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Why Russia and China have become more aggressive
basilonemoh7Date: Saturday, 2022-01-15, 5:38 PM | Message # 1
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Look at these attached files and decide for yourselves.

Attachments: 4994549.jpg (64.5 Kb)

John Basilone
Medal of Honor Winner
KIA Iwo Jima
basilonemoh7Date: Saturday, 2022-01-15, 5:39 PM | Message # 2
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Second file.
Attachments: 9607643.jpg (187.0 Kb)

John Basilone
Medal of Honor Winner
KIA Iwo Jima
basilonemoh7Date: Saturday, 2022-01-15, 5:39 PM | Message # 3
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3rd file.
Attachments: 5830699.jpg (12.1 Kb)

John Basilone
Medal of Honor Winner
KIA Iwo Jima
basilonemoh7Date: Saturday, 2022-01-15, 5:39 PM | Message # 4
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Last file.
Attachments: 2800856.jpg (79.3 Kb)

John Basilone
Medal of Honor Winner
KIA Iwo Jima
the_naturatDate: Friday, 2022-02-04, 7:03 PM | Message # 5
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You know why there are US bases in central Europe? 

Because central Europe is SICK of Russian/Soviet influence, that`s the answer. 

These US bases are not because USA wants them. These basses are because hosting countries wants Russia and commie Putin to f*ck off. Simple as.


I don`t know how to change my profile name here lol
bubuDate: Saturday, 2022-02-05, 11:35 AM | Message # 6
Group: Admins
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Noice, sorry, you are overgeneralizing for around 165 million people by saying that all people of Central Europe are sick of Russian influence smile
US bases are in central Europe because NATO is constantly accepting more countries to it when they present the desire to do so.

For start, you could read a hot topic from central Europe of agreement between Slovakia and USA:

To summarize it, Czechoslovakia was occupied from 1968 till 1990 by 600k troops of friendly Soviet nations. They lived here with their families, had military equipment here, had their bases, had their schools and a certain form of institutions. Now, with this agreement between Slovakia and USA, the 2 major military bases of Slovakia will be available to US military for weapons storage and military deployment when deemed necessary. Some mayors of surrounding villages and cities are aware/remember Soviet military trainings and the era of '68-'90 and they question the agreement openly - not only the noise problems from military jets but also interaction of US mechanics and potential troops that will be required to be stationed at the bases to maintain the equipment. Also note, that none of this is explicitly described in the agreement.

Next institution who voiced their fears is Office that facilitates radioactive material handling - there are no regulations in the agreement that tie the US forces to cooperate to Slovak laws of radioactive material handling. Next opinion is from the Attorney General of Slovak Republic, who says that this agreement goes beyond regular law framework set by acquis NATO and so it modifies various situations, in which it suggests that Slovak Republic gives up their internal jurisdiction for execution of sovereign state power on its own soil. He also explains that US side does not have to sign the so called Interpretation clause and so the cancellation of agreement will not be possible. Also, the agreement does not allow American troops to be sued by Slovak jurisdiction in the case they would perpetrate a crime while outside their base.

The entire agreement is very disagreed with in its entire form by opposition politicians as well some politicians in the current government and they are insisting that the current prime minister, minister of military, and our president, are all playing a very dangerous game that can throw Slovak soil into potential war if one is to come.

Historical bit: In 1997 only 9,53% of people attended referendum about joining NATO and possibility of military bases in Slovakia. After all attempts of Slovak politicians, we were allowed to join in 2004 while Czech rep, Hungary, and Poland were allowed to join in 1999. Nevertheless, Slovak people haven't used their chance to voice their opinion.

So as a member nation of NATO, Slovakia has to fill their international duties but this agreement was not requirement of NATO. All parties mentioned above argue that similar agreement is signed between USA and other NATO countries but they also pointed out that all those NATO countries had objections and worked on the agreement to fully describe all possible lawful situations that may arise and the text of agreement was changed accordingly, so it will go hand in hand with the law of the respective NATO country, with best example being Hungary. Slovakia however hasn't done this and that is the main problem of all parties who critize this agreement.

Next point is Slovak trade ties with Russia - export of finished products and import of resources is in value of 1-3 millions, depending on what time range for data you choose.

I understand Poland is scared because of historical reasons and does very pro-American politics, but overgeneralizing for entire V4 and other ex-Soviet countries is simply not good smile Also, if you look at it from Russian point of view - they can do whatever they want on their sovereign soil: American led training Saber Strike 2022/Defender Europe 2022 will take place on the other side of the Russian borders and NATO is amassing large number of machinery for it - e.g. 700 military vehicles and 1800 people will move through Czech republic from Germany to Slovakia ( https://acr.army.cz/informa....-233301 ). So it is very fair on all sides for Russia to do their own training on their own soil.

Anyway, something funny for the end: https://rmx.news/romania....-thefts
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