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FHSW Steam group (m)
starking018Date: Tuesday, 2016-05-17, 11:53 PM | Message # 1
Group: Friends
Messages: 395
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Poptart From Pluto suggested that we should have and manage a Steam group to help spread the word about FHSW. I think it's a good idea. I found there's one (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/FHSW) with Herr KaLeu as Group Owner and Stefan1990 as Group Officer. It's out of date (it has the old server IP). I think it would be nice to add some active players who can keep the Steam group up to date, add some content, etc. My (hardly used) Steam account is limited (a lot of basic features are disabled) so I don't know if I can even take a role. Could we have someone who is active in FHSW and has a working Steam account take the role of keeping the Steam group up to date? It is, of course, preferable to use the existing Steam group, rather than creating a new one, so Herr KaLeu's or Stefan1990's reply would be appreciated.

In the group there's a link for the FHSW install tutorial on moddb, which includes everything necessary, right? How well is it tested, particularly for newer Windows versions? Poptart From Pluto also suggested linking to the Battlefield 1942 installer provided by Bluedrake42 (it also includes a launcher and Mumble for positional voice chat). Can anyone else who has tested this installer share their experience with it? What OS have you installed it on and how does it work?

We could also take suggestions for other information and links that would be useful to include on a Steam group.

Poptart From Pluto thinks we should have some images to show what the mod is about. We can have a gallery, so I guess we should include pictures of the more interesting and rare stuff that are found in FHSW.

I guess it would also help if someone were to update the Events section with all the events that are currently only posted in the forum topic and on the homepage (as far as I know).

Once we have a proper Steam group it can be promoted (I hope Poptart From Pluto and others could help with that) and bring more players.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
alvarogilhernandez15Date: Wednesday, 2016-05-18, 6:01 PM | Message # 2
Group: Trusted
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What the exactly work that you suggest? Im a active steam account (in the worst situation once a week). I wait answers biggrin
Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2016-05-18, 6:09 PM | Message # 3
Group: Admins
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Reputation: 19
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Good idea, I'm not active on Steam though.

Quote alvarogilhernandez15 ()
In the group there's a link for the FHSW install tutorial on moddb, which includes everything necessary, right? How well is it tested, particularly for newer Windows versions?

It's mostly for Win7 or older because that's what I use. I don't know if there are additional steps required if you play with Win10.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
sunnypoptartDate: Friday, 2016-05-20, 5:22 AM | Message # 4
Group: Recruit
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the launcher is only for bluedrake42's personal mod, don't panic when you see it pop up after downloading!
you can go into the in games mod menu and turn that off at any time with another mod and it will NOT effect the game.

for testing purposes or if you want to toss this at a friend who does not play FHSW (which is highly advised)

i will provide the link to the download for the game here.


give a big thanks to bluedrake42 on his next youtube video and let his supporters know who we are! biggrin

Message edited by sunnypoptart - Friday, 2016-05-20, 5:28 AM
larsmatthiesenDate: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:07 AM | Message # 5
Group: Trusted
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Hello i am the founder of the Steamgroup, and sorry for that i did outdate the informations about the Server in the Group. It is now on the newest Stand smile
And i whould really approve to add some Mods or Admins to the group. 
Moin Moin,
ich bin Herr KaLeu, der Gründer der Gruppe und sorry das ich die Gruppe nicht aktuell gehalten hab, sie ist mir einfach aus dem Blickwinkel gerutscht. 
Ich hab mal die nötigen Links aktualisiert und ich würde es begrüßen wenn wir ein paar Mods einstellen könnten 

MfG [Fw200]Herr_KaLeu
Stefan1990Date: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:07 AM | Message # 6
Group: Admins
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Awards: 10
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline
FHSW Community STEAM Nickname list:

Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger

(copy the list an writh your name as last)
VanoDate: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:07 AM | Message # 7
Group: Bronze Donator
Messages: 84
Awards: 3
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
FHSW Community STEAM Nickname list:

Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger
Vano - ivan1717
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:07 AM | Message # 8
Lieutenant General
Group: Silver Donator
Messages: 969
Awards: 19
Reputation: 8
Status: Offline
FHSW Community STEAM Nickname list:

Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger
Vano - ivan1717
Robert von Eberhahn - R.v.Eberhahn

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
GeneralFischerDate: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:07 AM | Message # 9
Group: Recruit
Messages: 14
Awards: 2
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
FHSW Community STEAM Nickname list:

Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger
Vano - ivan1717
Robert von Eberhahn - R.v.Eberhahn
General Fischer- General Fischer
VanoDate: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:08 AM | Message # 10
Group: Bronze Donator
Messages: 84
Awards: 3
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
FHSW Community STEAM Nickname list:

Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger
Vano - Vano
Robert von Eberhahn - R.v.Eberhahn
General Fischer- General Fischer

Message edited by Vano - Thursday, 2011-10-13, 11:19 PM
LampoDate: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:08 AM | Message # 11
Donator of 40€
Group: Gold Donator
Messages: 327
Awards: 31
Reputation: 12
Status: Offline
FHSW Community STEAM Nickname list:

Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger
Vano - Vano
Robert von Eberhahn - R.v.Eberhahn
General Fischer- General Fischer
lampoz - lampo

blade2Date: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:08 AM | Message # 12
Group: Recruit
Messages: 9
Awards: 0
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
FHSW Community STEAM Nickname list:

Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger
Vano - Vano
Robert von Eberhahn - R.v.Eberhahn
General Fischer- General Fischer
lampoz - lampo
blade2 - tripdog10

OH NO i transformed into a scout beep boop....
sunnypoptartDate: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:08 AM | Message # 13
Group: Recruit
Messages: 3
Awards: 0
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
FHSW Community STEAM Nickname list:

Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger
Vano - Vano
Robert von Eberhahn - R.v.Eberhahn
General Fischer- General Fischer
lampoz - lampo
blade2 - tripdog10
Air Troll (a.k.a. starking018) - mmmmassacre
Poptart_from_Pluto - Gmanfan778
crazygameloverDate: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:08 AM | Message # 14
Group: Trusted
Messages: 308
Awards: 13
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger 
Vano - Vano 
Robert von Eberhahn - R.v.Eberhahn 
General Fischer- General Fischer 
lampoz - lampo 
blade2 - tripdog10
Air Troll (a.k.a. starking018) - mmmmassacre
Poptart_from_Pluto - Gmanfan778
crazygamelover - crazygamelover
wewakDate: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:08 AM | Message # 15
Lieutenant Colonel
Group: Friends
Messages: 151
Awards: 3
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger 
Vano - Vano 
Robert von Eberhahn - R.v.Eberhahn 
General Fischer- General Fischer 
lampoz - lampo 
blade2 - tripdog10
Air Troll (a.k.a. starking018) - mmmmassacre
Poptart_from_Pluto - Gmanfan778
crazygamelover - crazygamelover
wewak - wewak (de)
Santa-AnnaDate: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:09 AM | Message # 16
Lieutenant Colonel
Group: Gold Donator
Messages: 181
Awards: 19
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline
Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger 
Vano - Vano 
Robert von Eberhahn - R.v.Eberhahn 
General Fischer- General Fischer 
lampoz - lampo 
blade2 - tripdog10
Air Troll (a.k.a. starking018) - mmmmassacre
Poptart_from_Pluto - Gmanfan778
crazygamelover - crazygamelover
wewak - wewak (de)
Santa-Anna - Akodana
alvarogilhernandez15Date: Sunday, 2016-12-04, 1:09 AM | Message # 17
Group: Trusted
Messages: 6
Awards: 1
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Stefan1990 - stefanfellinger 
Vano - Vano 
Robert von Eberhahn - R.v.Eberhahn 
General Fischer- General Fischer 
lampoz - lampo 
blade2 - tripdog10
Air Troll (a.k.a. starking018) - mmmmassacre
Poptart_from_Pluto - Gmanfan778
crazygamelover - crazygamelover
wewak - wewak (de)
Santa-Anna - Akodana
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