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Fritzy's small Great War Collection (r)
Fritz-KempfDate: Thursday, 2014-01-09, 6:08 PM | Message # 1
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Here my little Great War Collection. All Grenades, Fuses and Shellcases are SAFE!!!

Shellcases (left to right)

88x390R used for the SK C/95 on WW1 U-Boats, but also for the SK C/45 guns on WW2 U-Boats (Patronenfabrik Karlsruhe June 1904).

88x563R for the 8.8cm K-Flak (father of the Flak 88) (Patronenfabriek Karlsruhe April 1917).

Fieldgun Grenades with shellcase (front to back).

French 75mm Schrapnell with the French 22/31 Mle 1897 fuse (24 sec), but with a Belgian Driving Band and a Belgian 75X277R shellcase. It was used on the Canon de 75 modèle TR (Shellmcase: Ecole Pyrotechnique, Antwerp (Belgium) 1910. Fuse: Atelier De Tarbes Februarey 1909).

18 Pounder High Explosive for the Ordnance Qf 18 Pounder Fieldguns. It have a No.106 Mk.II Percussion fuse (Unknow Factory and February 1917) The shellcase is an 84x295R Mk.II (Vickers, Son and Maxim 1918).

7.7cm Lange Field Kanone Granate Blaukreuz (Gas) with the EKZ 16 Fuse (Empfindlicher Kanone Zunder). Date and factory for fuse is unknow. Shellcase is an 75 x 200R (GeschossFabrik Spandau July 1917)

Stahlhelmet founded at Rumbeke by my brother during working on the fields.

Fritz-KempfDate: Thursday, 2014-01-09, 6:14 PM | Message # 2
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Barbwire and two of my (i have no idea how much i have) pig tails.


Leaden schrapnell and a very rare Iron schrapnell (the dark one).

Two Stielhandgranate 1917's handgrenades (original) in two different variants warhead.
Fritz-KempfDate: Thursday, 2014-01-09, 7:14 PM | Message # 3
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Some fuses. (Left to right, above to below)

British No.101 Mk.I (March 1917)
German Dopp.Z.15. (Dopplerzünder 15) (41 seconds).
German Gr Z 92 (Granate Zünder 92) (Percussion fuse)
German Dopp.Z.92 (Dopplerzünder 92) (28 seconds).
German H.Z.14 (Häubitze Zünder 14) (Percussion)
British No.80 Mk.VII (22 seconds) (Vickers, Son and Maxim December 1917
German Dopp.Z.92 n.f (Dopplerzünder 92 neue Form) (41 seconds). (Spandau 1917)
German Dopp.16 (Dopplerzünder 16) (41 seconds). VERY RARE!!!!
German fuse for attaching in another fuse on Anti Tank Grenades. The so called Aufschlagzünder m. V.

The fuse wich stand on the left is a French Fusée I.A. modèle 1915.
Below a British transport fuse for heavy shelles.

And now some AA-Grenades. From left to right.

German Maxim M1914 grenade with an 37x94R shellcase (Patronenfabriek Karslruge November 1918)
German Sockelflak Grenade with an 37x101SR shellcase (Patronenfabriek Karslruge 1918)
German Hotchkiss Revolver Kanone grenade with an 37x94R shellcase (Patronenfabriek Karslruge 1918) and 3.7 cm Granate Zünder (Deutsche Waffen und Munitions Fabrik 1905)
British 2 Pounder grenade (same model used in WW2 on the Ordnance Qf 2 Pounder)

Kugelhandgranate (left), Eierhandgranate (middle) and British No.36 Mk.II Mills grenade

Some shellcases.

The big one behind is a German 215x231R for the 21cm Mörser 99, 21cm Mörser 10 and 21cm Mörser 16 (Geschossfabrik Spandau December 1917)
The smaller one is for me still unknow, but its German) Patronenfabrik Karslruhe Juni 1898)
The little bigger then the smaller is an 75x129R for the Škoda 7.5 cm Gebirgskanone M. 15 (Friederich Krupp December 1918)
The long one is the French 75x350R for the Canon de 75 modèle 1897 (Atelier de chargement de Moulin 1917)

On the left some British 18 Pounder schrapnells and one German 7.7cm Schrapnell. On the right from the back to the front:

British 4.5 Inch Gas grenade without the head.
British 4.5 Inch He grenade with No.101 Mk.II fuse (Royal Laboratories, Woolwich Arsenal, December 1916) with an Mk.II shellcase (Curran Metal & Munitions Co. Cardiff, 1917p)
British 60 Pounder Schrapnell grenade with an No. 83 Fuse (July 1917).
German Leichte Spreng-Mine 16 (schrapnell) with an Leichte Wurf-Mine Zünder 2 (Rheinische Metallwaren und Maschinen Fabrik, 1917) (24 seconds)

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Thursday, 2014-01-09, 7:15 PM
Fritz-KempfDate: Thursday, 2014-01-09, 7:18 PM | Message # 4
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17cm Mittlere Spreng-Mine 16. (70 cm long and 35 kg empty weight).

And some other Pig tails (there are a few missing now).

More later!

