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Fix for death bubble issues, server crash exploits, ... (m)
RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2019-03-31, 7:52 PM | Message # 1
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
Group: Bronze Donator
Messages: 664
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I was lurking through bfmods.com recenly and stumbled across one interesting thread.

The author did an admirable debugging work on Linux BF1942 server binaries by introducing set of patches, here is the list of most important from my POV:
  • Fixes for server crashing exploits
  • Fixes for various segfaults, which means less random server crashes
  • No more vehicles trapped into the death bubble zones around flags

    I propose to conduct an extensive testing (during next mappack testing session, for example), and, if it goes well, switch the main server to Linux, or, at least run it in a VM on current Windows setup. Here are the Geekbench results I obtained from Ubuntu running in a VirtualBox on our server (pay no attention at the multicore score, VM instance has only one core assigned to it atm). As you can see, the performance overhead is negligible (~ 10%), and I expect that BF1942 server, being mostly CPU-bound application, will show similar results.

    Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Sunday, 2019-03-31, 7:53 PM
    XenanabDate: Tuesday, 2019-04-02, 6:09 PM | Message # 2
    Group: Silver Donator
    Messages: 465
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    That sounds quite interesting! I would absolutely agree on a test session when the next map testing will take place.
    starking018Date: Friday, 2019-04-05, 2:57 PM | Message # 3
    Group: Friends
    Messages: 395
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    This is great news. But what about these same patches for the Windows .EXE? I think that Tuia from SiMPLE, s[sk] from aX and probably other people share work and knowledge with each other and work on the Windows executables too. So I suggest to first ask those people if they would port at least some of those new patches to the Windows executable, or if they have already done so. I went to a SiMPLE server to check and it turns out that now death bubbles don't cause the usual bug and instead they work exactly as described there - they only kill the player inside and leave the vehicle intact. So SiMPLE seem to have at least this patch. Providing an updated .EXE with at least some of the new patches applied would be nice (there are no recent updates here: http://team-simple.org/download/). If they can provide separate patches (instructions to write what data and where) for each of the fixes/features that they have, that would be even better because then we could better understand and decide which ones to apply to our server.

    The death bubble-related fixes are the ones which we definitely need a lot. As you said, we would also like to have fixes for crashes.

    # - Ignore CD key checks

    If this fixes the "CD-key in use" problem which appears for about 20 seconds after a game client crash when rejoining, that would be a nice patch to have. Kabu.server has such a fix, and players can rejoin immediately. The only downside is that if you rejoin in those 20 seconds after a crash it automatically adds a number suffix like _42 to the player's name, but players can easily remove it afterwards.

    * Weapon deviation is set to max when selecting a weapon: Weapon deviation does not change for weapons that are not selected. Some players take advantage of this by keeping their weapon stowed while moving and then selecting it right before firing.

    In my opinion this is also good to have, and then it would be nice to have something in FHSW to show exactly when the weapon is ready to fire accurately (especially for weapons which currently have only iron sights and no regular crosshairs).

    Testing the Linux version would be nice, but could you or Bubu please also ask Tuia from SiMPLE and s[sk] from aX about the same patches for the Windows .EXE?

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
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