget to reduce it back to the usual round time later.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
DeathDate: Tuesday, 2014-09-30, 5:05 AM | Message # 7
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I think in addition to Canuk's ideas we should sort of have a designated admin for certain days. I'm usually admin on Fridays since none of you are rarely on, Saturdays we don't have a problem since almost all of us are on.

I think Sundays we need an admin or somebody with basic admin commands since most of us admins either don't play sunday or simply can't make it.

Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2014-09-30, 2:50 PM | Message # 8
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Sundays usually Marduk and I are on.

We have a lot of people with admin rights but most of them don't play regularly, so yes I agree that we could need one especially for during the week. (Maybe also remove some of the barely active ones?)

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
DeathDate: Tuesday, 2014-09-30, 5:33 PM | Message # 9
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Oh well that takes care of sundays  tongue

Yeah we need one during the week, I don't think any of us admins can actually play during the week  cry

AdmNateEllisDate: Tuesday, 2014-09-30, 8:17 PM | Message # 10
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I am available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday if needed smile
Korsakov829Date: Tuesday, 2014-09-30, 9:35 PM | Message # 11
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Not that I'm the most trustworthy person in the world, but I'm on all days of the week so if you need me let me know.
CanukAttakDate: Tuesday, 2014-09-30, 9:37 PM | Message # 12
Group: Friends
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Dont cryptically ask for admin rights on here Nate LOL.  Right now its just a discussion but hopefully in the near future we can figure something out, weather its current admins that need to step up on the weekdays even weekends.(cant make marduk do it all).  Or by giving someone basic admin rights. 

And instead of !addtime i was meaning to put !setmap
Fritz-KempfDate: Wednesday, 2014-10-01, 10:37 AM | Message # 13
FHSW Wikia Admin
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!setmap can be done, but doesn't work fine. You need to write the complete name. And correct name. If the name isn't correct, the server crash.

The reason why im nearly online is very simple.

Work, the First World War Remember events and im First Aid Person. There is always still work to do to earn money, meanwhile im be on lot of First World War Events and i also need to go on Friday to my volunteer work to do First Aid stuff. But also on other events, like Sunday morning, to go and help when need in medical situations.

I have no idea how old you all are, how you need to life. But i can tell you that you can not life only with this game. You have a private to run, to make sure the private is good. You need to earn money. I work 5 day's from monday until saterday (in a shop) with different times (morning, afternoon, event). Be respect that. And i am not the only admin.

I am now in a very bussy times, a time that i need decide what i will do. And FHSW is the last thing i should do. And if i come to the server and see 50% is AFK...... i am not motivated to run as admin.
Korsakov829Date: Thursday, 2014-10-02, 1:47 AM | Message # 14
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Not many people join during the week days anyway, it was only 3-4 Wednesday. Friday usually better but otherwise not so much.
DeathDate: Thursday, 2014-10-02, 2:05 AM | Message # 15
Group: Admins
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We could see how things go, and I agree with Canuk don't just ask for admin rights here  dry kinda shallow if you ask me, anyways lets see what days need admins

the weekends from fridays-sundays is usually covered by 1 admin so lets see how things are, but I think the afkers need to be fixed not fair to have a team with half of it afk

MannsDate: Thursday, 2014-10-02, 10:42 AM | Message # 16
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In my very active phase, they declined me as admin, because of wrong personal prejudices.

Actually it's all Stefan decission, ironically he is never online.

honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
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