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Thursday, 2014-01-09, 7:19 PM
SimoHayhaDate: Friday, 2014-01-10, 0:00 AM | Message # 5
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very impressive

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Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2014-04-07, 7:04 PM | Message # 6
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Discushandgranate 1915

Viven Bessière

6 Inch Schrapnel with N°88 Fuse
Fritz-KempfDate: Sunday, 2014-09-07, 8:16 PM | Message # 7
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I have meanwhile a lot of new stuff. But i will not upload them all here because some are just some simple stuff that i need to make some other stuff complete. The first one is a German basket for 77mm grenades (the short grenades). Normally made ​​with reeds. This one is the 'Ersatz' model and its made since 1917 with bark. The basket is in good cindition. Some holes in the bask but the stamps are excellent! Its made by the Rheinische Waffen und Munitionfabrik Cöln.

The second item that i will show now is the French Fuse 30/55 Mod 1913. This is the last version of the Fuse 30/55 Mod 1886/89 for use in Anti-Aircraft guns. The Fuse 30/55 Mod 1886/89 is a Robin percussion system that evolved into the Saussier percussion system since the Fuse 30/55 Mod 1886/89. It was used on 75mm Grenades for guns like the Canon de 75 Mle 1897. This had a reason why this fuse was modified for AA guns. The Fuse 30/55 Mod 1913 was designed for long range targets and have a time of 0 to 49 seconds. While the most smaller fuses had a time between 0 and 22, 24 or 31 seconds. 


The next one is the No.1 Transport Plug. Also not rare, but also not easy to find in good condition. This one is made with copper and was used for mortar grenades. However, an exception is not impossible. I have no idea who made this, but i can see its made in August 1916.

And its not all! The No.2 Mk.II Transport Plug is made with copper. I have no idea wich factory this is. Its made for all grenades with this diametre, but not for mortar grenades. I am happy with this one. The stamps are great! This one i have place on my 60 Pounder.

Ooooooo Yes! The next one i can be proud and is my third transport plug that i can present now. They are not very rare, but they are not easy to find with the stamps in good condition. This is the British No.8 Transport Plug. It was used for transporting heavy calibre grenades between the factory and the battery on the field. I have put my plug on the 6 Inch Grenade.



Fritz-KempfDate: Sunday, 2014-09-07, 8:29 PM | Message # 8
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And i go further now! This is a new project for me. A German Machinegun Magazine. It was found during groundworks on the Mosselmarkt at Passchendaele. 


The next are 3 iron beams for narrow gauge. I expect soon the rails for it.

This is not very special, its a British 114 x 86R Shell case for the Ordnance QF 4.5 Inch Howitzer. The 117 x 86R shell case is the Mark II shell case. Meanwhile the Mark I was the 114 x 73R. Its made in 1918 by the Curran Metal & Munitions Company from Cardiff and was filled with Cordite.

The next one is the 155x113R Shell case for the German 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze 13. i have no grenade for it, but i have the sollution for it! You never guess what.  cool It is made by the Polte Magdenburg in December 1916 with the inspection number SP289 (Spandau 289).

Also not rare, but hard to find with good stamps is this French Trench Shield. It is made in 1902.

The last one for today is this Kodak No. 2 Folding Autographic Brownie camera. This camera is made in January 1918 by the Kodak Canadian Company Ltd, and the model is made between 1915 and 1926 by varios factory's. Opposite the Vest Pocket Kodak (also know as "The Soldiers Camera" or as "The Soldiers Kodak"), the Kodak No. 2 Folding Autographic Brownie camera.  was less used by the soldiers in World War One. i have no case for it, but for €25,00 i can not complain. 

(HH)BenjaminDate: Sunday, 2014-09-07, 9:00 PM | Message # 9
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Your collection looks like you are particular to the WW1 items, which would make sense because you were part of BF1918, lol.
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2014-09-08, 4:53 PM | Message # 10
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No, because i am soon 26 years old. That means, i do WW1 for over 18 years. Since i am a little boy, i do this history. Since 2007, im collector.
Fritz-KempfDate: Saturday, 2014-09-13, 5:14 PM | Message # 11
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Meanwhile, three new cartridge cases. The first cartridge case is a cartridge case for the German 105mm howitzers and not the fieldguns. This was the 110X92R and mine was manufactured in iron. So Erzats variant. The factory is not (yet) known. But the stamps declare that it was used by the Navy and was manufactured in April 1918 with the lot number 1515 and inspection mark Spandau 347.

And i have also the 110X505R catirdge case, used for the 105mm guns and not the howitzers. Mine was manufactured in August 1909 by Polte Magdeburg with number 172 and equipped with navy stamp. The primer was made by Feuerwerkslaboratorium Siegburg in 1914. 

The lalst one is a French 105x390R and was used on the 105mm Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider. Manufactured by Schneider à Bordeaux in 1917.

Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2014-09-15, 6:28 PM | Message # 12
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New in my collection is this Kodak Vest Pocket Autographic. It was a version of the Vest Pocket Kodak. It had a Autographic feature and use a 127 film. Kodak manufactured this model between 1915 to 1926 and over 1,750,000 models were sold! Many of those camera's were used during the First World War by the soldiers on the field. Because of this, the camera is also know as "The Soldiers Camera". The camera is extremely small, so it can fit good in pockets. On of the pictures, you can see how small this camera is. That picture show us my oldest and my youngest camera (Nikon D7100) in my possession. 2014 vs 1915!

MannsDate: Tuesday, 2014-09-16, 11:37 AM | Message # 13
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So much amazing stuff, open a museum and earn some money and donate it for FHSW smile

honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
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